Rise of the Nephilim

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Nov 3, 2014.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    [[ OOC Thread ]]

    The magical world of demons, angels, and Nephilim return with a whole new cast as the doors to the academy open. With it, some familiar faces arrive. Past and present merge as those from the Demonic War guide a future world free of Nephilim discrimination to a better and brighter tomorrow. Children with short youths and long lives learn how to adapt to a world where few know of their existence. The developmental years of birth to adulthood are a struggle, especially for those that reach their teens within a matter of a few months.

    The Nephilim Academy is a safe haven founded by a few concerned parental angels and their Nephilim children from the Demonic War. It has been 100 years since the war and the angels have been reborn into new hosts, once or twice over. However, their children that had previously not been allowed to exist -- viewed as an abomination, punishable to the highest extent of the Lord -- still walk the earth; seemingly forever young. They learn what it means to be strong, educated, and prepared for anything that might come at them in the future. The world is cruel, especially to things that were never meant to exist.

    Though they are primary, Nephilim are not the sole occupants of the academy. Young angels who wish to given their human hosts a place to call home, also attend the school. No one calls them crazy for hearing voices, or views them as monsters for possessing unique gifts. They are just like everyone else within the walls of the academy, with the exception of some of them having been the parents of their fellow students in past lives and aging at a normal rate.

    The school has been a success in its endeavors, though times are changing. The destructive, happy-go-lucky atmosphere of the academy will soon be put to the test. They have experienced 100 years of relative peace in their world, but evil does not rest forever. New threats and old enemies will soon rise – it's just a matter of when, and how. Will a band of misfit angels and Nephilim be enough to stop the forces of Hell a second time? Only the Father knows, and he isn't answering.

    Rise of the Nephilim is a sequel to The Fallen.
    Participation in The Fallen is not required, neither is reading prequel or the short story Dream Sequence.
    This roleplay has an entirely different pacing to it than the last. Those of you that didn't join last time around because the roleplay was too demanding are in luck, as this is a lighter story with more time between events.
    That being said, the posting requirements will only be twice a week. It doesn't matter when during that week, whether it is two posts in one day or one post one day and the other four days later; so long as you are maintaining a minimum of two posts per week.
    There is a three strike system; I am usually very lenient with people so make sure you are talking to me.
    No godmodding/power playing
    Your Nephilim cannot be older or more powerful than the teacher Nephilim, for they are the first of their kind in over a century. The teacher spots are reserved for the members that had Nephilim children in The Fallen, or shortly post - Fallen This consists of Machina, TwilightBlader, Bite the Dust, Skyheart, Cstar, and myself.
    Please review the list of angels before choosing what parent your Nephilim belongs to.
    Nephilim age quickly when young, going from an infant to a teen in the matter of a couple months. After that, their development is stunted and it can take decades before they appear to have aged even a few years.
    The children outlive their parents by an exceptionally long time, lest they are killed. They are not invincible.
    Only women that are hosting the angels live through the birthing process of a Nephilim. The angel's power keeps them strong enough to endure the short – lived pregnancy. Meaning, if the father is the one hosting the angel, the mother will die.
    The only times the human mother lives is if an angel with healing powers is present at the time of the delivery and protecting her.
    Angel characters are allowed, but will be limited to five excluding my own.
    While it is not required to have former knowledge of the events that took place in The Fallen, it might be a good idea to skim through it. Everything you will need to know related to it will be explained within this roleplay, but I tend to forget details.
    TwilightBlader and Skyheart will be co-moderating the roleplay for me. I have a crazy ridiculous life and if I didn't have them to type out the important plot points that need to be posted in order to progress the roleplay, this thing probably wouldn't last long. I will be here as much as possible, but I don't always have the motivation to write those much needed posts.
    If I'm not here, please direct any questions that you have to them. If they don't have an answer, someone will get in touch with me and I will reply as soon as I can.
    The more active people are and willing to develop the story without me, the less often I have to do things that will involve the death of characters. In the past I have allowed people to host their own mini events in the roleplay. That is something I would be more than willing to do again. If you have an idea that you think would fit and would like to take charge of, please feel free to message me about it. I will more than likely say yes, because it means less work for me.
    I currently have no plans for counters of any sort, that being said, if activity is dipping or I want to speed things up to get to a new event, they might come into play in the future. If you are unfamiliar with the counter system, please say something and they will be explained when/if the time comes.
    There is no limit on characters, so long as you can manage the ones you have.
    If your character is still a small child, please have a second image ready for when they stop growing. It should have some sort of resemblance to the younger version, no dramatic differences. If they were a preppy twelve – year – old five days ago, they are not going to be a sudden gothic punk now that they resemble the age of a fifteen – year – old. Realism please.
    I reserve the right to add or subtract any rules as I see fit. You will be informed should this happen.

  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    The sound of the lunch bell chimed and students rose from their seats to leave the classroom. Chatter filled the air as everyone excitedly prepared for the Harvest Dance. The school parties were one of the best things about being here. All the students and even most of the faculty seemed to become more energetic whenever a party grew near. However, there was one that never seemed to take notice of such events until they were well underway.

    Molly. Molly wake up. You're going to miss lunch again if you do not get out of your seat.

    The small slumped body resting on the desk slowly began to stir. Hmm? the small voice murmured. The young girl sat up with a yawn and stretched her arms high above her head. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times. Oh, she started, upon noticing the empty classroom, everyone is gone. The girl slowly rose to her feet and pushed back the chair. Lunch time already? the small Irish girl inquired to no one.

    Yes, so you best get a move on. You already missed all of Literature and Math. If you keep this up, you'll never learn anything.

    Molly yawned as she began her travels down the hall. Ye keep sayin' that, and yet you take all the notes for me Xathaneal, especially in Math. Ye like watchin' your son teach and I like sleep.

