AGAINST A MACHINE! Can you beat the Veteran? I can. xD
Lol I just saw this on Kotaku. Thing is, this computer studies your patterns and whatnot. It's funny how a simple game like this can be broken down into patterns.
I'm at; Wins - 15 Ties - 9 Loses -10 It beginning to catch up on me. Aye, Forsaken. It helps if you look at what your last 4 moves were.
Still playing veteran and now it is 13 across the board. I am amused. Wonder if this shows that I think like a computer since I normally lose when I click a random one...
I love this. I've just realised I've wasted the last 20 minutes on it trying to figure out the computer. Then I realised that after the first 5 rounds the computer will tell you what he will throw next -.- Pretty simple after that, unless you want to play for real.
win-1 tie-0 loss-0 By my math (my victory %/comp victory %) I am infinitely better than the computer.
23-18-22 Until recently draws outnumbered wins and losses. I'm pretty stupid if I think just like the computer, eh?
Why play rock-paper-scissors? Hold up a piece of paper and I'll throw a rock we'll see if your paper will save you. Anyway score. Win - 9 Tie - 15 Lose - 12 I stink at it, used rock and scissors most of the time.
Actually it could, it'd be like bullfighting; the matador is obstructed by the cape, so the bull is unsure where to strike, therefore the matador can dodge the charge easier than simply jumping out of the way. From what I understand, at least. And you'd need a pretty big piece of paper. Plus the rock probably wouldn't rip the paper, assuming you had a tight enough grip on the paper it would be pushed back by the force of the rock then the rock would fall to the ground. Okay now I'm overthinking this. Anyway, I lost to the computer a lot. xD
Here's a tip Go to veteran Make a few moves Then, after the computer makes a move, wait a few minutes. After those minutes, forget the move you made, and make a random one. Worked for me. I got 16 and the veteran got 10. Meh.
A more proper game would be rock, dynamite-with-a-cuttable-wick, scissors. Doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well though