Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 8]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by venster, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two Pokemon: chapter directory

    Chapter 8: Escape!

    “Hey!†A guard spotted Roxas and Kiki. “Don’t think you’re getting away.†He threw a pokeball, which a raticate appeared out of. “Raticate, do hyper fang.â€

    The raticate sprang up to attack Roxas with its huge teeth. Roxas blocked the attack with his keyblade, which the raticate’s teeth grabbed on to. With all of his strength, Roxas threw the raticate off. He then hit the overgrown rat with the keyblade, knocking it out.

    “Return, Raticate.†The rocket zapped back his raticate, and then ran away.

    “He must be heading towards the exit.†Roxas chased after the Rocket, with Kiki right behind him.

    “The prisoners have escaped!†The Rocket yelled into his walkie-talkie. “Repeat! The prisoners have escaped.â€

    As they continued the chase, a few other Team Rocket minions came. They released their pokemon, which were an ekans, a zubat, and a rattatta.

    “We don’t have time to fight now!†Roxas was able to make an opening between the blockage of pokemon and people.

    Then, now, it was Kiki and Roxas being chased. “There’s a light ahead!†Kiki pointed to an exit of the cave.

    They both ran outside into the sunlight of a setting sun. They saw a black helicopter with some Rockets near it. One of them was carrying a box in their hands. “Our pokeballs must be in that box.†Kiki pointed out.

    The people at the helicopter noticed the two and started to send out their pokemon. Roxas and Kiki stopped, being surrounded by a big ring of pokemon. “Attack!†The rockets commanded.

    The pokemon attacked.


    Roxas had Oblivion in his freehand. Now with two keyblades, he took down the attacking pokemon, like if they were heartless.

    While Roxas was fighting, Kiki was able to get away from the fray. Since the Rockets were busy with their losing battle, Kiki grabbed the box of pokeballs and ran for it.

    “Hey!†The rocket, who used to hold the box, ran after her.

    Kiki chose a random pokeball from the box. She stopped and turned around. “Pokeball, Go!†Out popped a cyndaquil, who was pawing the air, like if it was scratching a wall, and yelling out. “Lemme out! Lemme out! Lemme out!†Axel fell forward. “Oof..I’m free? Yes! Yay!†Axel cheered.

    “. . .†Kiki sweatdropped. “Uh…cyndaquil? Can you help me beat that Rocket person?â€

    Axel noticed the Rocket and tackled it down, knocking the Rocket out.

    “And may I ask who you are?†Axel turned to Kiki and flared his flames. He didn’t like it that someone else sent him out. What if the person was another Rocket.

    “Wait!†Kiki waved her hands around. “I’m not an enemy! Roxas must be your trainer, right? Right now he’s fighting against some of Team Rocket’s pokemon.â€

    “Roxas?!†Axel couldn’t leave his friend alone in a fight.

    Roxas threw his keyblade, which knocked out a pokemon and a Rocket, and it came back to his hand like a boomerang.


    Roxas’s keyblades disappeared. “What the…?â€

    Suddenly he felt heat right behind him. He turned around.

    “Burn!†Axel shot another flamethrower attack at the pokemon behind Roxas, knocking them out.

    “Geo!†A geodude, who was not really effected by the fire, charged at Axel. Axel ran away as the rock pokemon chased him.


    Geodude was knocked out by a water gun attack. “That’s what I’m talking about!†Demyx did a victory sign.

    Roxas was relieved that his friends were ok. “How did you guys get out?â€

    “This girl let us out.â€

    “I think her name started with a K.â€

    “Kiki!†Roxas forgot all about her.

    “AAAAHHHH!†The trio heard a girl scream.


    Kiki was on the ground holding an eevee in her arms. Both of them had many scratches and wounds.

    “Don’t think we’ll let you escape with your pokemon.†Saigbar smirked. Right next to him was his Kingler. “Let the eevee go.â€

    Kiki struggled to get up. “No!†She hugged her eevee closer to herself. “I’ll never let you take Eevee.â€

    Saigbar shrugged. “Have it your way then. Kingler, do bubblebeam.â€

    The kingler pelted a barrage of bubbles at Kiki. (You know…how can bubbles hurt? xD) Suddenly, it was blocked by a flamethrower attack, turning the bubbles in to steam.

    “We’ll take care of this.†Roxas, Demyx, and Axel ran to the front of Kiki.

