There are various hyperlinks in the quoted material, I just didn't get them in, so use the source link. Source: Reddit Published: 11/21/2013
I keep wishing and wishing that the rights to Crash Bandicoot would revert back to Sony/Naughty Dog so the little guy could go back to his former glory... *sigh*
I kinda got my hopes up a little there... This series is an absolute mess now. I don't think there's been a good Crash game since Wrath of Cortex, even though it was handled by Traveller's Tales. I agree with gerbil on the Sanzaru thing, though. Sly 4 was handled greatly. Anything would be better than taking control of titans and fighting. Bring back the simplistic Crash with just jump, spin attack and fruit bazooka, etc. ;-;
Well I gave that one a play through and yeah, I'll admit that the whole having to utilise and interact with Cortex thing was pretty fun and unique for Crash, but other than that... I dunno. I think it just tried too hard to be story-driven, which Crash has never really done (or if it has, it's been very minimal). I prefer the whole "HAHA I AM CORTEX AND THESE ARE MY MINIONS WHOM YOU KNOW SHIT ALL ABOUT AND I WON'T TELL YOU WHY I HATE YOU AND I WILL KILL YOU. *platforming and collecting crystals* OH NOEZ YOU BEAT ME AHHHHH!" *end game* But that's just me. >_>
FAKE. CAN WE GET A TITLE EDIT IN DIS BIZITCH? Source Source NUTHA SOURCE Seriously, just google "Crash Bandicoot Activision"and this is all that comes up. Same with just "Activision" That said, I hope this at least got Sony's attention about the Bandicoot and that we miss him in his classic form. Because if Activision is going to use the IP... Well I can just think of another IP they own, will never let go of, and that'll never be the same to older players. ...Hi Spyro