Not as good as the first one, not even close. Jetfire was fuckin awesome, though. I was like lol old man transformers then at the end i was like FUCK YES JETFIRE THAT'S HOW YOU BRING THE PAIN YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then i shed a couple manly tears. What a way to go.
Can't say it was a good movie, but it was great entertainment. Lots of robots beating the crap out of eachother etc. Michael Bay continues to do what he does best...trying to cram some form of character development and plot into a cinematic ejaculation of gorgeous CGI explosions and robots. Did anyone else find the hip-hop talking mini robots borderline offensive at all? Is the movie trying to reach out to an African-American audience or what?
Nice double post. I'm pretty sure everyone that's going to see this movie is just seeing it for entertainment purposes, not something deep and meaningful, which is why critics hate it. They don't have fun; they just pick things apart and point out every single little flaw instead of learning to enjoy it. I feel sorry for them sometimes. And I'm sure that one would only think the Twins are racist if that person's a racist themselves for affiliating such behavior with a whole race.
Bumblebee kicked so much ass. I literally yelled for like 5 whole seconds when he showed up. I was the only one.
Don't worry. I did the same for Soundwave. Thank god movie theaters are dark and no one can shoot you dirty looks.
Soundwave was pretty cool even though he hardly did anything. Bumblebee was fuckin sweet there at the end i'd figure he'd just shoot his cannon a couple times but no he goes all fuckin kung fu and shit.
the movie was bad :lolface: good entertainment i loved it though, needed more Murdered Puppy Jetfire was so friggin awesome and OP taking on Decepticons OMFG
I actually liked this movie more than the first. >.> Or maybe I just liked the experience more because I went opening night with friends. AND THERE WAS A ****ING GUY DRESSED UP AS ****ING BUMBLEBEE, THAT **** WAS ORGASMIC. I GOT HIM TO SIGN MY CLEAVAGE. And the twins weren't racist. O_o
Even though I was at the risk of losing a few IQ points when watching through it, it was f*cking amazing. I really want to see it in IMAX though. I'm poor. D:
lol i watched the movie with my dad in theaters and besides the humping and the pantie shot, it totally made the movie awkward xD