Based on Rooster Teeth's hit animated series, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse will tell an all-new story set within the RWBY universe, putting players in the shoes of heroines Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. Dynasty Warriors-esque action and a MOBA-esque leveling system, alongside four player online co-op capability, promise to make the game's release the day we've waited for. Vote for the game on Steam Greenlight here!
I hope they add more characters(Especially JNPR) as possibly a DLC. Also hoping this is free 'cause if not, I would not like to ask my brother to buy another game for me >.> Other than that, this game might actually have details on RWBY lore that's not already present in the show. Also, there's suppose to be a special storyline for the game, so like a campaign mode. I wonder if it'll be canon, and even mentioned in the show.
Yeeeessss YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS YEEEEESSSSSSEESSSSSSSSSSSSsSS!!! I'm really excited for something like this. On a side note; The hype is real.