Return of Kira: Part Three-Confused Souls

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Aug 16, 2008.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Date- September 10th-Noon​

    Recap made by Demi.
    Starts a hour later where the last one left off. Feel free to join and if you got any question just ask away

    NOTE: All I did was copy and paste

    Kira tracked to Disney World
    Near collapses/Lana shot

    Lana is told of Near’s impending death

    The Two Kiras meet
    1/3 SPK killed in a Kira attack

    Surren leaves for her death as well

    Laya etc leave for Hawaii

    SPK gets wind and leaves for it too
    Kyo captured

    Matt arrives in Hawaii
    Lana and Matt meet
    Matt arranges something with Lana present
    Lana returns to HQ for Kyo’s interrogation

    Plane Attacks
    Kyo escapes in the confusion
    Matt meets Blondie in the carnage and makes her deliver something for him
    Blondie takes what turns out to be a DEATH NOTE to a man named Joker whom she flirts with after handing most of it over.
    Matt meets up with Joker and is surprised to see Blondie still there.
    Blondie Joins the Kira side
    Terri trades for the eyes

    SPK relocate
    Matt is picked up by the SPK
    Matt is questioned and he causes Lana to loose her cool and same for Near
    Matt makes a deal to save the lives of thousands of people with an antidote for a virus he planted in the plane fuel for his freedom. Which Near reluctantly accepts.

    Near and Lana return to hotel HQ
    They chat for a while and the conversation turns to Near’s health. And Lana makes him eat.
    Lana being the clumsy person she is knocks down the cake and falls over as well.
    Turns out that the fall moved the bullet and collapses into a coma a short time later

    Lana in hospital
    Lana’s feelings for Near come to surface in a coma dream only she is aware of.
    Mellody appears as Lana’s replacement of sorts and begins to question Near of his feelings about Lana before trying to force him to eat too.
    After her operation Lana awakens feeling very confused about everything. Especially concerning Near and the investigation.

    Blondie and Matt move in with Terri
    Blondie “helps Matt relieve some stress” and they return to ‘work’ the next day as though nothing happened apart from a few lowbrow jokes.
    Blondie follows Matt’s plan and manages to infiltrate the SPK.

    Matt issues a demand for the names of all the SPK agents within three days on live TV
    Once he gets back Blondie swears to do everything he says and demands.
    Akito gets captured

    Rules-Please Read
    *NO GOD-MOLDING (I have put Demi in charge of that when I am offline)
    *Nothing more then kissing and hugging please
    *Post apples in your first post
    *No more Death Notes for now
    *No killing without talking to the person first (doesn't have to be me)
    *Terri has the eyes already but if your person wants them also, again, talk to me
    *Remember this is not a fanasty rp so no powers or weapons appearing magiclly​

    I will also post the dead people just case so everyone will know who are we talking about when they are mentioned (I am only posting my people for now though and if you were in the last one and one of your people died pot them also but I don't think anyone did...)

    Additional Inforamtion:
    Played By:

    People Birthdays

    Near-August 24
    Terri-September 5
    Akito-November 19
    Laya-Decemember 12
    Angel-December 25
    Lana-September 11
    Blondie-January 28

    ~SPK Members~

    Name: Nate River
    Alias: N, Near
    Race: Human
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Leader of the SPK
    Biography: After leaving his school, the one Watrai founded, he sets off to find Kira trying to fill L’s shoes. He forms the SPK and starts out in America. Without even going to Japan he finds out who is Kira and what he is planning and even what he is doing when he is doing it. He and the three other remaining members of the SPK fly to Japan where Light lives and sets up a meeting with Light and his friends only to come out on top.
    Additional information: Always could be found with some sort of toy.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:Random Angel

