Will anyone make a RIku sig for me? idk how to make the kinds I've been seeing...I try to but they end up in a catastrphey!
Yeah..I wuz waiting for someone to reply FOREVER! haha... I've been looking everywhere and I found Riku sigs...just none that has the quote: "I am no one just a cast away from the darkness..." I was wantin it to look like him standing in front of the ocean in his regular clothes, then on the other side of the sig, in his darkness outfit..
^Is this good?^ Url: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/138/6/d/Riku_sig_by_Demon_Slayer_Kyle.jpg
*sighs* Welp, figures I'd be the one out... Sorta rushed anyay... But the one that Chaser made was brilliant, so simple, yet awesome.. Also, no idea where she found such high quality pics for that...
Don't feel left out..I'm putting the one you made on my myspace page! I still appreciate anyone who did these for me...