    There was a long sigh within Molly's head as she turned a corner. I just don't understand how you are so lethargic. I've only ever met one other person that is as utterly lethargic as you and even he knew when to motivate when needed. You just continue to sleep, forcing me to take control.

    Molly's small hand patted her mouth to stifle yet another yawn. Hobknocks, she retorted, we both know you like being in control. It's easier on both of us. I get to sleep and ye getta talk to the others. Speakin' of which -- her small body began it's downward descent to the tile floor as Molly forced Xathaneal out so she could return to resting.

    The angel managed to catch her balance before the tiny human girl was injured and she shook her head. Honestly, I don't understand that child one bit. She has zero motivation for anything that is not sleep. With a heavy sigh and a shake of the head, Xathanael began walking the rest of the way to the dining hall for lunch. With as much time as she spent occupying Molly's body, it was a wonder that the girl didn't burn up from overexposure. The more Molly slept, the more Xathanael was forced to operate the child's body; the more she was in control, the weaker and more sleepy she became. It was an unfortunate cycle. I suppose all I can do for now is get her adequate sustenance. the angel said to herself.

    Xathanael approached the large double doors to the dining hall and the echoes of voices reached her ears. She pulled the doors opened and smiled at the other members of the school as she made her way to the buffet line. The cooking staff always did a wonderful job at preparing every meal. Everything was properly balanced to replenish the abundance of calories lost by both the Nephilim and the angels within the school. Eating at every meal was of the utmost importance. Angels and Nephilim -- especially the young ones -- would lose stamina rapidly without being properly nourished to supply the demanding amount of energy consumed to use the powers blessed upon them. The buffet did also contain desserts and other treats for everyone, so long as their plates weren't primarily made up of such things.

    She scooped a large square of lasagna onto the plate with a garden salad and a carton of milk, and made her way through the rows of tables to a small one in the corner. Xathanael always wanted to spend the entirety of her time in control with her son, but she got the feeling he was quite often embarrassed being treated like a child, by a child. She tried to distance herself at this young age and sit with the others that were more age appropriate to help Molly make friends, but that was difficult when the girl was never awake to participate in conversation. She sighed and had decided that an empty table would do fine for today. Molly would be seated with children her own age next time, whenever that was.

  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008


    It was another day where all Marvel did was ignore everything and internally plan how he was going to get out of this school. With the way he planned and the way he talked about it, people'd think he was stuck in a prison. Well, for him, he was. Other people may have been happier, hell he was at least getting fed every day, but that wasn't the reason he was hating it here. He walked into the lunchroom and felt something grab onto his leg. He looked straight at the wall rather than look down and spoke in the most irritated voice, "What do you want?"

    A little blonde haired girl looked up at him smiling and jumped up and down saying, "Dad dad dad, I was sitting around and messing around in Math--
    I was paying attention to the teacher though I promise-- When suddenly I-"

    "Don't you have someone else to bother?"

    Marvel didn't bother looking for a reaction as he plated some food and started to walk away. "But Dad I really think you'll-"
    Go away you freak go away you freak go away you
    "I don't really like Math."

    Marvel left the girl over by the food and looked around for a table. There was at least one table where he recognized the face at, so he marched on over and sat down saying, "Yo what's up Wonton."
    "Gae saeki... if you're gonna call me only by a food can you at least get the culture right?"

    "What? You're Asian aren't you? Pork fried rice, sushi, curry, teriyaki."

    The man stared at Marvel for a long while before he went to stand up and Marvel stopped him, "Oh come on where are you going?"
    "To a different table."
    "You got a problem with me, Wonton? I don't think you wanna go anywhere."
    "Look I think it is cute you are trying to pull a tough guy act in order to keep me sitting at a table where you can keep on harassing me, but I'm telling you right now, I want none of this. Get out of my way."

    The man slipped out under Marvel's arm and when Marvel went to grab him he was already out of reach. And he was not feeling like picking a fist fight today, so he just sat back down at his table, alone.


    Zoey was feeling pretty sad now. She got herself some food and thought about what she had done wrong when trying to talk to her dad today. Was she too hyper? Did she need to show less excitement? Maybe her topic was not all that interesting after all. Either way, she wished that conversation could have ended on a happier note. All she had wanted to do was show him the cool little power that showed up when she was poking a couple of ants that made it onto her desk in math class.

    How do ants manage to show up in such odd places. It seems no matter how clean a place is, an ant or two always makes it through. I mean, what, you've seen one building besides this school but still. Ants. They shouldn't be in such a nice building.

    Zoey looked around for a table that had a small amount of people at it. The first one she saw after getting her food was her dad, but she didn't want to annoy him anymore with whatever she was doing wrong. So she looked and saw Molly sitting alone, and she smiled and walked over to the table and she didn't really ask, she just sat down at the table, and sung, "Hey~" She looked across the room over at her dad again then focused back at her food, then she looked up and spoke, "O-oh shoot I'm sorry, I... can I sit..." she looked back over at her dad again and then found herself standing up and holding the tray again. She turned around, took a deep breath, and for whatever reason tried to redo the scene, "Hi Molly, can I sit here?"


    x x음악xx 장소

    Wonton... he could not figure out for the life of him why of all the names that blond kid could pick it was wonton. Did he look like a noodle? Or was Hwan not enough for his little brain to handle? He had no clue why of all the things that could bother him it was some tough guy call him Wonton.

    He found a new seat, and just waited until Jin decided to show up. Which made him rethink the wonton thing, why was Jin not wonton? At least then he'd be in the right culture. Even then he wasn't appreciating the blatant insulting he was doing. Although he wondered half the time if it was on purpose.

    Hwan continued eating his food, and pulled out a notebook and continued doing his own anatomy lessons. Sure, he took biology, but he was specifically focusing on arms this week. How they could be injured, what the best way to fix them were, how exactly the blood flowed and how it would flow if you were to cut off circulation in different places on the arm. If people looked at it, they'd probably think he was up to freak experiments or something, but he really wasn't. He was just studying how to make his healing power grow.

