Well, okay, only a few of them are actually little. Either way, I thought I'd show you guys what I did for my final pictures for Photography and get your views on them. We had to come up with a topic, and the pitch I came up with was giving inanimate objects a sense of feeling by giving it the mood of a confrontation. What do you guys think? Each one was supposed to have a feeling to it, but whatever it was I wanted to be left up to the viewer, but I still tried to get a "feeling" Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
First one is for sure the strongest. It's almost monochromatic, which gives a consistent moodiness to it, and the confrontation theme is clear. Compositionally, the only other one that I get a sense of confrontation from is the third, but it still takes a few seconds to process. And if your teacher/professor isn't into video games, there might be a bit of a barrier there (not that you should be taking pictures just to please them). Second picture is good (nice depth of field, lighting, etc.) but it doesn't connect with your theme very clearly. Maybe without the extra three pencils on each side. I don't know what the rules of the class are, but if there's nothing against it, you shouldn't rule out adjusting your pictures in Photoshop, or whatever. Not saying to slather them with heavy filters, but just adjust the levels, to push the brightness, contrast, or certain colors. I bring it up because your last picture is a little dark, and you could have a cool look with the reflection of the tiles if it were more obvious. I'm not a photographer, but the general rule among cg artists is "if it looks good, no one cares how you got it to look good." Your fundamentals should be strong, but there's no shame in doing some post-editing.
Actually I did edit them, but I personally am of the mindset of "take the picture as good as it can get, and edit it only if you need to". I did edit them for what I thought I would need to, but nothing major.