Rich or Poor

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sabby, Nov 13, 2007.

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  1. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?


    1. To me rich and poor is basically the classification of how much money you have. Rich. . meaning of course a person that has a great amount of wealth. Poor meaning that a person that has some money to no money. Living different lifestyles, different ways of life.

    2. I consider myself as above average rich. I don't think I am super wealthy like others, living in mansions, owning ferrari's and all that. I think my family and I have enough money to support each other and getting our essential needs.

    3. I don't think money can give all happiness. It can give some but, to me I don't care about money that much, depending what it's used for.

    What's your opinion?
  2. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    1. Like you said, it's only a classification based on how much money you have against society.

    2. I won't lie. I come from a generally low-class family, but I don't care.

    3. Money does give happiness, yes, but it's not true happiness. It's the short state of fabricated happiness that you have something you want. However, it wears off once you grow bored of it.
  3. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    1) They're relative value judgements, that're not only defined by the economy but perceptions as well- you don't need money to be rich, and even the richest people are poor in something.

    2) I'm content; rich in some things, poor in others but otherwise happy.

    3) Money can help facilitate happiness and is certainly up there in the list for material happiness, but I've met monks with nothing but the shirts on their backs that can smile and take delight in anything.
  4. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    1. Rich and poor to me means how much money you have. There's another way I see it, but I cant think of how to put it =/

    2. I'm in the middle. My family isn't not poor, but we can only afford so much.

    3. Money gives happiness in a material way. It can buy things you may want, but it cant buy true happiness- putting together the small things that make a difference.
  5. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    1: Rich is when your wealthy enough to pay off all bills, provide vital stuff for your familly, and buy extra things. Poor is when your able to get by, in debt, or worse in the wealth department.

    2: We're about average in the poor to get by.

    3: Money can give some happiness, but it can't by the most importaint, happy things for you. Basically, money can make you happy in terms of fun, but not in terms of True Happiness.
  6. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    1) Rich: Being happy, not having problems.

    Poor: Having lots of problems, being always sad and depressed.

    2) I consider myself poor since almost always I am sad and depressed (Even now).

    3) No, money doesn´t gives happiness.
  7. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007
  8. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    1. I see "Rich and Poor" in two different ways. There's rich in the wealthy sense, and poor in the unwealthy sense. Then there's rich in the happy and blessed sense, and poor in the sense where you refuse to experience life at it's fullest. That's the only way I can really put it into words right now.

    2. In all honesty, yes, my family is quite wealthy.

    3. Like Ryuuga said, money can give happiness, but it's not true happiness. It'll only keep you satisfied until you're bored and want something else. True happiness has nothing to do with money.
  9. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    1. A classification of how much money you have. Or how you live.

    2. I'm middle class....

    3. For some people it can. I don't think so because after awhile it would get very dull having everything you wanted. And people would only like you because you have a lot of money.
  10. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007

    I'm going to give the correct answers not what I believe. :D

    1. I believe it means to be strong in Christ and rich in Christian values.

    2. I am poor. We all our cause we're human.

    3. Money can buy things that make you happy but that happiness wears off. So it can't. (that one is actually what I believe)
  11. DrMario64 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 25, 2007
    WTF??? You're saying that you're gonna post Christian beliefs, but at the same time say that you don't believe it???
  12. Repliku Chaser

    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?
    In the material sense, rich and poor mean how much wealth you have and possessions you acquire that are around you. If you are rich, you possess a lot of things and you aren't struggling with money as an issue.

    In a non-material sense, people use rich or poor to define various things such as personality, vibrancy of something, or even a rich or poor taste.

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?
    I consider myself to be materially okay. I won't say I am rich or poor. I could have less possessions and income. I could have more. Of course there are times I definitely want more. =:)

    In a non-material sense, I consider myself to be mostly at peace and to have a middle ground too. I'm not very extreme really and hopefully wouldn't be if I were to come into a ton of money. Last thing I'd want to do is change how I feel towards others.

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?

    Money can't make people happy. However, money, because it can be spent to buy things that people enjoy, can help provide a person with things that can make them happy. Money in itself is just paper or coinage. However, the things you can acquire with it can get people what they want. However, material things only go so far to help people feel better. It also can raise your standards of living such as if you are poor you may have to deal with a lifestyle and home that are more like deathtraps.