    Hwan went to grab a sip of some water while he was reading the notebook, but he took a sip the wrong way. He put down the glass and covered his mouth as he started coughing. Oh air, why have you forsaken me.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Icy blue eyes followed after the last student to leave the gym and even after the young nephilim was out of sight Soren lingered behind. Even after decades of training them a reoccurring thought never ceased to come at the end of each class. It was not nearly enough. These children were too soft and no amount of "tough love" would change that.

    Brushing a strand of black hair from his face he stepped towards the exit and stopped just before reaching it, taking a deep breath. "You let your students out early again."

    "What? How did you know I was even here? I didn't even make sound!" The light around the doorway shifted as if it was being refracted though glass as the woman's voice spoke in a tone of annoyance. Right at the source of the voice a long-haired brunette appeared.

    "Honestly, letting them out early for lunch is not a good idea. You're being too soft on them. Again." He folded his arms and shook his head at his sister. "And it was your scent. Rosemary, right? Why are you growing it? I don't recall it having any practical use."

    "Not everything has to have a practical purpose, Soren. I happen to like how it smells." Anna folded her arms to mimic her brother and leaned against the wall. "And you don't need to speak like the survival of our kind depends on every minute spent being productive."

    "It just might one day." Hearing Anna sigh in exasperation at his response the same way she had done a thousand times before only caused him to smile. The fact that his concerns for the future were not shared by his sister served as a reminder of why they were necessary. Keeping thoughts as dark as his around meant that everyone else would not have to feel that same burden. "Go eat. I still have work to do."

    "Why do you call it that? By now it's the same as breathing for you." Anna turned to leave and waved at him as she vanished when rounding a corner. Soren's smile faded as soon as she left him to his own devices.

    Taking a look around, Soren placed his right hand in his coat's pocket and withdrew a silver pocket watch. The timepiece opened but rather than check the time his eyes were fixed onto the mirror attached to the inner cover of the piece. Rather than show his reflection the mirror showed the image of a blonde nephilim woman. Even after all these years she still looked-

    The watch clicked as Soren shut it closed. Stuffing the timepiece back in his coat his thoughts returned to other things. More specifically, training. Not a day went by that he did not push himself to continue to grow. Progress was slow given his age but even if it took him another century he would reach what he seeking.

  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    A loud ringing upon the area roared forth and the signal for the lunch period had been set forth. All eyes were set upon the clock immediately as the bell rung and professor Caius could only close his eyes and chuckle softly as he leaned against his desk. "well then, time does run fast these days" Caius said before smiling a big bright smile "Class is dismissed, tend to your studies and have a nice day" Caius said as the students began to leave the class room in a hurry to fill their stomachs.

    In a mere moment the classroom was left empty, leaving the elder nephilim alone in the room. With a sigh, the smile upon his face softened as his eyes opened forth, revealing droopy tired eyes. "Tired..." Caius muttered upon running his hand through his hair. The glamour upon his horn vanished from his head and the blackened horns resting on his head was revealed out from it's invisible state.

    Another sigh was let out but this time one of relief. He had grown quite used to using glamour to cover his horns, but there was always a relief during the rare times that he removed it. Using his finger, Caius ran his finger across the edges of his horns. "They are still growing...." Caius said before placing his palm on his head as the glamour was set upon his horns once more. Rising upon his feet, Caius walked towards his desk and opened up the drawer. "I still have a ways to go...I just....need to endure...that is all" the fatigued professor said before bring out a small dish of food with a smile.

    He had awoken quite early and in that time he had made lunch for him and Cal, giving the majority of it to Cal while taking only a minority due to a recent lack of appetite he had been receiving. Taking a fork he began to chew upon the piece of chicken in the dish, the meat usually being the best part of what he made. His mentor Alistair was always a magnificent cook, however this applied only to the workings of meat. Anything that didn't involve meat tend to end up in quite the disaster...a typical outcome for the angel of death. Thinking back to those times he spent at the Grey mansion, learning from Alistair and spending time with him and Cal was time he found precious and sometimes missed. With a smile he began to ate the little his stomach would let him.
  6. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    As the bell resounded through the school, Ellen knew what the time was. It was time for the most magical time of the day. One where no physical labor was being induced, no sort of learning about her powers, no...math. She did not want to go down that route at all for the rest of the day. No siree. Now, however, was the time when everyone could sit down with a friend, (or by themselves if they were the loner kids,) discuss all the funny and serious things in life (unless of course, one of the aforementioned loners,) and eat something. That last part was definitely the greatest part of the whole thing. Eating. The thoughts of all sorts of foods and culinary masterpieces like...pasta, friend chicken, potatoes. The thought of it all made her mouth water, and in her daydreaming about it, she had subconsciously power walked her way to the cafeteria. She finally stopped day dreaming when she realized that she already had a plate in her hand. She ended up starting to pick up a baked potato, when suddenly her hand twitched and the potato was charred. She stared at her burnt food when she already knew who the culprit was. 'What. The hell. Was that?'

    A nonchalant voice echoed through her head saying,
    "it wasn't warm enough." The potato then burst into flames for a bit, only for it to settle down and the potato had been reduced to, essentially, coal. "See, I made it better." Her eye twitched as she looked at the remnants of her food, and then threw it into a nearby trash can, with an obvious pout on her face. A mockingly hurt voice echoed through her head saying, "how heartless you are. And that was a masterpiece of mine."

    Ellen had been dealing with these kinds of shenanigans from Nuriel ever since she knew about him.
    "Would it be possible that just for one day, you don't burn something of mine?"

