Riddles of the Knight

Discussion in 'Archives' started by The Joker, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Possible spoilers below.

    Chapter I

    Edward Nigma sat bored in his van. Inside was a portable T.V. that added to the boredom that he had to be where he was. He had been working for the Metropilis news the "Daily Planet" and sighed as a show was interrupted. The news was no suprise, The Joker had been aprehended, Batman saved Gotham. Now there was a riddle... Edward's life was a riddle, and thus he loved solving them.

    Who was the batty man under the cowl? What drive him? Life was full of questions like these, but he preferd to thik of them as riddles. Added fun to a boring day. As the interruption to the show finished, a dadd playing that Dent had not been found and blame had befallen the Batman. made Nigma sigh more inside. "Dent could not be believed." was a title of a newspaper he had recently publsihed.

    This had made him a unpopular member of the staff and he and recently quit. Taking the van as his homecoming present into Gotham, and a homemade outfit he planned to meet at the very spot his father and he had used to live. Ah, yes. His father. The one who had always doubted his accomplishments, his intellect, even. Well, here they were.

    Putting on his outfit he walked into the old house of horrors and stopped as he saw eyes peering at him from the unlit room.

    "Who is this guy?" the mob boss who said this looked weerily at Nigma and his bright green ooutfit. If he looked closely he could see... were those question marks? What was he carrying.

    "Good evening, gentlemen. Who speaks in riddles yet always speaks the truth? The Riddler. I am the Riddler," Edward said with a smile beneath his hat. Thsi was where all could begin... or end. "Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat?" the words echoed around.

    "If that's all you called us here for...," a gang member said. "We all want the bat dead. What could you do that we can't?"

    The Riddler tipped his hat off in mock respect. "I don't want the man killed. If he even is a man... I want answers. Answers to all the riddles. For persuison, he dropped a suitcase of cash on the table infront of him. Another thing he had stolen from the Dailey Planet.

    The man eyed the case werily. He knew the man infront of him was possibly out of his mind. Yet... he had cash, so, sure, why not? "We have a deal." he said happily, forcing a false smile upon his lips.

    "Wonderful" Riddler said as he raised a staff in the air with a question mark at the top only to jab it into the floor.

    As he exited outside with his new "friends" the night seemed to grow colder as they loaded into his van. As he enterd last on the drivers side, he spray painted a green question mark onto the vehicle. With a laugh he pressed the question mark on the top of his staff, started the van, and took off. He could see behind him the house burning and the fire originated with a mere question. Like life. Fire ignited more fire, riddles ignited more riddles. Infront of them stood a sign saying they were entering Gotham.