STUPID ME3 MARS MISSION! I CANT GET PAST THE SLOW-MO PART BECAUSE MY PISTOLS ARE CRAP WAT DO??? ;____________________; I have to restart it... I guess I should just use the default. I hate this.
O_O Oh dear v.v I wish I could help you out there, but I have yet to play any of the Mass Effects....for shame on me... Slow-Mo with crappy pistols sounds horrific @.@ Wish you luck, though!
I beat it. Apparently you CAN'T switch out your pistol or it messes the entire thing up. Had to redo the mission to reset it good god that's literally the most inconvenient thing in the world. pfft end of rant. Citadel time :'D
I would have helped you, but like nee-sama, I don't play Mass Effect... Yet... Please don't go over to my house and torture me!