    Going rather flat, the voice said,
    "It is." She then looked disbelievingly at the air, only for the voice to reply, "doesn't mean I'm going to." After the angel let out a bit of a chuckle, Ellen continued to walk along until she grabbed yet another potato and had to make conscious effort for the angel to not burn it in her hands again. After that, Nuriel didn't seem to mind her pick up anything else, which was mostly just noodles and steamed vegetables. Getting her food together, she looked around trying to find someone to sit with when she noticed two of the younger kids. She always enjoyed interacting with just about anyone she could, and Zoey was adorable and Molly was a nice girl too. "Wrong person you got there." Ellen wondered what Nuriel meant by that, though realized shortly after.

    Walking over to the table, she sat herself down there, patting Zoey on the head with a smile on her face, saying
    "hey there Zoey, how's your day been?" She then turned to Molly and said, "hey there Xath, having your hands full with Molly again?"

    Jin hadn't really been all that active today. In fact, for the most part, he had tried to sleep the day away. It was just one of those days that he felt wasn't going to amount to anything, and so he wanted it over as fast as possible. However, if there was one sort of restriction that he had learned in his time at this school, it was that meal times were basically a mandate of God himself. Jin completely understood it, however he had stopped caring about it once he figured out just what the nature of his power was. It wasn't exactly like he was exhausting himself using it, like everyone else probably was. Nevertheless, meal time was meal time.

    As he had picked up nothing more than a bowl of white rice and soy sauce, he made his way over to the dining area, just to see that his roommate was sitting around. Hwan was an alright guy. He seemed to be really into his healing thing, but he seemed to have a bit of trouble keeping himself away from needing to be healed. As he sat down next to the choking nephilim he dryly said,
    "studying for bio won't do much good if you choke on a test for it later." After the man had gotten over his coughing fit, he said, "so, what wonders of the human body are you learning today?"
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Xathanael had barely started eating when she heard the faint pitter - patter of small feet approaching her. She lifted her gaze from the plate of lasagna to see the new Nephilim child, Zoey North, standing at the other end of the round table. The angel smiled up at her kindly. Having this many Nephilim in existence still seemed like a bad idea, but she had grown since they were all first born and would no longer voice those thoughts. What they built was good and it was to protect the Nephilim from angels and demons that had similar, but more extreme, thoughts as her own.

    Hey~ Zoey greeted in a distracted tone. She looked across the room at what Xathanael could only assume was the child's father. From what she had observed, he didn't seem too fond of the month - old Nephilim child. The little blonde girl redirected her gaze from across the room to the tray of food in front of her, and then back to Molly's form as she began to seat herself.

    Hello, Zoey. the fallen angel greeted between bites of lasagna.

    O-oh shoot I'm sorry, I... can I sit...? Zoey looked back over at her father and then rose to her feet again, holding her tray. She turned around, took a deep breath, and for whatever reason tried to redo the scene, Hi Molly, can I sit here?

    Xathanael chuckled softly to herself as she nodded at the child. By all means, please take a seat. She returned to eating Molly's lunch for her and prodded at the other soul in an attempt to wake her up. At this rate, the young Irish girl wasn't going to last much longer.

    She was well in her own thoughts when another came to a stop at the table. Xathanael hadn't really heard the other voice until her own name was addressed. Hey there Xath, having your hands full with Molly again?

    Hana looked up to see the young fire user angel standing beside Zoey. She smiled up at her with a nod. Mm, you could say that. Hello Ellie, Nuriel. Feel free to join us. She motioned to the empty seats at the table and returned to her food once more.

  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When bell signaling the end of class and the star of lunch had rung, Lucas quietly packed up his things and left the classroom. Even though it was time for lunch his mind was still partially on his most recent class, literature. It wasn't hat he was having any severe problems in the class, it was more along the lines of that he was getting somewhat hard for him to grasps the subject that were assign to him. Lucas had found a way to either get by or completely avoid those things at the cost of a few points, but that tactic wouldn't and didn't work for everything.

    With a heavy sigh he entered the Dinning Hall, pushing these thought out of his mind as he went over to look at the selection of food. His eyes look at each selection, trying to find out that suited his tastes. There didn't seemed to be anything that was a instant yes for him, so Lucas settled on some noodles and some vegetables. They were placed on his tray along with his silverware as he went to find someplace for him to sit. His blue eyes scanned the room, looking for a suitable place to sit. As to not cause a blockage of people waiting, His eyes spotted Jin and his roommate, who was briefly choking. Everything seemed to be fine over there now so why not sit there. The brown haired nephilim waked over there and upon getting there asked. "Is it alright if I sit here?"

    Jayden's attention span in his class was about 50/50. Whenever something important was being said he managed to listen and avoid being awkwardly called due to not paying attention. As for the rest of the time it was quite amazing that he was rarely caught considering how often it was done by him. No matter, the bell for lunch was enough to grab his attention as he left to get something to eat.

    Upon entering the Dinning Hall and looking at the selection of food before him he soon found that there wasn't anything eye catching, but it wasn't like he was a picky eater. So he ended up getting some spaghetti and meatballs before going off to find a place to sit. His search had ended with him sitting near a window, much like his seat in class. Since the other half of the time when he wasn't paying attention he was day dreaming, being near a window seemed to be a fitting place for him to sit. Sometimes a random and soon forgotten thought would pop into his head after staring at the cloud and or sky long enough. He wasn't going to to that now since it would look quite odd for him to be staring out the window with some noodles hanging from his mouth, so he took his fork, twirled it round in the spaghetti and took his first bite out of it.
  9. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    She stood up. It was a long day so far. But it was finally lunch time. Finally time for her to sit and wonder what she would do. She preferred to stay away from people. Not because she disliked them, but because they distracted her. They distracted her from her studies. School was boring, sure, but for someone like Lucille Rosso, it was necessary to be dedicated to what she had to do.

    The pink-haired Nephilim had always dreamed of getting through school, if only because then she would have freedom to do what she pleased. At least, she would in her mind. For you see, when your father is the Guardian of Hellfire... You don't really know what you want. It's hard to come to a decision, and when there's so much to do in the world, well that just makes it harder.

