My personal favorite, Sanosuke. xD Kenshin. Being all scary and whatnot. ^^ Misao! -^^- Made for HisNobody, because I was bored, and we were being random. xD Saito (English VA = Saix. =D). I really wanted to have an image of Shinsengumi Saito with that image, but it became too squished. Maybe I'll do it seperately in the next set. Yahiko amuses me. The way he treats Kaoru makes me laugh. :3 And finally, my second favorite psychopath (the first being Enishi.xD), Shishio. I wanted his to be as dark and impending doom-ish as possible. Annnyway. CnC would be appreciated, even if you have no idea what RuroKen is. ^^ I'd also like some critique on the rendering...which I did most of. Sano and Kenshin are the only ones that I got from The Japanese next to them are their names, just to avoid any questions there. ^^' And please don't use these unless you ask me. :3
The Sanosuke one looks a bit iffy, but as for the rest, I think they're pretty good. The brightness works, you did a good job on the renders, and you fit them in with the pictures quite well.
The person that rendered him used some kinda blur/effect/filter or something. >_> And thank you! ^^ Thanks! As I just said, the renderer did that. Who knows why. xD
Eh, they al have the same style pretty much, so I'd say it's pretty basic. They're okay, but I bet you can do better. Keep up the good work.