    Money also, if a person is in the wrong frame of mind, can lead a person to self-destruction because that person forgets money in itself is not important. It's not the money itself but what you do with it and why you do what you do that is important. Wealthy people as well as poor people suffer some of the same mental maladies and physical maladies. Money doesn't make a person more 'human' than someone who has a lack of it. It also introduces new problems such as people becoming jealous around the person who has money instead of happy for them. It can also make a person with money spend it on stupid things such as drugs and ruin the occupation that brought the person the money. Also, some jobs work people to the bone and even if they are rich, they become mentally exhausted and unsatisfied.

    So for success with being rich or poor, people really should put less emphasis on money in itself and instead on their lives. Too much or too little money sucks. We all have our limits on what we want to feel comfortable with and having too much money to manage takes a lot of time and effort and can be consuming while having too little money can mean you don't know if you are eating tomorrow or can afford your rent. Money won't make anyone happy, but having money to buy things you enjoy can. However, money can't buy true friends as those won't care how much you make, but how rich you are in personality, trust, and how well you get along.
  13. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?

    Well first of all, it depends whether you're speaking of the living conditions of a person, or someone's inner character. For the first one, depending on how much wealth you have, your steady income, the type of residence you have, it all comprises whether you're poor or rich. Say you're living in a one-story house, with several jobs striving to keep up with everything. That could be considered poor, while someone other could be living in a mansion, which would be considered wealthy. Everything else would be in the middle - average.

    As for the inner character, you can be rich in ideas, or have poor morales, etc. Being kind, clever, and magnanimous - in actions particularly, not just words - that could be called rich. Someone with poor inner character can be vile and vicious, or just plain mean.

    There are also many other meanings for 'rich' and 'poor,' as Repliku had mentioned earlier.

    So, depending on what you're discussing, 'poor' and 'rich' can have two very different meanings.

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

    Judging from the house I live and the money my father makes to support the family, I would say I am average - middleclass. I am not that poor, nor am I that rich. As for the inner character I speak about, I would say that I am rich in my positive qualities, but poor in my negative aspects, which can balance out evenly.

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?

    No, it cannot. Some people do find 'happiness' from material poessessions, but it can only make you greedy, which can only grow stronger, never being truly satisfied or fulfilled. If you are poor, it does not mean you can't be happy - you can have a strong family bond, or friendship, or even the fact that you're healthy. The state of having more money or not doesn't matter, as there are other facts that can bring you true happiness. And well, I can't say much more as Repliku has stated all the facts that I very much agree with about this subject.
  14. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?
    Rich- a lot of money, which you don't need.
    Poor- no money, that you DESPERATLY need.

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?
    Rich, concidering a lot of other countries that have such little money. We have so many luxurys here in Canada...

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?
    Some what, if you don't have any, I doubt you'll have happiness. If your constantly working for money because you NEED it, that isn't happiness...its stress.
  15. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    1. there is the more comonly used term dealing with money, and then there is the meaning of have rich or poor quality

    2. money wise yes, quality, i like to think so,

    3. money can cause some happiness but it can also cause much more sorrow and greed.
  16. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?

    It basically means a status. Rich means in abundance of something while poor means lacking of or bad quality. I commonly refer rich and poor status as money...

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

    Well...I'm not rich to but a super fancy car or live in an extremely big house. But I'm not so poor either. I'm around the middle with a average 3 story house and common household appliances with a few uneccesary things.

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?

    To some extend, it can. Though it mite not for the long run, it can still give you happiness. Take buying any of the upcoming KH games which require money. If u bought it, wouldn't you feel satisfied or least for that moment?
  17. Taki King's Apprentice

    Mar 12, 2007
    1. What do you think Rich and Poor mean?

    It basically means a status. Rich means in abundance of something while poor means lacking of or bad quality. I commonly refer rich and poor status as money...

    2. Do you consider yourself rich or poor?

    Well, I guess Im above average. Im not super wealthy though. My mom is a Doctor that drives a Nissan. Id say were well off.

    3. Do you think money gives happiness?

    Yes, somewhat, if only just for a while.
  18. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Rich and Poor can be defined in more than money, it can be charecteristics, personality, and such, to be rich is to have a good or great deal of something, poor would to have little or none.

    I'm content with they way I am, and I am middle class if you where to talk about money.

    No, it maybe able to buy things that make you happy but after a while it wears off and having everything you want would be borring. After all, the harder you work for something, the greater it seems when you get it.
  19. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    1. Mainly a way to determine your wealth and status.

    2. My friends say I'm rich, but I say Im just in the middle.

    3. Depends on the person.
  20. khcrazy101 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 11, 2007
    i would say that i consider myself between option 2 and option 3
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