Reverse This Curse

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, May 21, 2009.

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  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    This rp is a remake of my old rp The Last Hope Of Their Future. Well a sequel of it anyway.

    The Human-Vampire war saw many good and bad things come to an opening and a close. A good thing was that many of the corrupted souls from before had been cleansed from the earth for good. The bad thing was that Chiyon - the purest and oldest pureblooded vampire in existence - was revived. In her anger and thirst for power she created and army of her own and went to war, known for her expert knowledge in war and even more deadly in battle, she won the war despite having less than 3 quarters of the men the opposing side had.

    Since that history-changing war Chiyon has been ruling for almost a century now, she now rules both the humans and vampires. Many have given up all attempts of resistence and have submitted to serving their new ruler and obeying her orders, even if it is an order to kill their closest family relative or themselves. There are those that have refused to obey their new leader and they have formed a resistence to bring down the tyrant once and for all. These brave souls have sworn to kill Chiyon with their own hands, even if it costs them their own life.

    1. No God-modding or power-playing.
    2. If I catch anyone doing *this* for their actions, they will be shot, derepped and kicked out of the RP ^_^
    3. I can't believe I had to make this rule but unfortunately an accumulating number of people have been not been doing this. Please use proper grammar and punctuation.
    4. Stay active! Don't just randomly disappear and never come back again. If you do have to go for a while actually inform me so I know and I don't delete you from the rp.
    5. There is a limit of 4 characters to each person.
    6. Keep romance and violence moderate. Don't go to extreme.
    7. Don't kill another member's character without their permission.
    8. There is a 20 word minimum per rp post. I didn't make this up, it's actually the rule for the entire section.
    9. If you have read this far, post Bloodsucker somewhere in your first post.
    10. Make your preview post long please B|
    11. More rules will be added later.

    OC Form
    Side: (Resistance, neutral or Evil?)
    Race: (human, vampire or hybrid)
    Appearance: (If you use a pic, just put the link down.)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Sassy the One Hit Wonder
    Name: Chiyon
    Age: Physically 17. Much much older.
    Side: Evil
    Race: Vampire
    Power/s: Super-strength and speed that surpasses even a vampire's.
    Personality: Very calm. She is very serious about her goals and can be quiet sadistic if someone manages to get on her bad side.
    Bio: Chiyon is the oldest living vampire in existence. Nearly a century ago she was a human for a short while as she lived as a vampire hunter and leader for the humans. But a while late she caught up with an old acquaintance and she was turned into a vampire once again.
    Weapon: Bow and Arrows, and a longsword.
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: In her usual boring red leather covered chair Chiyon sat waiting for her next appointment to come in. This was one part she was expecting to come with her new job as a ruler but not one she ever really like. To help the time go by faster she unsheathed her sword and started to swing it around in mid air. When she thought about it, it was quiet nostalgic. She started to remember the time that she had spent with Kaji... the moments they had together... Chiyon shook her head and stopped her mind from drifting into the 'forbidden' part of her mind and continued to gracefully swing her sword around.

    Username: Sassy the One Hit Wonder
    Name: Daisuke
    Age: Physically 16 (real age:1068)
    Side: Evil
    Race: Vampire
    Power/s: Telepathy and Telekinesis.
    Personality: Cheeky, quiet and reflective a lot of the time.
    Bio: A while back, Daisuke was always trying to keep the peace between humans and vampires, even to the point of trying an attempt at killing his sire Chiyon. His plan backfired and Chiyon has put a control spell on him and he is now her obedient right-hand man who does a lot of the dirty work for her.
    Weapon: A Katana
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: Daisuke sat alone on his makeshift bed in the corner of Chiyon's majestic room. He was alone at that moment in time and it gave him time to think over things he had done in the past. It was times like these that the effects of the spell started to waver and he was able to be just 'him'. I can't believe that it's turned out like this... there's more fear and peril than ever before... well more fear anyway he thought. Daisuke stretched back onto his bed and stared up and the maroon-coloured ceiling, thinking of a way to permanently break from the spell so he could go join the resistance.

    Username: Sassy the One Hit Wonder
    Name: Yuka
    Age: Over 400 centuries old.
    Side: Resistance
    Race: Vampire
    Appearance: girls/Bild25.jpg
    Power/s: Telepathy and Telekinesis
    Personality: Yuka is sometimes shy but she usually speaks her mind and is pretty confident in her ability. She tends to find herself replying to people's thoughts though.
    Bio: Yuka is the last remaining heir to her distinguished family of vampires. Her family was well known as the Daywalkers of her kind and it was because of this that she was singled out and despised against when she was young. Over the last 100 years she has trained and she is the founder of the Resistance, hence she is the leader of the Resistance.
    Weapon: An object that transforms between a sword and a staff.
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: Yuka quickly sifted through the crowd of bodies in her way, there was a commotion going on and she wanted to find out what it was fast. As she made her way to the front of the crowd she was confronted by someone she never expected to see in the light of day. It was Chiyon. Yuka held her breath as Chiyon gracefully walked passed her as she inspected each and every individual that passed her. This woman had caused her so much grief in the past it wasn't even remotely funny anymore, anger started to seeth from her. It took all of her strength to hold herself back from lashing out at Chiyon and tearing her apart in front of everyone.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: unknown, looks mid 20's
    Side: neutral
    Race: vampire
    Personality: Crude but honourable
    Bio: After Chiyon took over he was killed by her soldiers. He revived for unknown reasons and is trying to understand who did it and why. He is still a master swordsman.
    Power: Dark Cloning other elements, originally fire and lightning but in the last RP gained water and light.
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post:
    Rik's sword opened the coffin he lay in. His tomb was warm, fires where lit and the presence of someone being here was clear. Slowly he climbed out of his coffin and stood up finding his weapon of choice held on a stand nearby. "It seems someone has brought me back", he said checking his blade. Soon he left the tomb and headed onto the surface.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kraine Regard
    Age: ???
    Side: neutral
    Race: vampire
    Power/s: Teleportation
    Personality: Jokey and hyperactive
    Bio: He met Rik shorly before his death. He would help people travel for the right price using his ability and his past is unknown.
    Weapon: Throwing knives
    Other: bloodsucker
    Preview Post: you already have one XD

    Username: Catfish
    Name: Cian Mathers (pronouned: see-an)
    Age: 19
    Side: Ressistance
    Race: human
    Personality: more serious than anything
    Bio: Cian was raised knowing what is right and wrong by her parents, who were killed when she was 12. Now she has been taking down any person who sides with Chiyon
    Weapon: sword
    Other: blood pucker, i mean sucker wait thats not saying it... hmmm sucker blood no that's not blood sucker either... hay i just said it xD
    Preview Post:
    'It had to be vampires', Cian thought as she raced through the streets, trying to avoid the followers that seemed to be looking for her. Vampire's were always obviously harder to kill, though it wasn't impossible, and these ones didn't look to smart either. Trying to keep her footsteps muffled, she went to sneak up on one of the two vampires.

    Username: Aura
    Name: Veronica Thomson
    Age: 20
    Side: Resistance
    Race: Human
    Power/s: Wind
    Personality: She likes to keep to herself even though she feels as if she needs to be more open with others. She can be very shy at first meeting. She's kind, caring and brave.
    Bio: At a young age, Veronica had learned how to defend herself from others. She lost her parents at the age of 15. She was strong enough to live on her own and take care of herself. She hates those that are along side with Chiyon. Although she may be shy, she never hesitates to kill her enemy.
    Weapon: A sword and revolver
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: Veronica kept her revolver close at hand. She had a feeling something was going to show itself; it was only a matter of time. She walked around a small area that seemed deserted. She scanned the area, seeing nothing in sight. I guess it is deserted. she thought to herself, placing her hand on her hip. She rested her revolver on her shoulder, lightly tapping it. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes and shaking her head. She turned around, leaving the area.

    Username: Magick
    Name: Alianne (pronounced Aly Anne) Jerason.
    Age: 19
    Side: Resistance
    Race: Human
    Personality: Quiet, sarcastic. She usually is the voice of reason in situations.
    Bio: After her dad died fighting with the Resistance, she joined them as a way to live, and have a home with her mom. Her mother was killed by a vampire working for the queen right in front of her, and she has been on her own ever since.Deathly scared of vampires, she usually stays close to home.
    Weapon: A bow, small knife she hides in her boot, and a sword strapped to her back.
    Preview Post: Aly paced her small room, thinking. Tonight was the aniiversary of her mother's death...two long years had passed since then. Her sword glinted in the corner, reminding her of the lives she had taken with it. Would her parents have wanted this? Or would they have wanted her kept well out of this life? She sighed, leaning against a wall. Perhaps she should try to get to know her fellow members better. If she was to survive, she would need their trust. She sighd again, picking up her sword and bow, and heading out into the world. Time to go hunting.

    Username: Ginger
    Name: Lizabeth James
    Age: 16
    Side: neutral
    Race: Human
    Power/s: Darkness
    Personality: Jumps to conclusions and doesn't like to be left out of things. She is easily hurt and forgives too easily.
    Bio: Lizabeth grew up on her own, she never knew her parents. She longed for companionship so she tried to make as many friends as possible when she was young. She grew up to find that some people can not be trusted, even the ones closet to her.
    Weapon: Bow and arrow.
    Preview Post: Lizabeth sat quietly in her room, pondering over what she should do. The was quite aware of the resistance forces that were going up against Chiyon, but she figured there was no point to joining, she would probably just end up loosing her life in the process and there was a lot she still wanted to do. She thought of joining quite often, but always decided against it. "...One day..." She said quietly to her shadow. And she stood up and walked outside, only to be greeted by the harsh light of the sun.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: unknown, looks mid 20's
    Side: neutral
    Race: vampire
    Personality: Crude but honourable
    Bio: After Chiyon took over he was killed by her soldiers. He revived for unknown reasons and is trying to understand who did it and why. He is still a master swordsman.
    Power: Dark Cloning other elements, originally fire and lightning but in the last RP gained water and light.
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post:
    Rik's sword opened the coffin he lay in. His tomb was warm, fires where lit and the presence of someone being here was clear. Slowly he climbed out of his coffin and stood up finding his weapon of choice held on a stand nearby. "It seems someone has brought me back", he said checking his blade. Soon he left the tomb and headed onto the surface.
  3. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    Username: Catfish
    Name: Cian Mathers (pronouned: see-an)
    Age: 19
    Side: Ressistance
    Race: human
    Appearance: girl/sweetAnimeFanAngel/Anime-Girl.jpg
    Personality: more serious than anything
    Bio: Cian was raised knowing what is right and wrong by her parents, who were killed when she was 12. Now she has been taking down any person who sides with Chiyon
    Weapon: sword
    Powers: none
    Other: blood pucker, i mean sucker wait thats not saying it... hmmm sucker blood no that's not blood sucker either... hay i just said it xD
    Preview Post:
    'It had to be vampires', Cian thought as she raced through the streets, trying to avoid the followers that seemed to be looking for her. Vampire's were always obviously harder to kill, though it wasn't impossible, and these ones didn't look to smart either. Trying to keep her footsteps muffled, she went to sneak up on one of the two vampires.
  4. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    ooc: You guys are in.

    EDIT: This is a fault on my behalf but I forgots to add the powers. Just add that and I'll add you then.

    Also, the resistance is made up of both humans and vampires who want to bring Chiyon down.
  5. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Username: Aura
    Name: Veronica Thomson
    Age: 20
    Side: Resistance
    Race: Human
    Power/s: Wind
    Personality: She likes to keep to herself even though she feels as if she needs to be more open with others. She can be very shy at first meeting. She's kind, caring and brave.
    Bio: At a young age, Veronica had learned how to defend herself from others. She lost her parents at the age of 15. She was strong enough to live on her own and take care of herself. She hates those that are along side with Chiyon. Although she may be shy, she never hesitates to kill her enemy.
    Weapon: A sword and revolver
    Other: Bloodsucker
    Preview Post: Veronica kept her revolver close at hand. She had a feeling something was going to show itself; it was only a matter of time. She walked around a small area that seemed deserted. She scanned the area, seeing nothing in sight. I guess it is deserted. she thought to herself, placing her hand on her hip. She rested her revolver on her shoulder, lightly tapping it. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes and shaking her head. She turned around, leaving the area.
  6. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: I edited my characters power in.
  8. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    OC Form
    Username: Magick
    Name: Alianne (pronounced Aly Anne) Jerason.
    Age: 19
    Side: Resistance
    Race: Human

    Personality: Quiet, sarcastic. She usually is the voice of reason in situations.
    Bio: After her dad died fighting with the Resistance, she joined them as a way to live, and have a home with her mom. Her mother was killed by a vampire working for the queen right in front of her, and she has been on her own ever since.Deathly scared of vampires, she usually stays close to home.
    Weapon: A bow, small knife she hides in her boot, and a sword strapped to her back.
    Preview Post: Aly paced her small room, thinking. Tonight was the aniiversary of her mother's death...two long years had passed since then. Her sword glinted in the corner, reminding her of the lives she had taken with it. Would her parents have wanted this? Or would they have wanted her kept well out of this life? She sighed, leaning against a wall. Perhaps she should try to get to know her fellow members better. If she was to survive, she would need their trust. She sighd again, picking up her sword and bow, and heading out into the world. Time to go hunting.
  9. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Username: Ginger
    Name: Lizabeth James
    Age: 16
    Side: neutral
    Race: Human
    Power/s: Darkness
    Personality: Jumps to conclusions and doesn't like to be left out of things. She is easily hurt and forgives too easily.
    Bio: Lizabeth grew up on her own, she never knew her parents. She longed for companionship so she tried to make as many friends as possible when she was young. She grew up to find that some people can not be trusted, even the ones closet to her.
    Weapon: Bow and arrow.
    Preview Post: Lizabeth sat quietly in her room, pondering over what she should do. The was quite aware of the resistance forces that were going up against Chiyon, but she figured there was no point to joining, she would probably just end up loosing her life in the process and there was a lot she still wanted to do. She thought of joining quite often, but always decided against it. "...One day..." She said quietly to her shadow. And she stood up and walked outside, only to be greeted by the harsh light of the sun.
  10. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia

    You've been added. Ifyou have any questions about the rp, just ask.

    ooc: okay let's start this thing xD

    Yuka glided down the sunlit streets of the markets, it was times like this that she could be herself and enjoy life. But she could never be truly content, not when there was a terror menacing the land that needed to be stopped at any costs. With a heavy sigh she flicked her short ponytail over her shoulder and decided that she would stop at a nearby cafe for a rest.
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik dragged his feet along the streets. The blade of his sword scrapped the dirt as he pulled it in his right hand. Rik grew weak quicker than the first time, the resurrection contract seemed to of weakened his body more than he first thought. Ofcourse this only means he would have to feed more than he used to. He passed many places as he continued along the streets.
  12. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka took a seat right at the back of the cafe, she didn't want to be spotted by someone that worked for Chiyon. Well not in front of witnesses anyway, it would get messy if she pulled any stunts. Yuka ordered a glass of water and rested her head on the cool surface of the metallic table she was sitting at, it was actually warm to her since she was a vampire and all but she just imagined what it would be like if it was cool.
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik smelt the air, he could taste blood nearby. He lifted his weapon onto his back and leapt onto the roof of a building. Quickly, he made his way across the rooftops until he came across two women talking, one had cut themselves on something and was trying to stop it from bleeding. Rik hesitated for a second, looked around himself and then leapt down to feed. In the instant he dropped down they screamed and he knocked them to the ground rendering them unconcious so he could drink easier.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka's head snapped up at the brief moment of screaming, as a reflex she raced out of the cafe and down the street. She could smell someone's blood and she used that scent to close in on the source of the screaming.
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik had finished feeding. He stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. The two now dead women lay with bite marks on their necks and no blood touched the floor. Rik sat the women up against the wall next to each other, he hated to see his prey look dishonoured after death. He began walking away from the bodies.
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka skidded around the corner into a less busier street, right at the end she spotted a familiar face she would never of dreamed of seeing in the citadel ,walking in her direction. It was Rik. She just stood there, shocked staring at him. She was sure he was dead, she was positive he was dead. "Rik...?" she asked in a careful voice, she wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her.
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik stopped, he looked directly at the person ahead of him. He remembered her but not well, something was blocking his memories. "Yuka, is it?", he asked trying to remember although it was only hurting his head, who ever brought him back had messed with his mind, it was like someone was trying to control him in a way.
  18. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka couldn't help but let a smile spread across her face. It really was Rik, she knew that for certain. "Yeah it's me. It's been a while since we've crossed paths hasn't it?" She chuckled softly to herself and took a few steps closer to Rik.
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    "It has?", Rik said stepping backward, "You do know that I shouldn't be here, don't you?", he asked. He wasn't sure wether he really knew this person or if he was under some sort of magic.
  20. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Yuka stopped in her place and scanned Rik at a distance, his mind that is. It looked like his mind had been tampered with. Before he could suspect anything Yuka shook her head. "Don't worry, no one is after you. Unlike me that is..." she started to twist the ball of her boot around on the ground and look down at the ground.
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