Resident KH-Vids PART 4

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Oct 18, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Spike was trying to cross the lake with the boat he just found. He had to get to the other side to get Deathspank's daughter out of the church (I haven't figured out who could fit the role yet, so bear with me). It wasn't a clean lake at all; the water was filthy, there were rocks with some mold around there,a even the trees around it were just as dead as the water. A real swamp.

    When he was halfway across, there was a small sound, like the sound of a wave swirling by. Spike looked around , but there was nothing there. He kept going and suddenly, a GIGANTIC catfish with a jagged scar across it's stomach came flying out of the murky lake, splashing water everywhere as it flew right over Spike's boat and landed in the water with a thud. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF JEBUS WAS THAT?!?!"

    It got caught on the rope that was sticking out of the boat and started dragging it around the lake. Spike looked around and saw some harpoons lying around. He picked one up and shot it at the monster's back. It made a turn, and Spike barely managed to avoid the shrap, jagged rocks. He pulled out another harpoon and shot it at the catfish. It went below the water, and everyhing went eerily quiet.

    "It's trying to sneak up on me...." Spike thought, "If I stay quiet and alert, I'll be able to find it...."

    He waited, then the sound of a swirling wave came up from behind him, as the catfish jumped over the boat and Spike harpooned it in the stomach. It tumbled across the water and was floating. Not dead, but paralyzed from the pain. Spike pulled out his knife and cut the rope that was stuck in the monster's teeth, then he tied it to a harpoon and threw it towards the shore. While he was tugging on the rope, the cat fish dove down again and jumped head first RIGHT AT Spike. Right when he was about to go inside the mouth, Spike pulled out his flame-gun and shot it a few times in the face. A tiny fiery explosion erupted the atfish's head and it fell into the water, then resurfaced with it's belly up. Spike noticed a vest floating it's way out of the bloody monster's mouth. He fished it out and checked it. It was Vivi's. "Well, that explains the harpoons and the scar on the fish...."

    He grabbed hold on the rope and pulled his way back to shore. There was a small cabin nearby that he could rest in. His head was hurting him immensely, though. As if something were tearing his neck open. When he got into the cabin, he fell down to his knees. His eyes went red and started bulging, and his lips inflated. Suddenly, as if he had no mind of his own, he started yelling "SHOOP DA WHOOP!!" several times. He woke up startled, checking his eyes and mouth nervously. They were normal. "I guess it was just a bad dream....."

    His radio-phone was beeping, and he picked it up. "Spike, your last transmission was TEN HOURS AGO. Are you alright?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine. My eyes hurt, though, and I ran into a giant catfish earlier. It seemed to be mutated or something."

    "Mutated? Strange...I'll have researchers take look into it. Anyway, we've verified the location of the church via satelite cam. We're uploading the coordinates into you're map right now."

    Spike nodded "Alright. I'll continue playing my par, then. Spike out."

    He walked out of the cabin and into the woods with his flame gun ready.

    TO BE CONTINUED........
  2. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    can i be deathspanks daughter plz?
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    .........I kinda want to get a GIRL to be Deathspank's DAUGHTER. I guess I'm just old-fashioned that way =\
  4. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    i am a gurl............
  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    O_O Oh....well, it's just that your profile said otherwise >_> Anyway, I'll think about it.
  6. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    im a tomboy : P
  7. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    It seems the spam fluid is begining to work.... o:

    I personally don't mind that the daughter of Deathspank isn't known. :3
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