    Same routine every day. Choose your food, choose your seat, choose your music, and your book. That's all Lucille did most of the time at lunch. If anyone approached her, she would gladly converse with them, despite the distraction. In fact, she longed for friends. But half the time, she felt like an outcast. Being a child of the Guardian of the Hellfire, and knowing the story of the battle between the forces of Hell and the Angels, Lucille didn't feel welcome. Just the fact that Hell was in the title was enough to make her feel as she did.

    Maybe that's why she always stuck to studying- because she'd never feel accepted by anyone, no matter what.

    Lucille sighed, pushing the thoughts away and digging into her lasagna.
    "Goodie goodie..." she said to herself in a very sarcastic tone.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    x x음악xx 장소

    Hwan heard Jin's comment about his choking and he ignored it until his coughing died down. He listened to Jin's question and reached for the glass of water, to try and help his throat, but then remembered that water was the whole reason he was choking in the first place.

    The question did interest him, so he put the notebook inbetween the two of them and spoke, "Arms. Right at this moment, hands." Hwan held up his left hand and flipped the page so it showed a chart of fingers and a bunch of red markings. He looked around and then cringed a little, "So there were a lot of, rather... cringe-inducing tests people have made in the medical industry in the past... but this one isn't too bad."

    He pointed to his hand and grabbed a pen out of his hand and marked right below his thumb, "So let's say you have lost circulation in your thumb, you can-" he looked up at the man who had asked if he could sit with them and spoke, "Absolutely, hyung." and then he continued right away, "If you cut off circulation right... about... here..." he took the pen and marked a spot a tad off center to the left of his palm, "You can reintroduce blood to the thumb. Buuut I wouldn't try it if your thumb did not already have no circulation. It doesn't look pretty."

    He placed his hand down and turned back to his plate of food [which was just a ham and cheese sandwich] and he continued, "But for the sake of not having Lucas lose his appetite I'll just... keep it to the circulation discussion. But there's more, if you feel like reading it... soooo how is all... how has all, how have all... both of your days been so far?"


    Zoey smiled when Molly said yes letting her sit at the table and she put her food down and started to eat her food. She heard Ellie call Molly Xath, she stared for a moment before she placed her elbow on the table and her hand on her chin and let out a small annoyed noise,"I'm still confused by the whole 'we are humans and fallen angels at the same time' thing. Is it any easier with some sort of guiding voice?"

    Zoey thought about her question for a moment and shook her head,
    "Probably not. Or actually... in your case, Xathanael, is it any easier being a guiding voice in someone's head?... mmm... is that a stupid question?" Zoey took a bite of her food and spoke with a mouthful of lettuce, "My dad says he doesn't have a guiding voice and is convinced people who do are crazy but you two don't seem crazy to me. " She chewed up the lettuce, swallowed and continued,"Have you two ever noticed all the ants on the floor in Math? It's like, there's so many, how do they get there I just want to gather them all into a pile and squish-"

    Zoey realized she was talking a lot, hadn't given people the chance to answer their questions or anything, so she stuffed her mouth so full of food she couldn't talk and had to wait before she could talk.


    It was lunch break, and while most people were getting ready to eat, Rose was on her way over to the gym. Sure she could have picked a time after classes were over but she would have had to do a lot of lesson planning and other stuff, and since it didn't take her too long to eat lunch she just decided it would be best to go during lunch time anyway. She'd done it before anyway. When she got there she poked her head through the door and decided for the hell of it to call and see if Soren was still lurking, "Hello? Is the ghost hiding in here like usual?"

    She heard Soren reply, "I don't hide. You just missed Anna. Good luck finding her." Rose rolled her eyes and walked further into the gym. She grabbed a jump rope as she did in order to work on cardio and responded, "Ghosts don't hide either, but they haunt the same area over and over again. Anyway, I'm not looking for Anna, I'm here for my usual workout."

    As she started to use the jump rope she heard Soren retort, "I go places. Sometimes... I know what the sky looks like." Rose chuckled and started to go through her basic workout. She wasn't paying attention to see if Soren was watching because frankly she didn't care, she just wanted the area, but after a bit of time she heard him comment, "Your usual workout could use some improvement."

    "Oh really? What's wrong with my workout?"

    Rose continued doing what she was doing, but she looked over in Soren's direction as he criticized,
    "You train with no purpose. Are you trying to have fun or burn off some steam? Because neither gets you far."

    Rose stood up and caught her breath for a bit before responding,
    "I train to get all of the built up energy out of my system. I started off my existence fighting demons daily and now I teach literature. I don't have the bloody time to go around and fight anything to release all of this energy. So there is no true purpose anymore."

    When she finished catching her breath, she started doing a handstand and trying to maintain her balance as Soren continued,
    "There's always a reason to get stronger. I have one purpose in this life. Protecting our kind. If it means preparing for the worst during one hundred years of peace, then that's what I'll do."

    Rose held one hand up to the side and started doing vertical pushups,
    "Although I know you've been to Hell and back, literally, I think you need to find some sort of other purpose in life other than training to protect. Although I do say that's a much better goal than my own.... hm..."

    Soren's footsteps seemed to move towards the exit as he spoke in some sort of thought,
    "Never imagined being able to do anything else. Anyway, if you need anything...ask me next time. There's some things I need to get done."

    Rose flipped forward and stood upright and shouted accusingly,
    "Are you kicking me out? I'm only halfway done with my workout. I haven't even gotten to core."
    "What? No. Of course not. I'm leaving, stay as long as you want."