    Name: Lana Lawliet
    Alias: L, Luna (Old name, now used for undercover work)
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent/Oxford University Student
    Biography: Lana grew up in Kent, England in a slightly run down and under funded children's home where she was bullied badly by the other children for her intelligence. That situation was worsened when she was placed two years higher then she was ment to be within the school system. By the age of 16 she was a Oxford University student studying Psycology and Drama, then at 17 she was aked into MI6. Soon transfering to the SPK after hearing rumours of the Original L being named 'Lawliet'
    Additional Infomation: She is very clumsy and can cause a lot of carnage for someone so small, only weighing around 77lbs and being just over 5 feet tall and is usually found with Near as she's his unoffical "Babysitter"
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Benedict de Naplouse
    Alias: B
    Race: Human
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: SPK Agent
    Biography: Benedict is a SPK agent that originally came from France. Not very much is know about him, he keeps to him self mostly but he is a very skilled marksmen and is often very cocky.
    Additional Inforamtion: Has two heavily-customized chrome AMT Hardballers hidden in his coat, he also like pizza
    Played By: burnitup

    Name: Monique Jones
    Alias: Mellody
    Race: Human
    Age: 19
    Gender: female
    Occupation: SPK member/Mafia leader
    Biography: She grew up on her own, and left high school to get a job at 14, so that her brother could stay in school. She eventually had a run-in with Mello and his gang and decided to stick around for a bit. Luckily for her she was able to get her education from the gang, as well as protection, and she eventually fell for Mello, reveailng her feelings 2 years before he died. She joined the SPK, in order to attempt revenge for her brother and her beloved.
    Additional Inforamtion: Has developed a small friendship with Lana, and has attempted to feed Near claiming "i need you alive to catch kira"
    Played By: Dmaster

    Name: Kyra Raimyu (Also Known As J.A.V.A)
    Alias: Neutral
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Underground Detective by night - University Student By Day
    Recently signed up for the SPK, got a scholarship to attend a Famous University, Has ran away from home about two years ago when her carers were uncovered as serial killers by a group of special police forces. She has no idea why they haven't killed her at the time she has lived with them. Has a weird way of doing everything...
    Additional Inforamtion:
    Lives alone in a colorful apartment.
    Does not know anything about her real biological family.
    Is always seen with goggles attached to the head. Has a spunky attitude.
    Secretly owns a bazooka as a heirloom.
    Played By: Cherry

    Name: Unknown by everyone expect Near
    Alias: Jen
    Race: Human
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: She grew up in a rich family who paid for her education so she always got the best they could afford. Soon she became involded with the cops and worked her way in the SPK after Kira returned. However, she does hate being spoiled dispite her spoiled bahivor.
    Additional Inforamtion: More book smart then street smart.
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Caitriona McCarbe
    Alias: Theory
    Age: 21
    Gender: female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: Joined the SPK immeadiatley after the Kira case ended.
    Additional Inforamtion: Is normally easy to get along with and is an odd ball in the SPK for being so cheerful all the time
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Halle Bullook
    Alias: Halle Lidner
    Race: Human
    Age: 32
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: Was the only female in the group of the agents involved in the first Kira case. One of the Yotsuba Kira's victims was an acquaintace of hers, which was one of the reasond that lead her to the SPK. Unlike the other members she'd been in the odd situation of helping Near and passing the infomation onto Mello.
    Additional Inforamtion: Lidner is an excellent officer who once worked in the Secret Service protecting the president of the United States. And individual thinker, she assisted both Mello and Near in the Kira case. Her Skills as a body guard are also first rate.
    Played By: Demitryx

    ~Kira related people/Kira followers/Death Gods~

    Name: Laya
    Alias: Kira
    Race: Human
    Age: Seventeen
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Does random and odd jobs for extra money (mostly takes care of the elderly)/Helps with Terri’s job
    Biography: She and her sister were born in another country and went through some hardships that they do not like talking about. Soon she went to the place where L grew up at. After he left she and her sister left also and on the way to the airport her sister was kidnapped and now she searches for her with all of her intelligence and information which led her to Kentucky, for now.
    Additional information: Loves chocolate and is part of the Candy Trio (named after her sister) that she joined when she arrived in KY. She keeps to herself. Is the organial Kira
    Appearance: the girl on the couch in this pic Amine/Sisters/FutureRaiandNami.jpg
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Ryuk
    Race: Death God
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Biography: Bored one day he dropped a spare DEATH NOTE into the human world hoping to waste some time. He met Light, the person who found his DEATH NOTE, and began their journey to change the world. He only really cared about having something to do though.
    Additional information: Loves apples
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:RA

