School of Power

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Midnight Star, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    This is my first ever thread so please bear with me. I wrote this in my spare time, I don't really know if it is any good. I hope you like it and please comment.

    Have you ever had that feeling, like someone is watching you, but when you look no one is there? Did you think you were going mad; Or that it was just your imagination? Well, don’t worry, as you may have been right; it was probably me! My name is Midnight Star. I’m different; unusual. I can do something no one else can. I have got a gift or a curse, I don’t know which. I can turn invisible and fly! It’s a childhood fantasy, fiction - never going to happen. That’s what I used to think. Yet, here I am doing those things. I go everywhere - see everything. No one knows I’m there, but just get this feeling. It’s almost like a sixth sense; as if they can tell I’m there. They never see me and always think it’s their imagination, their mind playing tricks on them. But, somewhere, invisible, I will be there waiting.

    It wasn’t always like this, once I was normal. I was just an everyday schoolgirl. Never that popular, but accepted; hard working, good grades, with my whole life ahead of me…

    Then it happened. It turned my life upside-down. At first we kept quiet, carrying on like nothing had happened. But it had and we knew that sooner or later the inevitable would happen - someone would find out. We were right. About two months had passed when one of us was discovered; the news spread like wild fire! After that it was only a matter of time, one by one we were found out. I was one of the last to be found but still I was found! I stayed at school, hoping it would die down and go back to normal. It didn’t.

    Everyone stayed away from us as if we had a disease they would catch if they came within five metres of us. But that was just the other kids who, although they were a bit scared of us, were also curious and amazed by what we could do. They also didn’t forget we used to be some of their closest friends. Obviously they didn’t show that in public, they treated us the same as everyone else. All the adults stayed ten metres away and tried to keep their children away. The teachers blamed us for everything, even stuff we couldn’t have done. They had a story for everything. Even if a normal kid got caught red-handed, it was somehow still us. We were blamed for silly things as well, for example if someone forgot their homework, it was our fault. The punishments were ten times worse for us. We became scapegoats. Yet still we stayed or returned to school. For one simple reason: it was better than going home!

    At our homes, it was terrible. You can’t even imagine. Your own family terrified of you. Everyone hating you. Everyone was out to get you. You couldn’t do anything about it (or were scared to). Scared of yourself. Scared of what you could do. You could not control it. Yet.

    We didn’t talk to each other either. It seems silly now but I guess we still hoped they’d accept us. We thought if they saw us together we had even less chance. I had to watch the others get punished for something they didn’t do, understanding how it felt. Yet I didn’t dare do anything in case they turned on me.

    It went on and on like this. We practiced what we could now do in secret and over time we learned to control it but that was the only thing that improved.

    Although gradually we began to see each other. It started with a simple smile, a helping hand when everyone else had gone and a handy pen you could borrow when you needed it most. We even started to talk when one of us had been punished worse than usual - we all stayed behind to help. It felt so good then, to talk freely with others like you. We understood each other; we had all gone through similar experiences. We laughed for the first time in months. Nothing mattered anymore. I never wanted that to end…

    And it didn’t. Well, not really anyway. I expected after that, it would return to the same old routine but it didn’t! We smiled a lot more and weren’t afraid to talk to each other. As well as when a teacher picked on one of us, we stood up for them! It actually worked too! It put the teacher off and they went all quiet. I think they could sense our new found confidence because after that they tended to leave us alone.

    We met more and more; not just at school. Things improved dramatically. They still thought we were freaks, but we didn’t care anymore. At least I didn’t. It was brilliant!

    But that was before ‘The Split’.

    I thought we were all happy now, I felt like we were on top of the world. We had all continued to work on our abilities and were doing well. However it was becoming clearer that not all the group were that happy. None of us had forgotten how we’d been treated when this first started, and some of the group wanted revenge!

    It was DP (we all had nick-names by then) that actually suggested we got our own back on them. Some strongly agreed with him, and some strongly disagreed. I wasn’t sure. I wanted revenge, yet I wasn’t sure if this was the right way.
    “I remember when they were our friends.”
    “I remember when they turned on us.”
    “They were only following the crowd, and it wasn’t their fault.”
    “They made their own choices.”
    “But if they didn’t go along with it, the crowd might turn on them”…

    It went on and on like this all night. No-one would give in and it seemed to go on forever. After much thought I decided against having my revenge but I still wasn’t fully convinced. We ended up all taking sides; and it felt terrible! It finished in silence with half our group walking out. All we could do was stare in disbelief. We really didn’t know what to do. To be honest I thought tomorrow everything would be back to normal.

