I must say, I did enjoy the movie. (Although it seems you either despise or like this movie. Nothing in between) But did anyone else have a slight chuckle when they did those dance scenes came up? >_>
DAAAMN I WANNA SEE IT SO BAD ;_; I wanted to go last week, but everyone cancelled, so I have to wait two whole weeks before seeing it ._.
When Avatar ended I was like, "Hold on, this isn't Pocahontas", then realised I was meant to think like a ****** and not try to listen to the plot and just fap to the glow in the dark plants.
I enjoyed it very much. I actual had no intentions of seeing it, but it was a free ticket (and it was in 3D), so why not? It's definitely a must see. And it should be in 3D. Dance scenes? I laughed when they 'mated'. xDD And when they said, 'I see you', i'd say, 'PEEKABOO!' to my wee brother. xD
I don't doubt it. However, as Avatar discussion resurfaces, so does the proof of its poorly constructed plot.