    Rose watched him leave as she sung back,
    "Alriiiiight~" and she started doing her core exercises.
  11. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Evangeline heard the lunch bell ring. She closed her sketchbook and put her pencils in her pencil pouch. She collected her stuff and rose from her seat. She left her previous class and made her way to lunch. Evangeline made her way outside for lunch away from others to enjoy the peace and quiet that was around her. She sat under a tree and pulled out her sketchbook and pencils once more. Evangeline closed her eyes for a moment and reopened them and began a new sketch. She immersed herself into her own little world. Evangeline had been sketching two hands being held together by thin strands of string. Once she finished, she closed her sketchbook and looked out toward the horizon. "The breeze feels nice today" Evangeline closed her eyes once more to feel the cool breeze that Mother Nature had given. She opened her eyes and looked up at the sky and sighed quietly. She looked back and thought about her previous classes before the lunch bell first rang. She tried to remember if she had any assignments that were assigned today. Evangeline pulled out an agenda she carried with her in case her professors assigned her classes any homework. She looked at her agenda and saw something listed under "Things to do in Spare Time". She read the item listed under as it read "Finish writing journal entry". " Oh! I almost forgot about that", Evangeline pulled out a notebook that contained her private thoughts and all her dreams and had begun writing events that had happened so far today and what had happened in her dreams. She looked up at the puffy clouds once more and continued writing.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    The school housed hundreds of thousands of books, though very few held any sort of information about the secret world in which the residents of the school lived. Most accurately documented texts were wrote within this lifetime and the ones that weren't, had nearly all been destroyed centuries ago. Everyone had to contribute what knowledge they possessed to fill a small bookcase in the library on angel and Nephilim history. Even with every resource they had, it still seemed so incomplete. There was so much information that they did not have -- so many books with empty pages.

    Cal slammed her fist down on the table in frustration as she flipped another book shut. The wooden surface cracked where her fist made contact and she sighed. She ran her pointer finger over the fissure and the wood began to piece itself back together. The library was almost always empty at lunch time, save for her, and brief moments of frustration such as these always went unnoticed. There wasn't enough information. They needed more.

    She stared down at the smokey mirror beside the stack of books and shook her head. She still couldn't see anything in the glass lens. What she was looking for was well hidden and even her magic wasn't strong enough to show it to her. There was only one thing she could think of that would be strong enough to show her what she sought, but it was out of the question. They had all agreed to never go back there, not that they would ever want to, but it was the only place with a strong enough looking glass.

    Maybe if I just go quickly. In and out in under five minutes.

    Cal rose to her feet and slid the chair out of her way. She stepped around the table and a dark cyclone of Mist swirled before her. Her heart hammered in her chest as she took a step forward. She hadn't gone there in a very, very long time. The Mist wrapped around her leg when a throat cleared. Cal froze, turning slowly in the direction of the noise.

    "Where might you be off to, Puppet?" The Mist dissipated by the hand of the Headmistress. "You see, there have been some rumors running a muck as of late that your efforts in finding your twin have gone to the more extreme side. I have assured the rest of the faculty that that is not the case. That is not the case, correct?"

    Cal unfroze and shook her head. "Of course not. I would never do anything that puts the students or any of the other residents of the school in danger." she replied calmly.

    "Good. Lord knows what would happen if someone else saw you open that portal. The four of you were filled with a darkness before your birth that none can understand. Only three of you managed to overcome that darkness, but it is something you will struggle with for the rest of your existence. Do not let it consume you over something as pointless as this. Your sister made a choice many years ago. Her existence has all but faded away. If something comes up you will be notified, until then, leave it be, Professor Grey."

    She watched the Angel of Destruction turn and head for the door. Cal was left stunned and collapsed into her chair. She wasn't being consumed. She just wanted to fix things. They were living a good life -- a safe life. Everyone should be together. There had to be something she could do.

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Hana continued to eat when a small, annoyed voice began to speak. She looked up to see Zoey leaning on the table, looking uncomfortable. I'm still confused by the whole 'we are humans and fallen angels at the same time' thing. Is it any easier with some sort of guiding voice?

    Hana smiled softly and opened her mouth to explain. Well --

    The child shook her head, Probably not. Or actually... in your case, Xathanael, is it any easier being a guiding voice in someone's head?... mmm... is that a stupid question? Zoey took a bite of her food and spoke with a mouthful of lettuce, My dad says he doesn't have a guiding voice and is convinced people who do are crazy but you two don't seem crazy to me. She chewed up the lettuce, swallowed, and continued, Have you two ever noticed all the ants on the floor in Math? It's like, there's so many, how do they get there I just want to gather them all into a pile and squish-

    Zoey seemed to catch on at that moment that she was starting to ramble and not allowing for anyone to reply. Hana smiled again and pat the girl on her arm. Zoey, dear, please feel free to call me Hana. It's a name I have gone by for a very, very long time. Nuriel, Ellie's angel, knows that from our last encounter. She chuckled lightly to herself before continuing, I can't speak for everyone else, as I am new to sharing bodies, but I don't find it all that unpleasant. Molly is only the second human host that I have had. For a long time, I was considered a Watcher, and was born every cycle with my memories in a body that didn't have a soul. The child would have otherwise been a miscarriage if I hadn't been in it. I looked after someone that many people considered crazy. Hearing voices in this age is not a good thing for most, but with us, it is both a blessing and a burden. We give the humans gifts that they otherwise would not have, but we angels have our own agendas that typically vary from the human's, which can cause conflict. Also, if we remain in control of our human's body for too long, then they will burn up and die. Which is very difficult for me with Molly, as she doesn't ever seem to want anything to do with actually existing. The last thing I want to do is kill her, but if I don't take control then they only time anyone would ever see her is if they peeked in on her sleeping in her bed.

    Hana sighed and pushed the tray of food away. I hope that wasn't too hard to follow, she told the child.

  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Anna watched as what little remained of her napkin continued to shrink as a dark flame ate at the paper which soon left nothing but a floating purple ember that disappeared quickly in moments. She rubbed her hands together and leaned back in her seat, her eyes fixed on the chipped corner of the century old wooden desk she sat behind. It had belonged to her mother. The damage done to it was by her father when he was trying to get it fitted in her office. As her mother told the story, her father was too stubborn to allow anyone else to help him move it which only resulted in him smashing it against...something. Anna couldn't remember if it was against a door frame or something else. She never had the chance to speak with her father about such mundane things.