    I had no idea how wrong I was! Next morning we were all tired at school but DS and all the ones on his side ignored us. Then worst of all, one of them threatened a normal kid with their abilities in front of half the school! I couldn’t believe my eyes - using your abilities in public was basically unheard of! Luckily that incident ended ok but it made us think if they continue, what will happen? What if they aren’t joking about their threats? We can’t let that happen, though what can we do?

    We thought long and hard about it before eventually coming to the conclusion:
    We must protect the normal kids even if it means using our abilities in public. I understood the decision (though I hoped madly it wouldn’t come to it).

    About a week later the agreement came into action when Trixy used her electric abilities to literally shock a normal boy into doing what she wanted. That surprised me ~ she was always the quiet one (and I suppose no one paid that much attention to her). Anyway, she didn’t get very far.

    As we planned we surrounded her and told her to stop without even using our abilities. She did that and they got the idea, as there were no more incidents after that. The end… I wish! When we told her to stop, she only laughed and within seconds the rest of her gang were by her side.

    “Make me” Trixy’s words were said, was the final spark that set it all off.
    In moments everything that was planned collapsed in to utter chaos. The school was transformed into a battlefield in seconds. Lightning bolts shot through the air. Plastic chairs flung at tremendous speeds hurtled around, to be melted instantly above a girl who it fell straight through! A boy firing energy balls out of his finger tips. Two telepathic twins working together. Someone shooting laser beams out of his eyes. Everywhere something was happening.

    Then there was me in the middle of all this with no idea where to go. I didn’t seem to belong anywhere in the battle. I felt so lost. I didn’t know where to go. I felt so useless! Everyone had a place but me. I had abilities same as the rest of them, as I could to fly and turn invisible but I didn’t know what to do with them. Obviously, I know now what I could have done.
    Anyway, I turned invisible and floated up slowly. From there, I noticed some normal kids, laughing and pointing at us. They were so full of themselves. They didn’t understand! They think it is some kind of joke. Then, one of the idiots, the actual boy who we started the fight to protect, ran in! They didn’t even realise it was dangerous for normal kids. I decided to go after him so he didn’t get hurt. I went in dodging everything to get him. But someone got to him first and sent him over the balcony. I caught him and put him down, still invisible. I thought the fall would put them off it.

    After that there were more and more incidents, each time more idiots got themselves in trouble. The fighting got a lot worse but it also got a lot more ordered, it was about tactics and teamwork. It was no longer about saving the normal kids. It was just out of pure hatred for each other. Everyone had their own special job but me. They forgot about me! Only fighting mattered anymore. They changed. They weren’t silly school kids anymore. They grew up overnight. I missed what they used to be like.

    I hated this. I was sick to death with idiots and no one noticed what I did, so I vanished. Easy enough with my abilities but at the time I didn’t realise what it meant. I stopped saving the idiots but after one got hurt, they got the idea. I watched everything, I knew a lot. But they didn’t know about me. I stopped existing to them. I just floated up and watched the spectacle as they fought it out. No one ever got hurt or at least not for long, thanks to the healing abilities. Yet they all felt pain. For what? I don’t know. Maybe it was just pure hatred of each other. Although even then, I’m not sure they realised what this would lead to.

    After a month of this non-stop fighting, it happened again! Another load of people got abilities! I watched them discover their abilities - just like we did. Some of them had the same abilities as us and like us they couldn’t control them at first. The fighting went on as usual during this. I still kept up to date with the battle but it was funny watching them with their newfound powers. I feared they would fight like us. Gradually though as I watched them I realised they seemed weaker than us with their powers. I know we had had our abilities a lot longer than them but still we were able to do more than them. As time went on that became more obvious. Then my worst fears came true.

    For ages ‘the originals’ ignored the new lot as if it didn’t happen. They just carried on fighting. I didn’t understand this at the time and forgot about it. I guess I thought it was a good thing. Little did I realise they were waiting. Waiting for them to control their powers. What use are they if they can’t? Then suddenly, as the new lot could weakly control their abilities, they came. They didn’t stand a chance! They were sucked into the war. They quickly learned to fight, to hate each other. The battles got more widespread and each time was bigger.
    It happened again! Another load of people got some abilities, this time even weaker than the last. I didn’t bother to pay that much attention to them, I concentrated on the war, but I watched them enough to know the same happened. They were sucked into the war. It happened again and again. The same happened each time, but they got weaker and weaker. It went on and on like this but after the forth time, their powers were so weak no one bothered anymore with them. With each time the fighting got bigger. It was all over the world. The original few stopped fighting, they were so much more powerful than everyone else, and they didn’t even bother. They split up and all led their own armies. A hierarchy emerged with the original few at the top and the ones without any abilities at the bottom. Me? I stayed invisible.

