Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 1]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by venster, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 1: Welcome to the world of Pokemon, Roxas!

    Around the Organization XIII Castle there was nothing to do. Xemnas was adoring his Kingdom Hearts, while everyone else was just doing what ever they did. Roxas was walking around aimlessly, when he saw Axel just lying on the ground bored to death.

    “Are you bored?” Axel asked his friend.

    “Roxas nodded his head.

    “YES!” Axel and Roxas heard a cheer. “Finally beat it!”

    The two turned their head to the source of the noise. There was Demyx…playing with a gameboy. “What happened?” Roxas asked.

    “Whoo hoo, yeah!” Demyx was still cheering.

    Axel sat up. “Hey, Demyx!” He shot out some embers from his hand at Demyx, whose robe just caught on fire.

    “What the?!” Demyx noticed the fire and burned it out with water. He saw Axel and Roxas nearby. “What was that for, Axel!?”

    Axel rolled his eyes. “We asked you a question.”

    “What were you cheering about?” Roxas asked again.

    “Oh, I just beat Red.” Demyx said proudly. “He was a tough person to beat.”

    Roxas and Axel had question marks floating around them. “What?”

    “It’s in my game.” Demyx showed the screen of the gameboy to Axel and Roxas. On the screen, there were scrolling credits.

    “Is that…Pokemon?!” Axel couldn’t believe it.

    Demyx nodded.

    “Can I try it?” Roxas asked.

    “Sure.” Demyx turned the gameboy off then back on and gave it to Roxas.

    (If you know the intro for Pokemon Crystal, you don’t really have to read the next paragraph)

    Roxas looked at the beginning screen. The screen showed the introduction. It showed a weird pokemon appearing, making a noise, and then disappearing. The there was a grass scenery. Then it showed more of the weird pokemon making noise. Back to the grass scenery, where something ran past and two cute looking pokemon popped up. The more of the weird pokemon appeared and made noise. Then it went to the running pokemon and showed the face of a dog-like pokemon. It seemed like it was going to attack a “weird pokemon.” Finally, the screen went black and showed “Pokemon: Crystal version. Press Start”

    Roxas pressed start. Suddenly the screen became white and showed a light pink pokemon flying around the screen. “Is it supposed to show a pink pokemon after the intro?” Roxas asked.

    Demyx showed confusion. “It shouldn’t”

    Roxas continued looking at the screen. The light pink pokemon went up to the screen and winked at Roxas. The pokemon floated away. “What was that?”

    Suddenly, a bright light burst out of the gameboy. “Whoa!” Roxas dropped it. The gameboy clattered as it landed on the ground, but it kept showing the bright light.

    “What’s happening?” Roxas yelled.

    “I don’t know!” Demyx answered.

    “This is too weird.” Axel shielded his eyes.

    The bright light engulfed the threesome.

    Roxas woke up. “/I was knocked out?/” He noticed he was lying in a forest scenery. The air felt fresh, the trees gave out a moist smell, and the sun was just rising in the east. Roxas stood up. “What is this place? And what am I wearing?” He was wearing brown cargo jeans, a black T-shirt, and a tan short-sleeved jacket. (Just picture his Twilight town clothing.) Suddenly a thought came to mind. Where were the others?

    “Axel! Demyx! Anyone!?” Roxas called out.

    “Roxas!” It was Axel’s voice.

    Roxas whipped his head around to look for his friend. “Axel?” He called again.

    “Right here.” Roxas looked in the direction of the voice, but still didn’t see anything.

    Axel’s next call was more coughed out. “Look-down.”

    Roxas looked down to see a small pokemon. “Axel?!?” Roxas kneeled down to examine the pokemon. He saw very familiar marks under the eyes. “Ohmigosh! It is you! You look kind of-”

    “Don’t say the C- word. I don’t know what happened and I don’t like it at all. Exactly…What am I!?!?!” The little pokemon (AKA Axel) jumped up and down.
    End of Chapter 1! By the way, the C-word was 'cute'. xD What pokemon can Axel be? Find out in the next chapter!
  2. Axel Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Partying, making tags and Staring at the Sun.
    Certainly an....interesting idea what with all the fan fictions going around here.
    The chapter is pretty short but there's nothing wrong with it.
    In fact if you enjoyed writing it then continue.
  3. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    I luv it!! :D
  4. PetTur Moogle Assistant

    Feb 27, 2007

    Great story so far..... But I thought it was Organization 13 (XIII, not VIII)


  5. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    What is he?a Flareon?Torchic,Charmander,Cyndaquil,what?
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    O_O oops! Didn't see that mistake. xD Thanks for telling me.^_^ *edits*
  7. Storrini Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 30, 2006
    xD, I'll be reading the next chapter.

    Make him a Cyndaquil =o!!
  8. -Kairi- Moogle Assistant

    Mar 23, 2007
  9. Fieldfire Moogle Assistant

    Apr 20, 2007
    It's seem funny >[]<
    Axel Pokemon??? Soooooo cute TwT