See that kid at the back of the class? He's a weirdo A loner, no Friends, he has nothing, He's a fat guy and ugly too, His parent’s must beat him to make him that ugly, HAHA! And he's probably gay, What, A Weirdo... Yeah, He is weird, Because he's not like you, You got the latest tech, The newest fashion, with tons of Bling, Making fun of guys like him, People without that crappy new stuff, You laugh in his face; say mean stuff about him, Call him names, say mean stuff about his parents Must make you happy, Why else do it? Stupid Children, While you talk your talk, He's alone, Only himself, And what do you do? Be his friend? Of course not, that be to nice, Make fun of him? Yes, Make him feel worse, because he's not kissing your ass? Like those so called 'friends' you have, Around you because your one of those ****ing 'cool people' They want to be one too, so kissing your ass is good for them, Popular, Awww, you must have it rough, like that, Know this, Those silly little comments you make, It’s just killing him, Not like you care if he dies or not, right? He’s not ‘popular’ You can do what you want to him, Go on, Kill Him, Kill Him, I’m sure that will make you feel better, That weirdo will be dead soon, with no-one at his funeral… Smile about it You stupid little children… Should we begin our lesson?