    Name: Desire
    Race: Death God
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Biography: Fascinated in the human’s world and the human she dropped a DEATH NOTE into their world that belong to a Death God who died by saving someone’s live. She is now following that person, who is the new Kira, trying to find out what is it about humans that could ever make a Death God fall in love with them.
    Additional information: Only has one wing for she lost the other one for an unknown reason/Loves human food
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Debbie Tsugami-Harry
    Alias: Blondie
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Kira spy within the SPK
    Biography: Blondie is a flirtaious and pyschotic beauty who'll do anything, and anyone, in the name of justice.
    Additional Infomation: Has a large birthmark style scar over her right eye, though it's usually covered in make-up to make it less distinctive.
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: First Friday
    Alias: n/a
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: student / Kira supporter
    Biography: First Friday was always an enigma to people. Both a bully and a victim at the same time during childhood. Though, due to an accident at the age of sixteen he forgot everything prior to that day. Including the name of the girl he used to torment as a child. Though, she has far from forgotten him. Even as far as she’s come now.
    Additional Information: He believes in the classical Kira ethos and is proud to of been given the opportunity to help it‘s cause.
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Ross Boulevard
    Alias: Kira Supporter
    Race: Human
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Journalist/ University Student/ Spy
    Biography: Ross grew up in a poor, sad world... His mother was beaten to death by his fater in front of him at the age of 5, and although he tried to run away from home countless times in his life, his father would always find a new way of disciplining him. He one day became successful, and went on a one way ticket out of Florida, to Japan, so that he could get better prospects in life... At school he is always adored by people.
    Additional Inforamtion: He has a non identical brother... He goes to the same university as Kyra but they hardly know each other... He was adopted by a old rich man... He's pretty violent like his father when he's reminded of his past
    Played By:GenesisRebirth

    Name: Shane
    Alias: Kira (not the real, but none the less, a kira)
    Race: Human
    Age: 14
    Gender: male
    Occupation: student
    Biography: A 14 year old student, who lives in california. he lives a poor life, and his family is barely able to keep up the rent, until recently, when they mysteriously began gaining loads of money, and soon were able to move into a new home. Coincidentally, there have been many bank robberies in the area, where every resident within the robbed bank appears to die from a heart attack, though just before, the camera's are always cut off line.
    Additional Inforamtion:
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: deathsight44


    Name: Terri
    Alias: Sugar
    Race: Human
    Age: Sixteen
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Singer/Performer/Actress
    Biography: She was born in California but got bored with the same old same old so when she was found by a talent scout and was given the chance to leave the state and soon the country she took it without hesitation! She then met Laya and Akito and they banded together and formed a very well known and liked group, The Candy Trio.
    Additional information: Leader of the candy trio/rebel/does as she likes/hyper but very smart
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Akito
    Race: Human
    Age: Eighteen
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Terri’s manger
    Biography: Little is known about him because he doesn’t talk much. He is super smart, so smart that he has already went through college with flying colors! He is super cool and liked by the girls.
    Additional information: Last addition of the Candy Trio/Born in Japan
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Angel
    Alias: Candy
    Race: Human
    Age: Ten
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: None
    Biography: She is Laya’s little sister and her current location is unknown right now.
    Additional information: She loves cute clothes, ribbons, and stuffed animals or real animals/sweet and kind but timid
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Matt Marlay
    Alias: Chess (he loves chess)
    Race: human
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Occupation: student, kira supporter
    Biography: He is a collage student, though barely known by his fellow students. He originally got into school after being released from a psych ward, and winning a bet against the school's head master, though ever since he has gotten there, no one seems to have taken a liking to him, due to his strange behavior. He stays in his room 24/7 when not going to class, playing chess by himself, or on his computer, while eating a bag of chips. Though he does have anouther hobby of going onto kira sites to look up current situations, due to his large respect for kira's intellect.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: deathsight44

