Get someone more popular to run. Someone who has the same motives as you. Either that or take out the competition.
Arch makes some good points that you should definitely follow but also; From a person who is long past high school's perspective, I doubt you're the most hated person in your grade. You may not be popular, but who cares about that? Being popular is actually super boring? But I'm sure there's also plenty of kids who look up to you, who are envious of your courage to be openly bisexual when they themselves are still so deep in the closet they've found Narnia. Run for president because you want to be the change you wanna see. Be the Burnie Sanders of your school. And even if you lose, at least you had the guts to try, instead of wondering what could've happened. It's your school's loss for missing out on an awesome president.
Say the most outrageous statements you could possibly think of, such as promising to build a wall around the school, or banning all non-Canadians from further registering as students. Works for this guy...
campaign on your fanart. anyone else here got fanart? nah didnt think so[DOUBLEPOST=1463571911][/DOUBLEPOST]
OKAY so I got this going on for what I'm going to say during my speech (short form): 1. To bring back the arts stuff I can get a professional teacher to run the shows with a teacher supervisor just chilling, or even help direct stuff myself as I know my stuff Writers cluuuub Art cluuuub 2. We need to make the student council bigger and more diverse. A way of doing that would be to have a rep from each home room at the beginning of next year we would pick them obviously, and every month we'd just get together and talk about issues within the homerooms to give our students more representation, because 8 people for 1500 students isn't cutting it. I need a third one to run for. We have a social justice thing, a "court" system for school disputes and I don't know anything about sports. I'll also post my posters in here if anyone wants to seeee them when they're done.
tl;dr for everything posted above, but, if you truly wish to run, then just do it. Don´t let others´ ignorant ways of thinking cloud the goal you have set out in your mind I dunno
Just read it. It's really not bad at all, especially towards the middle and end. I feel like your intro needs more of a "hook", but other than that (and a few grammatical errors) it is pretty solid. Hell in my opinion it's how the speech is presented that tends to stick most of the time. If you can "speak a language that everyone clearly understands" then you have a real shot at this.