Resident KH-Vids PART 6

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Oct 22, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    It was an hour since Spike got up to get to the top of the mountain. The mountain was really hard to walk on, and the hundreds of spammers in it didn't help things, either. The lift was all the way up the summit, and even if he DID somehow manage to get all the way up there, he'd still have to fight off the spammers that were guarding the place.

    He checked his flame gun ammo and reloaded it. Hopefully he had enough bullets to get through the mountain with some to spare. He didn't want to have to run into that creepy merchant again.

    Just then, a hand poked his shoulder from behind. Spike quickly turned and had his gun pointed at the person's face, and , coincidentally, it was libregkd. Libregkd made his usual grin and opened his jacket. "I see that you're running out of supplies, stranger. How about you take a look at what I've got?"

    Spike shrugged. "Hey, how about you cut me some slack? I mean, do I REALLY have to pay? What are you going to do with the money, anyway? We're in the outskirts of Southern Spain. It's not like there's anything to profit fom, when you think of it."

    Libregkd made an annoyed face. "Hey, I'm just trying to make a living."

    "Yeah? Well, I need these things to keep ON living!", Spike yelled.

    "Well then, tough luck for you."

    Spike, looking really agitated, poited his gun at libregkd's face. "Hey, look at this; I have this coupon that says 'Everything in the store is free or I get to shoot your head off! One day only!"

    Looking down the barrel of Spike's gun, Libregkd gulped. "....Well then,....ummmm,.... that's a pretty good coupon..."

    A few minutes later, Spike was walking away from a grumpy-lloking libregkd with a proud look on his face. Moving up the mountain, he saw a couple of spammers. He pulled out his binoculars to check if anymore were near the area. He wanted to move as discretely as possible wothoug getting any unwanted attention.

    Looking up ahead, he saw a wheel-barrel full of gunpowder on top of a cliff. He could pull the support off an blow them up, making it look like it was an accident. He slowly moved upwards, hiding behind hay stacks, and crouched to the top of the cliff. Then, he kicked the support and the barrels of gunpowder went tumbling down. Pulling out his gun, Spike shot the wheel barrels and they exploded, burning the spammers to ashes. When the other ones came down, Spike ran for a nearby crate and hid behind it. He closely watched them and counted how many there were. "Seven. Well, I was sort of hoping for less, but what the heck?"

    He jumped over the crate and shot at the unsuspecting spammers. Some of them were so starled tht they fell off the cliff to their deaths and the others died from bullet wounds. One of them was stil standing and headed towards Spike. Spike didn't have enough time to relaod his gun, so he roundhouse kicked the spammer 'till it fell off the Mountain side.

    Waiting to see if any of the other ones were coming, Spike's radio phone beeped. Bringing it up to his ear, he could hear a vicious cackling n the background? Confused, Spike checked the frequency that was calling.

    "Don't worry, it's not whoever you're hoping it is." the anonymous voice said. "It was very hard to track down your frequency signal, Mr. Stantine. You're certainly well-equiped for this....."

    Spike was a bit confused. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, as if he heard it somewhere. He just shook his head and thought he imagined it "Who is this? And how do you know my name?"

    The stranger just laughed some more. "I'm someone who knows you, yet someone you don't know. You could say I'm a familiar stranger. Quite the oxymoron, isn't it?"
    "You mind giving me an appropriate answer?!" Spike yelled. He didn't have time to play games with the ennemy.

    "All in due tie, all in due time. That is, if you make it up the mountain...."

    In complete shock, Spike looked around for snipers, cameras or someone with binoculars.

    "Don't think you can see me, friend. I've got you through satelite-cam. Well, I have work to do, so I'll leave you with this: Keep pissing us off, and we'll have you pissing blood."

    The signal ended. Feeling thrown off, Spike kept waliking up the montain. He could'nt shake the feeling that there was more to this story than just a kidnapping...

    Just then, hegot another signal. He quicly put the phone back on hyis ear. "Hello?!"

    "Spike, I have some bad news.." Madi said

    With a small sigh of relief, Spike kept listening in. "Shoot"

    "It seems that whoever we're dealing with has a satelite network. They can track down transmissions and frequencies. However, we can't seem to be able to get a fix on where their transmissions are coming from. I'm speaking to you from a secured frequency right now, but I'll be radioing you a bit less, from now on."

    "Awww, and I was enjoying all the company we've been having." he said jokingly.

    "Anyway, I'l try to upload any useful information I find to your CP. "

    "Alright. Gotcha."

    "Oh, and Spike..."


    "Be careful"

    "Gotcha. Spike out."

  2. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    The purple made me think it was La Sofa... o:

    Best part in this chapter!! XD
  3. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    If he wanted it to be Sofa it would be in pink.

    Wonder who the person could be...
  4. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    ^ He's right, you know.
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