Rest In Peace My Dear Good Friend.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Moonday, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Moonday Merlin's Housekeeper

    "My skin is white, and my friend's is black. That doesn't stop us from being who we are, it doesn't stop us from doing the impossible. When people look at us they see only the skin we are in, but if they look deeper they will see our hearts. My heart that has gone through tough times and good times, hard times and sad times, is now brusied. But it will move on. My friend's was taken away from him, but will live in my heart forever. I will and shall never forget him."
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Moved this from main section creativity, it's your own work <3

    Its short, but sweet I guess. One major complaint- be careful with your apostrophes. You haven't used them where they should be used, so the entire meaning of the sentence has been changed in some cases. I'll show you an example.

    It should be

    Because of this error, it looks like you've mucked up your plurals and was meant to say "my skin is white, and my friends are black" which Im pretty sure you didn't ^^

    I'll quote the whole thing and add in some corrections for you to see :3

    Overall, sweet story was sweet x3 I really liked the part that read "When people look at us they see only the skin we are in"
  3. Moonday Merlin's Housekeeper

    Thanks i guess. My friend just passed away from taking a bullet to the heart it is what i am feeling. My friend Unmei Riku said it might help if other people knew what i was feeling. It does sort of make me feel better in a way. I didn't know where else to post this.

    I went to his funeral last night. It was beautiful, it wasn't one of those expensive ones. His family had it outside at night. Everybody light candles and listnened to a song that represented what happened. They had candles lit all around a picture of him and it was very emotional. I meet lots of new people that he was friends with. Everybody was sad. It felt almost comforting though everybody from all around had come to say there apologies and blessings, everybody was there for one reason. I'm glad I had gone even though it made me look like an emotional mess.
  4. Unmei Riku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 15, 2009
    This is so sad, I love the way you write especialy the other story you wrote. I am so sorry to hear this, I know how it feels to lose a loved one I lost my cousin not to long ago. Feel better and im here for you if you feel like talking :)