Finished season 2 Is it just me or are they saving all the best music for the "Hey remember how Dean's wanted for murder" episodes YEEEEAAAAHHHH HERE COME THE ROOSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR YEEEEAAAAHHHH Y'KNOW HEEEE AIN'T GONNA DAAAAAAAAAAH Also holy hell I love the hidden code
C'mon how many more black dudes could possibly turn evil and get offed/arrested don't answer that please god
THINGS GET WORSEEEEEE~ But yeah, two more seasons 'til the reason you started watching. And one more to Cas <3
Wait what I thought I had to wait 'til season 6 YOU MEAN I'M HALFWAY THERE?! WHOOOOAH LIIIIVIN' ON A PRAAAAYER
First time it shows is S5 because of plot-related reasons. Granted it's later in that season, but still. CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOOOOON