Chain of Memories Reverse/Rebirth Ansem

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by SpazticFantaztic >:3, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I've been stuck on the final boss of CoM:R/R, Xehanort's Heartless for w hile now, and I still can't beat him. I'll get him to a blue life bar, but then the weird heartless growth thing on his back kills me. How do I beat him?
  2. RusinaRange Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 13, 2008
    In the rainforest
    sorry but i cant help you cause i cant remember how it went but ill try to go trough it today and then ill tell you who you must do it...
  3. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Level up up your health to the fullest, get a lot of DPs, and always get card breaks on him.
  4. RusinaRange Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 13, 2008
    In the rainforest
    yeah do like that thats a good advice... srry i was too late:)
  5. straeh modgnik Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 3, 2008
    Look Behind you
    When he is using sleights or cards 7-9 use a 0 card to break it.
    when he uses lightning waves jump over them or card break.
    if you run out of 0 cards reload. (not too much)
    if you get too low health use the Oogie Boogie card (I think) it slowly heals you
    to avoid some attacks in dark form just double jump to get behind then attack
    when you use mickey cards use them in sleights (if all low # use attack card last
    Also you may need to raise your lv (hp/ap/dp)
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    this is a tough battle, not even Dark Aura will work well because of his sheild. but there's one secret that made this MUCH easier for me: almost all his attacks can be dodged with a well timed jump. it's true except for his slieght where his Guardian Heartless goes underground and keeps springing up. that attack is dangerous because once you get caught by it, it's tough to escape. if you wna risk it, you can use Riku's sidesteps to dodge it but like i said, one hit and it's probably over for you. so just save a 0 card just for the sole purpose of breaking that slieght.

    also, effectively using your enemy/heartless cards is VERY important in this battle. start by using Dragon Maleficient. and when you get into Dark Mode, switch your enemy card to Jafar so that you can deal a lot of damage without interruptions. however, if your health gets to half, use Oogie Boogie and when that wears off, switch to Ursula.

    and one last tip: once Ansem uses his Enemy card (which is the "Ansem" card) which results in the effect of Sleight Blind........USE YOUR DARKSIDE ENEMY CARD!!!!!!!! that will copy Ansem's enemy card and give you Slieght Blind as well. but you're probably wondering: what's so great about Sleight Blind anyway? well it lets you use sleights w/o Ansem knowing about it until you unleash the slieght. and it more reduces ALL damage by 1/3 i believe (i got that fact from Jiminy's Journal after unlocking the Ansem card in Sora's story).

    hope that helps.