No Thanks Roleplay Character Sheets?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by dabeatmaster123, Nov 28, 2011.

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  1. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    I have a suggestion… I think it would be a good idea to create a character sheet thread for the roleplay section so that people have a place to post their characters in. It's a very useful tool especially so that people don't lose track of their character and all and you can hold important information for them. Just an idea though =T
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I can't really think of any way that would help the site. It seems useless, to be honest.
    When I make my own Role-Plays, I save them to my computer and save my characters and any character I consider important in a separate file.
    For other RPs, I do the same, though I condense them all into one folder.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I've heard this suggestion before. If it's only for storage then there's better ways to go about this. You could save it on a document on your computer in any way you want. If you don't have space for that, PM it to yourself. It's actually a decent way to save things in a rush. Like Webface said, there really isn't anything to gain out of it. Storage isn't what the RP section is about.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I wouldn't mind making a sticky in the RP Arena for people to use one post to edit in their different characters and keep track of them and such if they want.
    But at the same time, I don't think it's necessary at all and you can keep your character sheets organized yourself, off-site.

    So yeah. I don't mind. But we don't need it.
    I'll wait to see what more role players have to say about it, but there are alternatives to what you're asking for.
  5. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    How would this be useful? I've seen roleplay sites use this because it helps with organization and it is very useful… especially when there is an image limit here because one post can't hold multiple characters due to the image limit. Another reason why it would be helpful is that it keeps track of all of the characters you have made when you have a lot, and without a character sheet you can forget about characters. So honestly, these excuses are just showing how nobody cares about the roleplay thread on KHV =T
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You realize that everyone who's posted has RPed here before you ever joined, right? And that I'm the best RPer on KHV. <<;

    While it does help to have them in a thread or something, you didn't really give much of a reason as to why not to just save them elsewhere. Would you want to be looking at everyone else's OCs too? I could understand that but that wouldn't do anything other than satisfy your own curiousity. @-@
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    What image limit are you talking about?

    Also, just a suggestion, why don't you just use a word document to keep track of all of your characters? You can also use or Google docs to do the same thing.

    I'm sure if enough people used it, it would be useful. Like I said, I have no problem with creating a thread for it. Just not sure who else would use it, and if there's really a point, since you can keep all of your characters in one place elsewhere.
  8. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    Excuse me? I've been rping for years and I love adventure… I've roleplayed on sites that focus ON solely roleplay… roleplayerguild being one of them. In fact if you really think that just because you've been here longer and you've rped more on THESE sites doesn't make you any better when it comes to roleplay backround… so anyways *clears throat*… Character sheets are important man, no matter how you try to substitute them with or google docs, it's easy access and it's available to everyone. I know and google docs are similar but it still doesn't beat a character sheet because it's all in the same location, it's organized not only in terms of keeping track of characters, but it also organizes the roleplay forum. All you have to do is make a sign up thread in the OOC and then open up a character sheet for everyone to post in them. It's easier than walking back and forth from other sites just to keep track of characters. It's organized, fast, and it keeps the site and flow of rping clean.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Okay, okay, can you PM me the Character sheet thing you're talking about from that other site, please? So I can see exactly how it's set up?

    I'm not saying I'll make one quite yet. But I'm willing to look into it.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Actually, you assumed that no one here cares for the RP Arena. Machina said we've RPed on the site here longer than you've been a member. He's not saying he's better so much as that he knows the RP Arena more than you. Machina, Jayn, and I (along with others) often try to improve the RP Arena any way we can. Don't assume no one here cares.

    Well, most threads have an OOC thread with all characters. Making one thread for all characters in all RPs, would just get cluttered and it would need one person to keep it up to date, which is a big burden, if you ask me, to put on one person.
    You have OOC threads, you have PMs, and other forms of saving documents.

    It just seems like more trouble than its worth, in my opinion.
  11. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    That's why you use links to connect your rp altogether =T
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Okay, I looked at the site.
    • There will not be a sub-forum just for character sheets. It would be empty.

    I am willing to create a sticky thread for characters to be posted in, but only if enough people on would use it. If you can find more people on this site who would use it, then alright. I'll make it and stick it.

    In the meantime, if you want to post all of your characters in one place on-site, then you can do so in the OOC Lounge. In one thread.

  13. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    And how am I even going to find people to ask, it's not like I can PM random people and get them to reply cause that would be a little bit much. =T
  14. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I feel like I'm missing something here. I mean almost all RPs have the ability to look over the OCs of an RP in the thread where they are submitted (usually an OOC thread). So you can refference OCs of yours and other users like that. If they seems too spread out in that thread making a document of them for easy access is simple.

    It sounds like what you want is to just mirror that information over somewhere, in which case like everyone else I don't see the point in reposting the information to be slightly more condensed. So basically I have to ask.

    Am I right about what you are suggesting?
    * If no, could you be more detailed on what exactly you mean?

    Why is that important to RPing? (It may be awesome and we just aren't seeing it immediately)

    EDIT: Did I really spend that long typing?
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    This is a public thread. People will see it. If they're interested, they'll post and support the idea. Just like with every suggestion made on this site.

    You could also go through the role play section and Visitor Message role players this link and ask them that way. If you don't know who role plays, then go to the RP Arena and look.

    It might seem like much, but if you're passionate about this suggestion you have to find support. I'm not going to make it official if you're going to be the only person using it.

  16. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    What she said is you can make a thread in the OOC lounge for it. But just one.

    If it gets a following then it will be kept and stickied. If not, then it dies and that is the end of it.


    Or that, I've got to go to bed soon. I'm slow and mildly out of it.
  17. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    It's important to rping because you have access to everyone's characters… and it's a way of registering and accepting characters and keeping them in a thread because an OOC stands for "Out of Character" right? It would be too messy trying to keep track of characters in one thread because I believe that having a thread to keep track of characters for your rp is a way to keep everything organized. It specifies what each thread is used for. When you think about OOC in general you think of sign ups and planning your next move for your posts and such. Plus people can post their characters themselves without having to copy the information yourself.

    And alright I'll try it… I'll start up a roleplay and use the Character Sheet idea… = Here is a link so you can keep track of the idea
  18. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Yes OOC means out of character. Everthing not posted as your character is out of charater, so unless your character is applying for a job or something an OC sheet would be OOC. Or atleast that is how we have it set up now.

    I see now that you are asking for the standard to be three threads. 1 for the rp, 1 for sign-ups and OC sheets, and 1 for OOC discussion. But that still begs the question of why? What is wrong about our current system that this would be a notable improvement? You talk about documents being inconveineint but I think fishing up dead threads would be worse (dead since there would only be posts to add new characters and that isn't all that common once the RP has gotten going)
  19. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    no no. I'm just asking for one new thread, a character sheet thread. Just a thread to keep track of characters. I use my OOC sheet for Out of Character, I use the other rp threads for In Character…. but what is lacking is a place to keep track of characters. OOCs can get a little cluttered when people are posting their characters there or on the IC or wherever they feel like it. I've noticed people use the IC to post their characters, some use the OOC to post their characters, so it's a way to have a solid area to post the characters. That's all
  20. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    That is what I'm saying. Currently each RP has two threads, the IC and the OOC, you are looking to add a third thread (the OC thread) The thing is it is all up the RP owner. Even if we make an area for OC threads you will still have people requesting the OCs go in the IC or OOC threads; so it actually complicates the matter further if you are looking for consistency going from one RP to the next.
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