    Saigbar laughed. “I thought you guys escaped. I guess I’ll now be getting 3 rare pokemon then. Kingler, crabhammer them!â€

    Kingler brought its claw down on to Axel and Demyx. The two dodged. Demyx used bite to clamp down on Kingler’s leg. The kingler cried out in pain and flicked Demyx off with its claw. Axel shot a flamethrower attack at Kingler, but it was not really affected.

    Roxas saw the attacks doing little damage to the kingler. “This is bad.â€

    Kiki took out a pokeball. “I didn’t want you to be in danger, but c’mon out and help us, Pike.†She released a pichu. “Pike, do thunder shock!â€

    “Chuuuu!†Pike’s attack did a considerable amount of damage on the kingler. The pichu stopped, being exhausted from using an electric. “That’s all Pike can do.†Kiki told Roxas.

    Roxas tried to think of a plan. With the new power of an electric attack available, things could turn around. To handle the kingler, the single attack wouldn’t be enough.

    “Kingler! Use water gun on the cyndaquil.â€

    “Oh great…†Axel moaned as he tried to dodge the attack.

    “Watch out!†Demyx got in the way of the water attack. The attack itself didn’t do too much damage, but Demyx was blasted into a tree. He fell to the ground, rubbing his head. “Why do I keep getting thrown against trees?†(Remember what Roxas did to him, when they got reunited the first time.)

    Roxas suddenly got an idea. “Kiki, have your pokemon do thunder shock again.â€

    “Can you do one more attack, Pike?†Kiki asked Pichu. Pike nodded. “Pike, use thunder shock!â€

    “Pi…chuuuuu.†Pike gave everything he had to the attack.

    “Demyx, use water gun.â€

    Demyx used the rest of his energy and shot a blast of water at the kingler. The water gun attack was able to intensify the electric attack, making the kingler faint.

    Pike and Demyx fell down due to exhaustion.

    “Return, Kingler.†Saigbar zapped back his pokemon. “Don’t think that Team Rocket will stop trying to obtain your pokemon.†He ran to the Rocket Helicopter and flew away with the other members.

    Finally, no more trouble with the Rockets for now.

    Roxas and Kiki collapsed on the ground. “Too much action for a day?†Kiki panted and smiled.

    Roxas nodded and smiled.

    “Hey, Roxas.†Axel started to ask. “How did you escape from them to rescue us?â€

    “I was able to take out my keyblade.†Roxas took out his pokedex. “Hey, Kiki. What button did you push to get the keyblade?â€

    Kiki was given the pokedex. “Uh...the button was right here.†She pointed to a bare spot and gave back the pokedex. “Sorry, that I can’t find it.â€

    “How come it won’t come?†Roxas punched in the word, ‘Keyblade’ in to the pokedex. Maybe it could say something about the keyblades suddenly appearing, since it, itself, turned in to a keyblade.


    The Keyblade is only obtainable while in mortal danger when you donâ€have your pokemon. If you have your pokemon with you, it will not be available.

    “Well, the button did say emergency.†Kiki pointed out.

    “Ok, with that small mystery cleared.†Axel pointed to everyone’s wounds. “I think we should get to a pokemon center soon.â€


    Whoot! Team Rocket is gone (for now). The next chapter will have a new character. He's probably the weirdest character I've ever made-up, but he's fun to write about. xD
  2. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    c'mon!I wanna see Sora as a Pokemon!I don't care which one I just wanna see him as a Pokemon!(maybe Eevee or Pikachu or Umbreon,heck or even Chikorita)

    Edit:Oh crud,forgot to see your post from chappy 7.*puts hand behind head nervously*my,when are you gonna add Sora,Riku,and Kairi?
  3. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I haven't thought about when to put them in yet. ^_^; I know one place for Sora, but that's it. (and that's VERY far from now)
  4. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Oh well,I can wait.
  5. Trinity Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 28, 2007
    My own world
    Lol. I love this story. Maybe Sora, Riku, and Kairi be rare pokemon that appears in the end
  6. lee_yinn Moogle Assistant

    Mar 3, 2007
    Kuala Lumpur
    what sora would be

    :rolleyes: But sora would be? A chikorita? * laughing* Or sora male nidoran and Kairi a Female Nidoran(because they are couples).
  7. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    It'd be funny if he was an Eevee.
  8. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Now that was a good chap! Can't wait to see next chapter!
  9. AxelsGirl Moogle Assistant

    Apr 4, 2007
    Setting things on fire with Axel
    I crqacked up when I heard Saigbar. I don't know why but I did.