that's odd, couldn't find any from codejunkies but i got some from Skiller. note this is Skiller's post on CMP Hacked by Skiller Game ID: 1001 Master Code MY2K-4FHZ-Z7VTW Z5E8-EV31-WJD8R Jokers 004b2a82 004b2b02 ______________________________ korupt316: Ported from Jpn ver. Max Gold After Battle MWXQ-9RQF-VKX55 EYGW-HZDJ-DPXJ4 Remove item from warehouse for MAX item T0HJ-KP8K-Z3XU1 9642-CR13-BB6UH Kill 1 enemy for x999 Hunted 1NHT-RUCW-H30YB 1HEK-AZ98-G9C9C Max/Inf Money EBDQ-UQNE-DM32V D20K-UR45-PARVJ U49U-52BD-17702 Buy something Gain = Money 3J00-Z41X-6E898 CYEF-J8PX-JHCBV Inf Weapon 1 Bar D0D0-PMRZ-NV032 HTDT-VG0D-VUP5D Inf Weapon 2 Bar B3GR-EW1X-865C5 2PC8-4EZ2-4FEM2 Inf Item Usage (This has a bug Look like Buying and selling use the same thing to Store) i will fix this .. 203d3884 00000000 (Normal value For Above code So u can joker it) A4850014 After Battle EXP Multiplyer(The Multiplier is Based of the Exp U already have) 203ac75c 00021???? 040 = x2 080 = X4 0c0 = x8 100 = x16 140 = x32 180 = x64 1C0 = x128 200 = x256 EXP Multiplyer (Bugs) 203d167c 0803D400 200F5000 00052??? 200F5004 a4450012 200F5008 080F45A0 Digits 840 = x2 880 = X4 8c0 = x8 900 = x16 940 = x32 980 = x64 9C0 = x128 A00 = x256 Press L2 to Instint Win Round (Bug Turny) XVR8-VT15-N7EPB XFC2-BP63-JB1E5 UW8H-952H-B4WVB All ways Low Satiety (Always hungry) YTU5-02AD-R3G6U VPN9-34J9-KG10M Feed Bug To Set Stats to 127 (Note: Do not use with always Hungry Code this code keeps your bug Hungry as well this is a Quick Stats Gain Code but u can not pass 127 untill u Turn the code off) i will joker it later A16R-VWUJ-QRJPA ZD4D-NVPD-PQPFG 0XVB-TVDG-TN80D XBKA-F1B3-CPHTM Q8GZ-ARV6-G3ZFE YXEQ-Q9GC-RFZJ1 9NNC-4FDD-1ACWT AUB6-93DC-2RQ95 892E-Q1BY-4MRPP T2FF-UE3B-VUJPN 13R7-2TMP-HZC1D H05W-6YH7-KUN2C
can teach me how to convert i've been try lots of times but it gives me many diff codes for the first line
go to the topic in "Code Vault" area and go to the topic called "Code Converting Program" for details
I'll use this topic, so I don't have to open a new one... Is there a code to have ALL the items? (PAL version) Or at least a RAW code, you put the digit and the item appears? Thanks
when converting from raw to ar max the first line always change,that what its supposed to do.the code works anyway. BTW remember to input the game id.
so how do you actually find the normal value for the infinite item usage (also for other codes i want to joker the code pls and thx...
are there codes for the jap. version of the game? please i really need them... ARMAX codes please.....
Would there perchance be a way to convert the japanese version codes to english? if so please send me a PM with the converted codes.