Roxas finds Kingdom hearts..... the game.....

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Master Keyblade User, May 12, 2007.

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  1. Master Keyblade User Moogle Assistant

    Ok. i'm just a new guy to this website so bear with me if it's a piece of crap to read....

    Chapter one..... roxas finds the game

    One dark and dull day at the world that never was. Demyx was being a total ****** over his games. He said he just got a PS2 from some moogle guy. Anyhow, Roxas was just smacking on stuff with his keyblades when he smacked someting off the wall..
    " What the heck is this?" he thought, picking up the item. it looked like a small thin box... it said Kingdom Hearts on it.....and on the top PS2.... " Hey Demyx! Come get your Stupid weido crap! And why the heck does it say Kingdom Hearts!?"
    Demyx comes running down. " that's not mine...... but i'll take it!" he said, a glint in his eyes. Axels teleports in. " sorry. that's Vexans.... he jacked it off some man in a moogle costume.. along with a PS2...Gamecube... and some other junk"
    Axel sighed. " Vexan's a total freak.... he should get a telescope... not a dam Game System...." Roxas said with a grin. Suddenly loud music fills the area followed by yelling. " Here we go again... " Demyx sighed. Axel smacks him upside the head " it never happened before idoit"....
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