    Name: Kain
    Alias: Gamemaster997
    Race: human
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Occupation: nothing. He is a gamer who gets payed to play. You might say that game designers pay him to help come up with their idea's
    Biography: To his close friends, his name is kain, but to the rest of the world, he is Gamemaster997, a highly respected gamer, known many times for entering city wide gaming tournaments, usually winning cash prizes. He is highly respected amongst gamers as one who is able to handle situations with ease, while at the same time, able to stratagize, and take in a big picture of everything. Besides that though, most is a mystery about him. SInce he is almost always on some sort of a computer, he has had a tendancy to pick up a few hacking materials off of the black market. Just to make things even better, he has a high IQ. He is not a kira supporter, due to the fact that he does not believe that kira acts like he should, until just recently, when he got a call from a childhood friend he used to know before that freind got sent off for commiting a crime..........I wonder who it could be?
    Additional Inforamtion: Game freak, expert hacker, though not insane hacker in which he can do anything the hell he wants like a certain noob that we all know...
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Deathsight

    Name: Jake
    Alias: Joker
    Race: human
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Occupation: None. He lives in a rich family, due to his fathers successful buissness. He dropped out of school, and also, is now a big time gambler, famous for his unexpliset wins. He has a knack for poker
    Biography: He is a rich boy, always spoiled in the greatest of fashions. When he was younger, he took up lessons in poker, learning from what some might refer to as 'a dirty rotten no good low down son of a gun', who taught him many 'slight of hand' moves that could be used. Jake grew bored of these old ways, and so he decided to invent new ones, soon having his father cast this teacher of his out of his house. As a small child, his interests were in poker, and they remain exsactly the same. he has been on tv 3 times in poker tournaments, and has grown quite famous. He once even tried to play in a chess tournament once to face off against someone who was said to be extremely good at chess, as they both ended up making it to the finals, and there, they had a chess match, begining as enemies, but then ending up as friends. He lost track of that friend for quite some while until only a little while ago, finding out that this friend of his was going to a collage. The topic of kira came up, and the both of them soon quickly agreed on most things, making their ideals on how kira should act the exsact same. He has not heard from this friend of his lately though...
    Additional Inforamtion: An excellent trickster, doing whatever it takes to keep others from knowing his own buissness, and can lie to anyone with a straight face. He does not care for others lives either, believing that they are like cards, as in, easily tradable in a game.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Deathsight

    Name:Ken Ryok
    Biography:Newly became a journalist, he's been working on revealing info about kira to the public. even though he dosen't take he's work seriously he is really skilled in tracking people down, as well as keeping his identity hidden.
    Additional Inforamtion: master of disguise
    Played By:varnor

    Name:Rokuro Kichiro
    Alias: Rock
    Occupation:Private detective, former assassin
    Biography:Born in Japan and was raised by a secret order of assassins. but the org was taken down when someone leaked the names of the order to the first kira. Rokuro was lucky and was able to survive. He's quite the gunner as well as strategist. He now lives in New York as a private detective and has solved several big cases. he has a love for music and is often seen playing a guitar.
    Additional Inforamtion: Can play almost any instrument he picks up.
    Played By:Varnor

    Name: Helena
    Alias: None at the moment
    Race: Human
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: A maid for a hotel and other random jobs. Gotta pay the bills
    Biography: She has been own her own since her parents left her when she turned ten. She doesn't mind though. (Dun wanna make big bio so yall learn teh rest later! Dx)
    Additional Inforamtion: She always acts hyper and can be a bit annoying but she means well. Oh and she lives near First Friday
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Meh! RA...

