Retail people, you've had this happen right?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Iskandar, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    So last night one of the silliest things happened. I was closing at Target and while heading toward the back someone asked me to call for a manager because apparently there were guests that were looking at a microwave that was out of stock, and they were wondering if they could buy the display. Now, obviously the answer is no, and even I could have told them that, but they kept asking for a manager, and so I did, and even he chuckled a little when I told him what they were doing. In fact, there's a giant sticker that says "DISPLAY ONLY. DO NOT SELL." I'm pretty sure they knew how to read, and yet even when the manager told them they couldn't sell it one of the guys kept going like "Why can't you sell us this one? It's sitting right here."

    I don't know if they were new to retail or something, but it was pretty ridiculous, and just made me wonder how silly, and quite frankly, stupidly stubborn, they were being.
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    People used to ask us at RadioShack if we could sell them the display phones when we were out of stock...

    ..The phones were filled with lead, had stickers to demonstrate the interface, and were made of plastic.
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    As someone who has gotten huge discounts by buying floor/display models before, I actually don't think selling it is altogether unheard of, providing it's a functional one and not a dummy model haha.
    I got my piano keyboard at a fraction of the price it was worth because it was the floor model (and it was in pristine condition too!). I guess it depends on what kind of store you're at/item you're trying to purchase.

    That being said... A microwave is something I'd want new even if it could be sold tbh. And if there was a giant DO NOT SELL sticker on the item, I mean, uh, that's probably that.
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Well I was told a little later that the only reason we would sell the display is if the item is discontinued, which I'm guessing is their way of getting rid of the item all the way. But yeah, a sticker that says DO NOT SELL is pretty darn straight forward
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I don't really deal with display only items being that I work in the grocery sector. However, people sometimes display appalling reading comprehension skills. Usually when dealing with coupons. and I don't know how many people do not understand 'assorted/selected varieties' means that not every single variety is on sale.

    If I were not working on 2 stories at the moment, I would write a book.