Resident KH-Vids PART 5

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Spike was still walking through the woods. It seemed as if this forest was much thicker than the one on the other side of the lake. Checking his map, he looked for where the church was. Madi said she uploaded the church's coordinates. He looked at the Legend and saw an Inuyasha icon that said 'Church' right next to it. "Well, I hardly think this is the case to put chibi heads as an icon, but I digress."

    The Church was pretty far off. The fatses route he could take was through the woods, into a village and onto a lift over the mountaiside next to the village that led directly to the Church. He pulled out his binoculars and looked around the mountains for any sign of a lift. He caught sight of a zipling and it was, in fact, the lift. However, there were spammers all over it, so getting through the lift would be a fight.

    Putting his binoculars aside, he continued walking through the woods. He stopped and hid behind a torn down fence, because there were spammers on every corner. He could've dropped them right there, but he knew that others would come swarming in at the sound of gun-fire. Walking around the fence, he put his gun away and tried to crouch into the bushes. When he saw the spammers leave, he leapt out of the bushes and headed eastward.

    Eventually, he walked into a gate, but it only lead into a house. "There should be a back door on the other side. I can take it and it just might lead to a shortcut. I just hope that nobody's home..."

    Slowly opening the door, he pulled out his gun into the opening and tried to avoid making the doors screech. "Since I'm here, I might as well check to see if I can find something useful." Halfway up the stairs he noticed some portraits on the wall. They were portraits of the man in the black coat, Ducky.

    "Okay, now I REALLY hope no one's home." He started walking at a slower pace, trying to avoid making a sound. He accidentally stepped on a loose floorboard, though and it went crashing through the floors, ending it's fall with a loud thud. Spike was just looking down with a blank grin, not knowing what to make of that. "Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn...."

    In the basement a small kitten with a purple collar around it's neck was pattering it's way to the stairs.

    Spike could hear the sound of the cat's footsteps, but when he stopped to turn around, it stopped. "Must be the sink. It's probably leaking."
    He kept walking, but when he turned around, this time, the kitten was standing in front of him, licking it's paw.

    "Awwwww. How's going, kitty?" He went to pet the kitten, but it let out a lion-like roar as it's fangs gew and it's claws extended. It slashed him on he leg and ran to the top of the railing. Spike was jumping on his foot, putting his hand over his other one to stop the bleeding."Ow! God dammit. Mutated KITTENS now, too!?!?"

    He pulled out his gun and shot at the mutated spammer-kitten. It was moving too fats and it ran past all of the bullets. Then, it jumped onto the chandelier and from there jmped on Spike's face. Spike was struggling to get the cat off, turning around left and right to sheke her off. He pulled the kitten off his face and threw her at an armoire full of wine glasses and crystal. On the kitten's impact, there was an extremely loud crashing noise as all the glass and crystal shattered.

    Spike slid on the floor to the left and shot at the kitten, hitting it's paw. The kitten jumped back and started licking it' wound. Spike walked up to it to finish it off, but the kitten put a sad face on.

    "Awwwww, you don't know any better, do you?" He pet the kitten on the head, and when it went to lunge at his chest, he caught it with a berlap sack that was on the ground and swung the bag around on the broken glass. The cat was still moving, but she could'nt get out of the bag. He used the bag to smash open a window and threw it,with the kitten inside, into what seemed to look like a wooden dumpster.

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, ya litter-munchin' *****!!"

    He wiped his hands to signify a job well done. When he got into what seemed to be Ducky's room, he found a big key lying on a desk. "This might be the key to the church. I should probably hold on to this."

    He walked downstairs and looked around. There definetly was a back-door. "Hopefully, this was worth getting beaten up by a cat.", he muttered. As he opened the door, the cat was standing there, looking POed. When she jumped at him, he kicked it mid-air, picked her up and threw her into the oven. He looked through the oven widow and saw the kitten make the cute sad face again, but he flipped the cat off and turned the oven on. Gas was streming out of it, then, with his mouth covered, he pulled an Incendiary grenade out from his pocket and threw it into the house. He ran like crazy to the backdoor when the house blew up behind him, the shock sending him flying. When he got up, he wiped the dirt off his feet and put on a satisfied smirk. "I'm more of a dog person, anyway."

    He pulled out his gun and did a cowboy flip with it. Then marched onwards through the woods. After a little while of walking, he could see the village and the entrance to the lift. However, the village was abandoned, literally showing ever meaing of the term 'Silent as the grave' (no pun intended). He slowly walked into the village, putting his guard up, when he noticed how the ground was more like a hill. He felt his foot hit a rope, and eard the sound of wheels turning. Looking up a head, he saw a ginat boulder rolling his way. "Aw, hell Naw!!!

    In the last second, he jumped out of the boulder's way and saw it rolling towards a shack that, ironically enough, was filled with gun-powder. He eyes widened and he ran like crazy to the mountain summit. Bhind him a gigantic exposion erupted the village and burned it to ashes. Oanting, he found a crate full of hay to dit one. Catching his breath, he looked at his watch and decided that he could rest for a little while.

    A half-hour later, he got up and pushed the gate open, heading to the top of the mountain to get to the lift.

  2. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Lol, Inuyasha chibi x3

    This is awesome, Spike, keep up teh gewd work =DDD
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Lol, I knew you'd like that one :D Thanks.
  4. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    lol I'd love to be in one of these somehow.
  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    You actually DO have a part, but you don't show up until the very end. And in case no one figured it out yet, the kitten was Kitty XP
  6. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary

    xD Okay then.
  7. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Loved the chibi Inu attachment on the map... I imagine him looking annoyed, or gleeing with confidence..

    I couldn't have resisted the sad kitty eyes - not in a million years. And especially not blow up the whole building the cat was in.. ^^;

    Wonders who you will meet up with next... o:
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    I still feel sad i was written off so quickly as just one of the car drivers at the start who die T_T

    I played and completed the game last night so the whole story's like still in my head.
  9. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    I can take one look at Inu and tell what's going through his mind. It's usually something like...


  10. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007

    Im not in here either T_T

    Lol at kittys part xD
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