    Luckily for her, Soren was more careful than their father when it came to moving furniture. Despite the fact that she had the strength to do it herself Anna thought it would have been more amusing to get her brother to do it for her. He wasn't amused but even his sore attitude about it brought her amusement. She pulled her finger away from the smoothed-over broken corner and eyed the faded picture sitting at the far side of her desk.

    Anna lifted the old picture and smiled to herself. It was old, far too old, and at that moment the only thought that came to her mind concerned the one who took the picture. No matter how hard she tried to recall that day she could not remember who was the photographer. At that time there were only six nephilim in existence. Five were in the picture. "The camera would need to pull back to take that picture now." She tilted the frame as she stared at it. "Soren would need to stand at the back." She mused.

    Having finished her lunch in private she left her office, shutting the door behind her. With time to spare before lunch ended she decided to drop by back at the gym hoping to find her brother still there.

    Stepping out of the black mist, Anna arrived instantly at the gym finding it occupied by one person who was not her brother. "Sorry for barging in on you." Anna spoke to the blonde who was currently doing crunches. It hadn't been the first time she saw Rose here but every time she missed her brother and ran into Rose instead she felt bad, as if she was interrupting something very important. Rose seemed so focused when she was working out. It reminded her a little of her brother.

  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Zoey listened to Hana explain things, and with her ending comment Zoey smiled, "Nope, I've got it." she finished up most of her salad and questioned, "Is there anything that keeps Molly awake? I hate sleeping, I couldn't imagine sleeping all the time. Though I wonder if it would make me more... oh no... oh I learned this word..."

    Zoey sat there for a few minutes trying to figure it out before she slammed her fist on her plate, breaking it as she yelled,
    "TRANQUIL- uh oh." Zoey looked at her hand, which fortunately wasn't cut, and she tried piecing the plate back together, "Oh oh I didn't mean it I'm sorry I should have expressed myself in a not so destru- destructive way I should have thrown my hands up in the air or anything that didn't involve breaking plates and possibly freaking you guys out do any of you have any glue I could try to put this back together or something anything I just wanna fix it since I didn't mean to break the pla-"

    "Oh god will she shut up."

    Zoey heard the voice, even though it wasn't loud at all, because that voice stuck out to get like a sore thumb for her. She looked over to see her dad looking over at her, glaring, and then picking up his dishes from his lunch and cleaning up his mess. She looked back down at the plate in silence and continued putting it back together, like puzzle pieces, except her expression went from freaking out to sad.


    Rose was finishing up her exercises when she heard Anna enter and apologize for barging in. Rose looked up at her and smiled, "Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong." Rose did a couple more crunches before she stood up and stretched, "You got me just before I was going to eat lunch anyway. Looking for Soren? He just left a few minutes ago. He didn't say where."

    Rose walked over to a bag she was leaving to the side and pulled out a take out container than was filled with a lunch from the lunch room [she just wanted to have it with her and a take out box was the only thing she had that would keep it warm] and she opened it up. She pulled out a fork and spoke, "If you find him, don't tell him I'm eating in the gym."
  16. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    After sorting out everything on his desk and putting everything in a neat stack, he left his classroom to grab lunch. He stretched out his arms and let out a loud groan. It was tiring sitting in place for several hours, getting up every once in a while. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, trying to massage the tenseness away. "I don't think I'm ever going get used to sitting still like this." he thought aloud. "Maybe I'll take the longer way, I need to stretch my legs for a little longer."

    After an invigorating walk taking the roundabout path to the dining hall, he stepped through the double doors and made a beeline for the buffet line. He thought for a while about what he should get, looking through the always appetizing spread of food. All of it looked great, it was a pain having to choose one. Suddenly, he remembered a certain someone and looked around the hall. He spotted Molly eating enjoying her meal, talking to one of the others. Though, he was fairly certain it was his mother controlling the girl and eating for her. He continued to look around after he spotted the little girl.

    Not here. Of course. A weary sigh left him as he finally grabbed two sandwiches and two bottles of water. What a pain. He left the dining hall and wandered about. I think I know where they are.

    Another long walk later, he finally got to the roof of the school and found her there, lying by the edge. Her legs were dangling off of the ledge, the smoke of a cigarette was billowing out of her mouth. "Figured you were here."

    As she placed the cigarette back between her lips, she lazily sat herself up. "What do you want?" Annoyance was clear in her voice.

    Reuben handed her a sandwich. "Here. You should eat every once in a while, you know?"

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah." She grabbed the food and flicked her cigarette off of the roof.

    "And you really shouldn't smoke, especially at your age."

    "Who are you, my father?" He gave her an unamused glare. The irony of that comment physically hurt. She didn't even bother returning the glare, simply taking a bite of the sandwich.

    After placing one of the bottled waters he got next to her, he turned to leave. "Just eat, okay?"

    "Whatever, dad." He let out another sigh as he left the roof.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Nope, I've got it. Zoey smiled.

    Hana nodded, clearing the rest of her plate.

    Is there anything that keeps Molly awake? I hate sleeping, I couldn't imagine sleeping all the time. Though I wonder if it would make me more... oh no... oh I learned this word...

    Something that keeps Molly awake? Xathanael had never really thought about it before. If there was something that kept Molly awake, she would certainly do whatever it took to make it happen. It wasn't good for anyone to sleep that much. She never fully understood how Maalik put up with it in Richard. Though thinking back on it, she remembered more than instance where Maalik forced Richard to be active, even when he didn't want to. If only she could come up with a way to ke --


    Hana's attention was pulled back to the table where she saw Zoey with her hand on a broken plate yelling, TRANQUIL- uh oh. Zoey looked at her hand, which fortunately wasn't cut, and she tried piecing the plate back together. Oh oh I didn't mean it. I'm sorry I should have expressed myself in a not so destru - destructive way I should have thrown my hands up in the air or anything that didn't involve breaking plates and possibly freaking you guys out. Do any of you have any glue? I could try to put this back together or something, anything, I just wanna fix it since I didn't mean to break the pla-

    Oh god will she shut up?

