After stopping the recording: This happened once before back on my old computer that's no longer functional. This started last night, after I saved Crash 2, so I had to start over to get back to where I was before I recorded last night and had to do an emergency recording to get something uploaded yesterday, and now it seems to be happening more often than not. @Mixt? Anyone else? Why is this happening? I'm fed up, and it's wasting my time. I've already had to record, even though it's not actually "recording," the same thing, like, four times. When there is a file it's zero bytes, and file explorer crashes each time the folder the recording goes into before rendering it to a WMM format or the recycle bin (when the file's in there) is accessed.
This is what I'm getting after hitting the stop button: And this is what I should be getting after hitting stop button (number of videos vary, of course, but for me, it's usually one):
I unfortunately can't seem to find others with the same issue to compare against. I would recommend a reinstall (if you haven't already tried that). But aside from that I can't think of much. Are you able to find an m2ts file?
@Mixt, what is that? And I did try reinstalling, but the issue is still present, though I finally managed to get lucky. Also, for further information, I discovered the recycle bin only crashes when the original files (before you render) are in there. There are two folders your videos go into, as seen here: Spoiler The original file is saved as an MPG in the Captured Videos folder: Spoiler The video files you convert to a format that can be imported to WMM using the options here: Spoiler Are put into the Computer folder: Spoiler Obviously, this wasn't an issue before, but it's when the recycle bin contains the deleted MPG files that it crashes, and the only way to empty then is by right-clicking the icon on the desktop. It can't be accessed until it's emptied of the MPG files, which leads me to believe there are hidden remnants of corrupted video files lying around, likely causing everything, or it's in combination with software/driver issues like Luxord mentioned on Discord. If it's of any help, see my thread here where I went into more detail because Roxio isn't the only problem, but I think everything is connected and all leads back to Roxio:
m2ts is just what Roxio normally uses for the preprocessed video. Here they used mpg instead. My brain just slipped on the fact that you already said you were experiencing crashes when trying to grab to source video. My knee jerk here is that it is a codec issue. But those tend not to be critical failures like this, especially with mpeg because of how those standard are built. I would start with downloading a program known as Codec Tweak Tool and just running their general fixes utility with all the boxes checked.
@Mixt I ran it. I didn't see any confirmation or anything, but I assumed it ran after clicking Apply & Close. I already deleted the MPG files for my recent recording the roundabout way, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Could that also fix the issues with Windows Media Player? Like I said, all these issues seem to be connected. :)
If I'm right then it should. The fact that any program trying to access the files has issues is part of what makes me think it's a codec thing. And there are other things I can suggest if the problem persists (the next one being with that same tool) but for now we just wait and see.
Alright, for my next guess could you go into the same program and hit Various Tweaks under Miscellaneous, then untick both boxes and save.
@Mixt, WMP still not working, so I'm guessing it'll be the same for Roxio with regard to deleting the pre-rendered files and the recycle bin crashing when it contains said files. However, I have a suspicion the issues with the recording not saving could also be codec related. Is that a fair guess to make? Spoiler: Windows Media Player Now, here's where it gets interesting. I discovered video files outlined in red here, the ones with a screen cap from a part in the video, do NOT work on WMP right now; however, the ones outlined in blue DO work. You may be familiar with video files that are without a screen cap are like that because there's something slightly different about them even though the file type is the same (AVI), and back in the old days, they would NOT work on WMP and you needed VLC Media Player or something. Now they do work because of more updated codecs, I'm guessing, for WMP. The fact that the ones that are the most compatible with WMP aren't working and the ones that aren't the most compatible are still working seems to point even more toward a codec issue, yes?
Actually VLC would be a great place to check if it is a codec problem. VLC comes with any codec a normal person would need baked in, and only looks at the systems codecs if it finds something it can't play on it's own. WMP doesn't have codecs of it's own and works only with those included with Windows or additionally installed. If VLC can play it then the issue is codec related (missing, broken, misconfigured, etc) If VLC also can't play it then the issue is more likely something else. Also you should go back and undo my last suggestion since it didn't help. Hardware acceleration occasionally messes up, but when it works it's a good thing.
@Mixt Those files, and all files, for that matter, can be played in VLC, yes. They can also be played in Windows 10's (or was it Windows 8 that introduced it alongside Groove Music?) Movies & TV. So based on what you said, definitely sounds like a codec issue that can be fixed? And okay.
Alright. At least we are pretty sure we're barking up the right tree. And sorry if this turns into a lot of downloading stuff, it is kinda a necessary evil for this kind of thing. Next I would recommend getting MediaInfo, setting the view mode to text, and loading up one of the files that doesn't work. Then send me that text dump in whatever way you see fit.
@Mixt, that's easy. Pretty much a lot of them. ;) Also, for the record, WMV files, what Roxio converts to so I can import to WMM for editing, work in WMP: It can't play the pre-processed MPG files obviously (as those are the ones causing the recycle bin issue) or AVI files (and likely some other files I don't use), unless they're the ones without a screen cap from part of the video from what I said earlier.
@Mixt Windows Media Player seems to be working again with all files, and even after I uninstalled the codec pack, those MPG files still have thumbnails and aren't crashing the recycle bin and are also working. Those Digimon files I mentioned that got thumbnails after installing the codec pack lost their thumbnails again, which I expected, but they're still working. I wonder if the big Windows 10 Creator Update that was installed today is to thank for that. In other words, everything's back to the way it was before this started. Roxio also hasn't really been giving me problems, but I'm still not taking chances for now and am saving after I hit stop on the recording.