It's not Peach, Peach sucks, this is Rosalina from the new Super Mario Galaxy game, and she's utter win.
Hawt, anyways, duplicate the render, put it on the top and set it to multiply, lower a lot the opacity, but not too much, probably between 0-25%, so Rosalina stands a little more, put it in a slighty darker (KEYWORD: Slighty) tone of blue so it stand too a little more, and nothing else to say since the colors blend so well and I love the lighting and the effects, maybe make it a less brighter, just a little, anyways, GJ.
My goodness that text is halfway decent. :o Anyway, yeah, duplicate the render, bring it to the top and set it to Multiply or something. Darken the edges and tone down the center. It seems a little too bright and boring. I think some hawt pentooling could work in here, too.
Ok. two pages. Time for me to commentz ya The one with the multiply looks way better. It has a bit more dark shadowing on some parts. The original one was a bit too light. Move the text AWAYYY. More to a different place. And bigger BIGGER LOL The colors look very nice. The black fits pretty nicely in. Nothing much to say except fix the text. And get some different versions. Try different hues. I wanna' see a few of them. GJJJJ
I might make a few new versions later, but for now, I'm photoshopped out. xD But thanks for your input guys, it really means a lot for me.