    Hana sighed and set a hand on the child's shoulder. Do not worry about the plate. There are plenty more. You're still very, very young. I can guarantee that there will be many more broken items before you learn to control your strength. It's not a big deal. We're not freaked out by you at all, right Ellie? Hana glanced over at the other girl, before turning her attention to the one a few tables away who had complained about Zoey's talking.

    He's a bully.

    Hana raised an eyebrow, surprised to hear Molly's voice. Hm? He's her father.

    That doesn't make him any less of a bully. He's always mean to her.

    Well maybe -- oh.

    Molly rose from her seat, leaving the empty tray on the table. She marched over to the older boy with a determined look on her face. Her little eyebrows scrunched together and she placed her hands on her hips. Ahem, she cleared her throat in annoyance.

    Marvel heard the voice, stopped, and turned around towards her, asking half-heartedly, Can I help you?

    Molly pressed her thumb and pointer finger together before flicking Marvel in the forehead. Just because ye may not 'ave wanted this, doesn't mean you can treat Zoey like a potato bug. You're the reason she's here. It won't be long until she's just as big as ye and then she can beat you up herself for being a bad papa. Ye should be nice to 'er while she's still just a wee little chickadee. She flicked him a second time as the end of lunch bell began to chime. Hana, it's time for class. she said flatly.

    Right, right. Let's go watch watch Caius dismember things and disgust the rest of the class. Marvel, you really should be better to Zoey dear. You're not the only one in the school that is a parent. Hana turned away from the teenager and the watchful eyes of the other students as she headed for the large double doors.

  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Ellie had continued to casually eat her food as Zoey and Hana had their own conversation. They were going on about having a voice inside one's head and how exactly that was. In Ellie's case, the voice wasn't so much a guiding voice, so much as it was one that felt the need to set things ablaze and enjoy the fire it created. The fact that Nuriel was a fallen angel didn't seem that far fetched within the first few hours of their first communication with each other. In fact, she was surprised that being a fallen was all this guy was. No like, form of higher punishment or something, or whatever. After the explanation was given, Zoey seemed to understand just what was going on with their angels, she accidentally broke a plate, at which point she started to go on a tangent about how sorry she was. When Hana mentioned that they weren't freaked out in the slightest Ellie said, "yeah, I mean, I made a potato spontaneously catch fire earlier today, so this didn't freak me out either."

    As she said this, it was at that point her hand involuntarily sent out sparks which fell onto her own plate and ignited the food on there if only for a second. She looked at the plate for a bit, with nothing but contempt at it.
    "Come on, at least give it a chance." She pushed the plate away from her, completely unamused, and then looked back to Zoey and Hana. It was then that she missed something that Marvel did, but whatever it was, Molly seemed to go off on him for it. Served him right. Prick.

    After that, the bell had rung, and it was now time for everyone to go move off and go to their own classes now. She turned to Zoey and Molly/Hana and said,
    "well, see you guys later. Have fun at class." After that was over with, she quickly grabbed her bag, threw out her coal, and started walking off to class. It was now that she had to go and do some good old fashion Lit class. While she didn't mind the subject the professor was a bit...well she was nice...most of the time.

    Jin was listening to what Hwan had to say about the hands of humans. He was half paying attention to it while eating his rice out of the bowl, and then gave a slight nod to the other nephilim who had joined them. While Jin did ask the question, he wasn't exactly interested in just what Hwan was learning. Well, it more that he knew he wouldn't retain the information anyway. Regardless, the guy probably wanted to explain his findings anyway, and Jin was alright with just letting him talk about it. After swallowing another mouthful of food, in a monotone voice he simply said, "well, if you ever need a test subject, just ask, Doctor Hwan." As he said this, he gripped his wrist, as to draw more attention to his hand.

    When asked about what he had done for the day he said,
    "it's been sleepy. Kind of haven't left the room until now," he gave a simple shrug. "Just felt like one of those days." Before the other nephilim could answer, the bell had rung, and it was time for all to move onto class. "Huh, guess we should probably leave here now." However, rather than move, he simply kept eating calmly.
  19. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    And there was the bell. Time for class again. Lucille stood silently and put her book back in her bag. She had finished eating shortly before, and had been waiting for that bell. Right after lunch was Caius dismembering things. Good. She could throw up lunch in the classroom! That would help her make friends.

    She sighed as she walked into the class and sat in her usual seat. Not in the corner, she actually sat near the front. She wa here to learn, not talk behind a teacher's back.

    Still though. Caius's lessons were at the very least interesting and knew how to hold her attention, so she had a good lesson to look forward to.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Lunch periods were never truly the most exciting of times, they were times where usually things never happened for Caius. For Caius this time was mostly spent working on planning on lessons and dealing with student work. Of course he did use the time to spend with others sometimes, but even so he preferred to use the lunch period at least lessen his work for later on and it did give him the opportunity to tutor anybody else that needed it, whether it was biology or something else.

    He continued to chew upon a piece of chicken as he glanced over a sheet of paper, however immediately as he swallowed he suddenly brought his hand to his mouth dropping off of his chair and kneeling before the nearby trash can. Letting out a fit of coughs, Caius began to wipe his brow from sweat that was beginning to form. "Hah...ate too much" Caius muttered wiping his mouth clean from saliva before rising to his feet as the sighing as he heard the bell suddenly ring, signalling for the start to the next period.

    "Im fine, I should be ready" Caius said quietly with a smile before glancing over at the door, noticing the pink haired nephilim walk in and take her seat at the front. "Ah, Lucille, your early...nice to see that, I'd of assumed most would have skipped today's class" Caius said closing his eyes with a smile before glancing over at the class began to slowly fill as he leaned against his desk.
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