Ruins Of Darkness[part 1] Lost relics

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roaringflames, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Roaringflames Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 19, 2011
    IN my house, Reading stuff
    a saga, and made on another forums, try to beat that anyways here is the plot

    Once upon a time there was a world in the center of the universe, and it was called "Mounticatiouslyd". It harbored many people, Aliens, Humans, and Humans with the traits of animals.Some even were part animal and would change at certain times. Some people were the richest of the rich and had so much wealth in their property, that they bought all of the palaces of the past. While the poor people didn't even have enough to live and were dying across the streets and in the rich people's property begging for money. One day, these strange ruins appear and suddenly drain energy from the buildings and people.

    While behind the scenes, an Devious devil planned something about the fate of the this planet and it's secrets, trying to find lost relics while pretending to be an angel. These Relics could destroy the universe without even using any power of their own. She also seeks the death of who could kill her, the malicious warriors. These warriors were in the past and were the guardians of the future, and they protected everybody with their lives with mystical powers.They were assigned by a mystical energy that played the day's slumbering lullaby. They protected these ruins the most, seeing as the relics were sealed inside. She was using the excuse of "divine rebirth" to destroy the universe and create a much larger hell in it's place.

    These warriors also used special magic called "Seal magic". Depending on who is using it, it can turn advanced or stay basic. For example, you have the ability to cast a fire seal on an enemy, but your friend is also using the same seal magic on the same enemy. They sync and become Flash Flare, which burns it then warps in fiery chains. You can only have one seal with you, or have none, your choice.

    In the Current time, Teams have been sent in to investigate and return, but none have. Darkness spread and consumed some buildings near it forcing you out of your home and on to the streets One day, someone wants to employ you as a investigate team worker. You take it seeing it as an opportunity for poppuloins(money).

    Where will this adventure take you, Death and the enternal spiral called the heavens. Or to see the Galaxies waiting for you. This is the Ruins Of Darkness saga: part 1: Lost Relics

    1. You can be a human with animal traits or be a regular human
    2. weapons found in ruins
    3. Please try an aim for 4 lines of good grammer and writing
    4. Cursing is allowed, but minor please
    5. Please also try on your temp, make it shine
    6. Rated T
    7. Weapons found in ruins

    ~Character Matrix~
    Animal Traits(optional)
    Seal Magic

    My char, will be up in sometime, just got to think it up. I really wanna see what you come u with.
  2. multisora101 Moogle Assistant

    Jun 22, 2011
    Name saphire crystalite (saph)
    Age 16
    Gender female
    Animal Traits cat like agilaty and eys like a hawk
    Seal Magic ice
    Appearance blue shimmering hair, wears a blue cape and a white vest w/ blue shirt underneth and wite pants ,has ice crystal necklace, blue boots w/diamonds in them, blueish/silver eyes.
    Personality imaginative, smart, akward at times.
    History was consealed in an ice block most of her life by a great evil until she became strong enough to control the ice make it break and went out searching for the evil the had consealed her for 6 years.

    whats the evil persons name exactly?