Scam? Kindgom Hearts III demo/beta with 1.5 pre-order?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Sonic Toadstool, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Sonic Toadstool Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 28, 2009
    Hello, I wanted to get some guidance with the Kingdom Hearts fan base on this topic. So today I just came from a Gamestop in a local Mall and after making my purchase an employee at the counter asked me if I wanted to pre-order Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix claiming that many people are doing it get a digi download to a beta/demo for Kingdom Hearts III (I'm assuming in the future since Square Enix barely announced the game a few months ago?). Now, I love Kingdom Hearts and all but I have been very skeptical about paying full price for the 1.5 remix since living in the US, I've already been able to buy Re:COM in 2008, and I already bought KH1 and 358/2 Days when they first came out, and I was lucky enough to find KHFM at an Anime Expo in 2011 so I've already played and experienced all 3 of these games multiple times so I don't believe it's in my best interest to buy 1.5 HD at full price. Especially after watching this. But if this Kingdom Hearts III beta is real then I'd pre-order 1.5 HD in a heart beat. But I've already done my research online and have been keeping up with 1.5 HD information ever since it was announced, but I haven't seen or heard anything for a KH3 beta/demo and I've called another Gamestop and they said they had no information on a KH3 beta/demo so I wanted to confirm with you guys, is there a KH3 beta/demo available for those who pre-order 1.5 HD or was this employee misinforming me or simply trying to scam me?

    And while I'm at it, has anyone here seen or have the artbook that comes with a pre-order of the game? If so, does it justify buying this game at full price even if you already have the games included in the HD collection? Thank you for your time. :)
  2. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  3. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
  4. Sonic Toadstool Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 28, 2009
    Well I guess I admittedly had some buyer's remorse due to this HD collection as I bought KHFM in 2011 only to find out the next year that the game was finally being globalized after a decade, so while a lot of people are looking forward to finally being able to play the final mix I can't say that I share their excitement as I've already experienced the Final Mix. So the only thing that I had to look forward to was the 358/2 Days movie feature (which can be seen on YouTube anyway /: ) but only to find out that the battle scenes that I was hoping to see animated (Roxas vs Xion in HD in an anime styled battle would have been beautiful) are skipped and is just a marathon of cutscenes with gaps in between them which pretty much disposed any reason for me to buy the game for now besides for the simple sake of owning a "new" Kingdom Hearts game to add to my collection.
  5. DuelRoxas16 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 6, 2013
    I haven't heard anything on it either, I know if you pre order it you get the art book and some Ps3 Themes and I think its worth it, I never got to play KHFM since there are no English patches I could find, but the main reason im getting it is so I can actually beat it this time (got to the final form of Ansem but couldn't deal with the epic long cut scene), with the controls being like KH2 its going to be a lot better and easier, but they might tell us something at TGS about a possible Beta
  6. RifleRiku Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 21, 2012
    The game isn't going to be on PS3 so I don't see how you'd play it on an unreleased console?
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Yeah, there absolutely won't be a demo of KH3 included with 1.5. As libregkd said KH3 is nowhere near being in demo condition, nor does it seem possible to me (as RifleRiku) brought up that a PS4 game would be playable, even in demo form, on a PS3. They're just way too different systems.

    As for your wonderings on whether 1.5 is worth it to you, don't let what we say or what that video says completely change your opinion. It sounds like you've already experienced the KH games included quite fully, and if you don't mind playing them as you currently possess them, that's great. Personally it's a pain for me to switch between my PS2 and my PS3 so I'd rather just have the KH collection for my PS3--the HD and Final Mix is a great bonus, but the convenience is really a big selling point for me. But as I said, if you have no problem playing the original titles, by all means, continue.

    For two games $40 isn't a lot but I of course don't know your financial situation. You can always wait for a price drop and pick the game up when it's dirt cheap. I'm not expecting the art book to be anything special--I plan to scan some pages from it for KHV, so you can get a preview that way. If you really want to own it I'm sure people will be listing it on eBay or something, so you can always look there.
  8. Sonic Toadstool Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 28, 2009
    Thanks for your concern, I'll definitely take a look at your scans so I can get an idea on whether or not the artbook is worth a purchase.^^

    I was planning on buying the HD collection when it comes down to $19.99 because in all honesty at the end of the day it's KH game and I still want to own it but at the same time, I already have a copy of KHFM and RE:COM in my cabinet and even though my old fat PS2 and my modded PS2 Slim have both broken down, I have a PS2 emulator on my computer so I can play the two games right now with little difficulty whenever I'm in a KH mood. And as for the 358/2 Days movie, I can always turn to YouTube if I don't mind seeing it on my laptop instead of an HDTV. The only thing I'd really be missing out on are the PS3 Themes and the Artbook. Now that I look back the reason why Square probably threw in those bonuses were to tempt stubborn people like me into buying the game at full price despite the fact that I basically already own the games they're selling. :p Well I guess I'll take some time to think about what I'll do. I guess the real question for me is, "Is an artbook and a few PS3 Themes worth $40?"

    Edit: Well it turns out Square Enix hosted a KH HD 1.5 Remix Launch today in Anaheim, California. Since that's only an hour drive from where I live, I decided to attend the event and buy the game at full price. Well, it looks like Square Enix once again managed to get me to buy a game that I already have. XD But at least I got some extra Kingdom Hearts goodies today and met a lot of cool people, so I guess it was worth it. :)