It's kind of hard to sympathize with the guy, but at the same time it's hard to hate him. I guess it depends on the episode and what you know about it.
Once Upon A Time. It's a drama show about all the fairy tales taking places in our world....for a bit
I love Once Upon A Time. As soon as you've caught up, you'll sympathize with Rumple, if only just a bit.
Well, like I said, it's hard to fully sympathize, but hate at the same time. You understand what he's doing, and why he's doing it, but he still ends up doing harsh things to people even when he says he's going to get better. At least he's honest and calls himself a coward. The same could kind of be said with Regina as well, since she really wants to redeem herself and have a family, but it's really hard for her. Although I'm not too sure about White, because her character is starting to annoy me. Well, the present day at least. And Henry, I really hate that kid. Ok, I've got some issues with some of the characters, but I still find the show really good and fun to watch.
One Upon A Time is AWESOME. I cannot wait until season three next week. Rumple is VERY hard to sympathize with but I am at least able to sympathize with him at all ( unlike Regina who I cannot stand- one word -Graham- enough said)