doing the Chain Of Memories storyline over again but with our nobodies instead of the original organization but sora and riku will stay -rules- -you can be your nobody and a character like sora -No Godmodding(remember sora will kill you sooner or later, but you can replace your character) -Please keep language Appropriate -there can be 13 or more nobodies Name: Age: Element: Weapon: Title: Personality: Appearance: Likes/Dislikes: Which character you're like: -original characters- -sora: AnimeGirl104 -riku: ShadowofRiku -donald: -goofy: -mickey: -namine:NymphofDestiny -nobodies- RikuRep-Raxen AnimeGilr104-Velexira ShadowofRiku-Xirku Name: Raxen Age: 17 Element: space Weapon: dual hook swords Title: The Twisted Vine Personality: calm collected, a little overconfident Appearance: Dislikes: those who go against his orders/ Likes:making others suffer Which Character I'm like: Marluxia
Can I be Sora and my Nobody? Name:Velexira Age:13 Element:Lightning weapon:a sword made of Electricity Title:The Mischevious Storm Personality:childish,shy,alittle overconfident,can get angry at times,doesn't really like fighting,alittle chicken yet brave,acts like she has a heart. Appearance:Blonde hair that goes to her back,turqoise eyes,wears the Organization cloak at all times. Which Character I'm like: Demyx
can I have Riku and my nobody Name:Xirku Age:15 Element:darkness Weapon:keyblade Title:The Cloaked Shadow Personality:calm and quiet Appearance:like Riku in his organization coat except no blindfold, and he has red eyes and sliver hair with black tips Likes/Dislikes:n/a Which character you're like:Riku( he is Riku's nobody)