Resident Kh-Vids PART 3

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Oct 17, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    WHen Spike woke up, he was in another cabin, tied up wth the stranger that was in the dresser. "Well, you're finally awake. That was quite the catnap you took.", the stranger said.

    Spike shook his head, trying to get rid of the drowziness. He turned his head to the stranger. "Who are you?", he asked him.

    My name's Shadowjak. I was a moderator who was asked to look up strange activities going on in the mountain side, when I got ambushed and locked up in a dresser."

    "Looked more to me like you were hiding.", Spike replied. Shadowjak sighed "As if.....Well, now that I introduced myself; who the heck are you?"

    "My name's Spike. I was sent here to rescue the Pre-"

    "The President's daughter?"

    Spike was taken aback. "Yeah. How did you know that?"

    Shadowjak put on a serious tone " Psychic powers." after a little while, he chuckle "Naw, just kidding with ya. I heard them mention the President's daughter being locked up in the village church."

    Spike sighed. "Well, it's a start. Since were on this topic, just who are 'They'?"

    "They're spammers. Trolls, if you will. They used to be ordinary members, once upon a time, but they were infected with this virus that eliminated all possiblity of intelectual thought. You can't just kill them with regualer guns, either."

    "Then how do i get rid of them?". Spike asked.

    "There's only one way, and it happens to be my specialty: you have to flame them. It takes these special bullets to flame a spammer. But, I'm sure you can find some lying around somwhere."

    Spike shrugged. "Not like I have much of a choice."

    All of a sudden, a spammer with an axe came into the room, swinging violently at them. When it went to cut Spike's head off, he slightly nudged forward, making the axe cut the ropes, and kicked the spammer in the head, knocking him on the ground. Then, Shadowjak got up and left the cabin. Spike sighed and put his hand over his head "Why does everyone keep ditching me?"

    Before the spammer got up, he ran outside. When he was about to go outside the door, a man with a hood was shouting at him from the window. "Hey, stranger. Get over here. I got something that might interest you."

    With his knife at hand, he went outside to where he sw the merchant. "Ah, there yuou are. I've got a collection of things that might inteest you." he said. Then he opened up his coat to reveal guns, bullets, grenades e.t.c.

    Spike scrathed his head. "Who are you? no offense, but when a stranger is trying to sell me weapons, I would'nt mind having a name."

    The stranger chuckled. "I'm just a simple weapons merchant. But if you MUST know, my name is libregkd. I sell weapons, obviously."

    Spike nodded and looked at what he had. "Do you have bullets I can use to, I dunno...flame spammers?"

    "Just your luck, and mine, I happen to have a few boxes of those. 1000 each. And if you're buying bullets, you might as well buy a gun, too." he said with a cynical grin on his face.

    Spike rolled his eyes and shrugged. He pulled the money out of hia back pocket an dtook the gun and boxes of bullets from him. Libregkd counted the money in hand and gave him a slimy grin. "Pleasure doing business with ya." he said as he walked away.

    As if right on cue, the spammer he knocked out earlier came outside and headed towards Spike. After loading his new gun, he shot the spammer in the head and a small firey explosion struck him just as the bullet hit him. Spike looked at the gun with a satisfied look. From behind the gate, Spike could hear dozens of spammers headed his way. He approached the gate, kicked it down and started firing. He didn't shoot to kill, but he shot them off the bridges and let the ground do all the dirty work.

    When he passed the swarm of spammers, he got to another gate and cut the rope that held it shut with his knife. There was a huge lake. it seemed that to get back, he'd have to go on that boat and cross the river.

    Suddenly, hs radio phone beeped. "Spike, you're last transmission was 7 hours ago. Where the heck are you?"

    Spike shrugged. "Well, I got caught up, I guess. I also got a hunch on my target's location: she's supposed to be in a Church back in the village. I have to cross the lake, first."

    "You have to hurry. In the eantime, i'll try to upload a map into your portable CP. It should be able to trace where you've alredy gone from this point on."

    "I read ya. Spike out." he hung his phone into his belt and got into one of the boats. Rowing across, he could hear something coming rom every direction. Completely unaware of it, there was something stalking him from under the lake....

    Something big....

  2. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I like your idea of weapons. >:3 Makes me want to draw chibi Spike grinning with his new flaming gun.
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Really? Wow, I'm flattered ^_^
  4. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Absolutly lovely.
    -wishes she could rep you-
    Lolz. I'm liking my part in this x3

    And you are so badass with your flame gun of doom >:3 Shadowjak and libre are awesome as well =D
  5. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I get it. Like resident evil?
  6. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Lol. Of course.
  7. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    It's so cool , get those spammers !! ^ ^ :guns:

    Can I be character ?
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