    Name: Teepo Raimyu (Kyra's little brother)
    Alias: Tweet
    Race: Human

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: California.

    Never knowing about his parents or the fact that he has an older sister, he is determined to find out where he once was from, and who was his family. Only being 7, he wants to at least know if he has a relative to talk to whenever he is down, as his step-parents are cold and vicious.

    Additional Information:
    He's got a necklace which he cannot open that contains a photo of both his parents and his older sis Kyra around 5 when the photo was taken. (The parents abandoned Kyra at 5 years old
    He's really friendly, but has the temper of a bull when he sees perverts trying it on with other girls who doesn't want anything to do with him.
    He's really mature, however he's still only 7, giving him a little more freedom into talking freely in the way he feels. He lives about two roads away from Shane.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Cherry ♫

    Name: Nola Lockheart
    Alias: Roxanne
    Race: Human
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Gang leader
    Biography: Roxanne met Mello not long after he left Wammy’s house, and in many ways she is responsible for Mello’s behaviour as she was the one who introduced him to the world of organized crime. She enjoys nothing more then rebelling against society simply because she can. There isn’t any real depth to her position on crime, other then that was simply how she was brought up to be as she was the daughter of the leader before Mello took over.
    She was one of the only four of the gang to survive the events of Death Note. Now she's taken control of her own gang, though they tend to follow a more 'Kira' style path in that they don't cause crime they sort out the people who commit them by taking the law into their own hands.
    Additional Information: She has her reasons for taking such a harsh stance on criminals, despite the fact that she herself has commited many. During the time she spent with Mello she was physically and mentally abused by another member of the gang named 'Daemon'. However once Mello had gotten wind of it it was soon sorted out, but not before Daemon had gotten exactly what he wanted from her.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Amanda Trinian
    Alias: Anybody's
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Gang member
    Biography: Orphaned at a young age and brought up in a children's home where she was routinlely abused by her socialworker, eventually it became too much for her and she ran away. Only to be picked up by Daemon and his gang a month or so later. She has been with them ever since, much against her will.
    Additional Infomation: Was "chosen" by Daemon to fill in for Roxanne after Mello kicked him out.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    ~Dead Peope~

    Name: Surren Ruki
    Alias: S/ Nebrrus(yay backwards....though it does sound funny...)
    Race: Human
    Age: 26
    Death Date: Day of Near's brithday

    What happened so far....
    Terri haven't heard from the other two in a while so she went to a party with Matt to clear or mind but as it turns out while she is gone her friend's house is invaded by SPK members after Angel calls Akito, who is in SPK HQ so Near got the call instead.
    Blondie is now in the SPK.
    A reporter somehow found himself in the SPK HQ and ran into Near and Lana. He asked some questions that neither of them would answer and to get away he sat off a bomb with sleeping gas and ran for it.
    Meanwhile Mellody is planning something with Lana before she came back to the HQ that is...
    When Lana arrived at the HQ she saw that a reporter had somehow found his way in the HQ and now the hunt to find him with some of the SPK info has started.
    Yuu, the reporter, took over the channel 4 TV station claiming there was bombs placed on every floor and if anyone would to interfer they would go off. Bendict, being the only abilvable member, went to the station. Kyra went off on her on and is still a newbie so Near order B to bring her back 'in one piece'. As it turnedout the bombs were only fake and a way to prove to Kira that Yuu was ready to serve under her.
    The SPK has moved to Kent, England where Laya is currently located and they have people at her place.
    Kira conected Yuu through the radio with a sercet messege.
    The SPK tracked Laya to the place where she was staying and captured her but only after she gave up her memory.
    The Death Note was then passed on to First Friday, old friend of Laya, student, and Kira supporter and he is also somewhat twisted.