    As the war raged on with more and more people getting sucked into it, it became a race to recruit as many people as possible before the powers were too weak to bother. When that happened it became a total war. During this everyone became tired of the war; lots of fighting to get no-where. Still no one died but soon we found out there are fates worse than death. Though they didn’t know it, everywhere was the same but no-where wanted to give up to admit defeat. So it went on, for five whole years the war went on and showed no sign of stopping.

    During this, rumours emerged about the original few and how it all started. They grew, got bigger each time they were told. They became myths and legends. I actually found it quite funny. The original few were made to sound like gods in some of the tales. They even became known as the ‘Great Ones’. I got my own story too: The Legend of Midnight Star: the missing ‘Great One’ who witnessed the ‘Great Split’ but vanished at the first battle of the war. The strange thing is that all of it is true. However, it doesn’t mention that the ‘Great Ones’ were just school kids or the ‘Great Split’ was simply an argument. Neither does it say the first battle of the war was at a school when none could control their abilities. Get the idea?

    It was in the start of the fifth year of the war that I decided I couldn’t bear it any more. For years I had watched and just let it happen. Not any more, I must stop this madness. It was time to step out of the shadows, show them what I can do. But how? Not alone. I needed help. Luckily I knew just where to get it.

    The next day, I went all the way round the world twice. In turn I saw my old friends, the current ‘Great Ones’. From palace to castle I went to see them and give them my message. I’d whisper in their ear (still hidden) and tell them what they needed to know. I told them if they wanted peace, to come to our school tomorrow at five o’clock alone.

    They did; all of them! They returned to the school where it all began. It was shut, but for the most powerful people in the world that was no problem. It brought back so many memories. They all met each other and remembered the good old times. Then when they were all together, for the first time in five years, I appeared.

    “Remember me?” They did. “I’ve brought you here from all over the world for one reason; Peace” I went on to tell them the truth about the war and why we must stop it. They listened well and agreed with me. But even they didn’t know how to stop it. They thought if they just told their armies to stop, the armies wouldn’t be very happy, so the peace wouldn’t last. They wanted to do more than just stop the war; they wanted it to never be allowed to happen again. We talked all day about it and realised we had to do something big to make a difference. Various ideas bounced around the room, most got dismissed quickly but a few didn’t.

    Finally we agreed that the best way to get out of the mess we were in was to make it so it never happened. This was because we found out if we channelled our abilities together we could rewind time; make it so it never happened in the first place and never will again. We would become our old selves and wouldn’t remember the war. It would be like it never existed, it would be a dream. Everything would go on as normal as if it never happened. Our abilities would return to being dreams, fiction.

    So, here I am. It has taken us hours to build. You wouldn’t believe the complexity of it. It has taken all our abilities. It would be almost impossible without them. It would take years. Now, they are just putting in the finishing touches behind me, it must be perfect. It looks impressive but I hope so much it will work. It is kind of scary. What will happen if it doesn’t work? What if it works but doesn’t stop it? What will we do then? There are tons of questions whizzing round my mind. They’re calling me over; I think it’s ready.

    I know I won’t remember but I going to miss my abilities. I’ll never know what it feels like to float up and crash through the clouds. To be able to go wherever I want; no rules apply to me. To know so much, stuff I shouldn’t. I’ll never feel so powerful, to save a life or many. I’ll never be the best, nobody can tell me what to do.

    I don’t like this. We’ve got to stand inside the machine. There are extremely bright lights around us. I can hear this constant humming sound, which is getting louder. It’s freaking me out. It stinks of something almost like ozone, strange.
    We have to stick our hands in these holes and use our abilities. I am, except I’m not. I’m using them, I can feel it but I’m not invisible, my feet are on the ground. The noise is getting really loud now. I can’t hear myself think!

    I think someone’s shouting something above the machine, “This may hurt!”

    That hurt. The ball just hit me. I guess I wasn’t paying attention but I just had the strangest daydream.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    To revise that:

    "Make me," Trixy's words were said, making it the final spark that set it all off.

    Comma goes before a quotation mark and the sentence was a little awkward.

    I read through it quickly but I like it. Just a few small grammar errors here and there. Maybe you could have elaborated just a tad more on the ending but I'd like to see you continue with this.