Scary Situation !

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by newman, Oct 9, 2007.

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  1. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Considering the worlds current events,would you think that war might be inevetable ? War over oil itself ! It seems like oil has become even more desirable than gems. Many countries are actively seeking to control their oil assets at an alarming rate.

    Wouldn't you hope that peace will be maintained ? As an American I believe in free trade. Respecting the rights of other countries to manage and govern themselves, so long as they don't trample over the rights of others. What do you think ?

  2. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    I agree with your statement. However, as far as war being inevitable goes, I do not believe that is true. War is merely an instinct; violence settling problems does not get us anywhere. Surely it can be avoided. Perhaps if we actually set our goals into achieving peace rather than achieving money wars could be avoided altogether.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Sadly, the more value people place on an object or material thing, the more likely people will be to fight over it. The same can be said of those who are zealous followers of religion and try to use it to claim others are garbage that needs to be cleansed. Perhaps when people -in power- stop obsessing over what others have and do and want control themselves, we can all relax more. It's just a matter really of attempting to get better people in the power spots who aren't like war mongering for dumb reasons the rest of us would rather not do. The way to solve the war on oil stuff is to make oil less useful and fortunately some people work at this but the oil companies make it very difficult as do some car companies that are proverbially in bed with them. The more we encourage things to be 'less important' the more likely we can avoid wars. I don't think it is all inevitable, but it takes human effort to stop wars just as much as it does to start them. People -do- have free thought, so it's time they used it more often.

  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    War in our current age is probably inevitable. The world is too small to hold all these people and there is going to be friction, if not now in the near future.

    As for oil, it is one of the most precious commodities around (excluding land). It is needed for medicine, plastics, petrol (obviously >_>), clothing, roads etc. It is a very versatile product that is used in many areas. Of course people are going to fight over it. Even without the petrol need, plastics are used almost universally now.

    You also forget racial hatred/tension, religious aspects (mentioned by Repliku), stupidity, greed and the unfairness of life itself. Some even go as far as to say that peace is an interlude to war, meaning war is the natural state of the human race.
  5. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Definately. Peace needs to be maintained no matter what. How it'll happen I don no...

    Looks like the world's gona end in about 5 years (according to the aztec calendar, lol...too much spanish class here)

    Personally, I think we should take care of global warming first...
  6. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    My dad and I were discussing this. Seriously, it pisses me off what I saw on CNN.

    This guy was saying that the war on IRAQ was because of Oil, apparantly, they JUST REALIZED THAT.

    To answer your question, no War isn't avoidable. The countries right now in the world are stuborn and foolish. Greedy even. They would never go with freetrade because money is more important than people. They think that killing all the people somewhere will get them money and oil. Oil for cars and other things that will eventually kill this world. Then what happens? No Money, No Oil, No People, NO WORLD...

    no countries in particular...
  7. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Additional comment.

    Again today it was announced that oil has risen to an all time high cost. Wow, how high is too high? There is so much that can be discussed here,so many variables.I've enjoyed reading your replies,as it's giving me a better insight concerning this.
  8. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    I don't really think I could care less about this. >_> And I mean it.

    People have always been selfish, and if we don't learn to share, it's going to envoke the end of the friggin' world. Can't share money, oil, land... Anything. Who the hell needs oil, anyway? They didn't need it 150 years ago before cars were invented. We lived without it before, we seriously don't need to be killing eachother over it today.

    If us fighting over it doesn't, the oil itself will kill the world, with all the pollution it's caused. But that's a whole different subject, and another one I really don't care much for...

    War really is inevitable, hell, at the rate we're going now, World War III will soon be on the subject. All the countries fighting over oil, with the added bonus of nuclear weapons, the whole world might as well be a nuclear wasteland.

    ...Boy, do I have a positive outlook on things? xD
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