  2. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Matt walked up towards Terri's hotel room door, and knocked on it. "Yo, you in?" he asked her

    ooc: since terri hasn't been heard from at all, allow me to explain the situation. They are in a hotel right now. Each of thems got seperate rooms and such.And not to long ago, Matt informed Terri of his having a death note

    Are you alrite with this setting? You know, cuz I godda get back to rping as matt again now
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc it's cool, was waiting to use her again anyway

    Hiya spaming in this thread without a bic post btw. I don't want to waste up room with the new limit rule

    "Hold a sec." She called throughg the door as she finished getting dressed and then put on a blue hoodie. "Come in if you wish."
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: but I didnt spam. I put a bic post at the top (cries)

    bic: "Great" he said, door already opening before she had said it. "Sheesh. So, still havn't heard anything from the others, right?" he asked her, not knowing anything about what was happening with Laya.

    ooc: btw. don't think they are in japan
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc I never said you did. That was a note for everyone...I forgot to put a space in between that and me saying hi to you...Sorry for the misunderstanding. *Hugs*

    And I don't.

    "Nope, not a word. It seems they are either ingoring me again or are unable to get a hold of me."
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Then leave them to rot I suppose" he said as he kicked back in one of her chairs, picked up the remote, and turned on the tube.

    ooc: *sniff*sniff* so then it was really an accident?

    also, when u gonna reply to my pm o_O
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc yes

    and soon! I'm busy making a site...old one sucked

    "But they are my friends. And I do need a manger..." She said thoughtfully
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Well yes, I suppose that does hold some truth to it" he said with a sigh. "But you're rich, aren't you? Why not just get a new manager?"
  9. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Blondie sighed as she lounged around in her room, unable to think of anything worthwhile to do to pass her time. She hated socialising with the other SPK members and had too many things on her mind to try and force herself into talking to them. So gentley she curled her fingers around her hair and rested her free hand on her stomach, something she'd found herself doing a lot since she'd discovered the news. Then her mind began to wander and she found herself pondering what was going to happen next, in her condition she couldn't stay working in the SPK for long... Seemed like she'd failed Matt in more ways then one...

    OOC- And I has no idea where to start with Lana <_< >_>
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc... well what was last thing said by her?

    "It's a hard thing to do. I have to find the right one and such. And he or she has to have a brain blah blah blah. You wouldn't understand unless you were in this kind of business."
  11. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "You're like three inches and ten pounds bigger then me, I believe." Lana said trying not to squeal with laugher. "T-That's more the-then enough!" She added before toppling over and landing flat on her back. It seemed Lana Lawliet's jinx had struck again and, as Theory had put it a few days before: She's pulled a Luna. A stupidly silly little accident that only someone with the worst luck in the world would pull.

    OOC- Something like thart I believe.
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc I thought we passed that Dx meh it's cool

    "Now you're the one who fell."
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "True. Pity. You could always use me as your manager. After all, I feel as if I am suited for such things" he said with a yawn.
  14. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Did you really expect any less of me?" Lana replied with a giggle. Not moving a muscle in the hopes that Near would forget the tickle fight and she wouldn't have to try and get back to her vantage point.
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc...we should pm the other about this *coughi'mtoolazycoughyoudoitcough* I think I'm coming down qith something

    "temporary manger sounds fine with you?" She asked and sat on the bed's edge

    He started to tickle her again seeing how she was fine and wasn't getting up
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Ya sure thing. Of course, I'm going to have to start tommorow. Today, I have something very special planned for the good citizens of america" he said.
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "Wait I got an idea! Seeing how you're all busy with that Death Note stuff, why not have Blondie be my manger?."
  18. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Lana squealed and tried to push his hands away whilst she herself tried to crawl from him.
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Don't know. I mean, you could, but I knocked her up like a month ago at your friends house, remember? She'll probably have to start getten rest, and she'll be pretty dam moody to" he said to her

    ooc:I cant wait to see what mood swings blondie has :D
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc xD moody...oh god

    "Don't you want her around?"

    He let her crawl away. "So I win."
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