Resident Kh-Vids PART 2

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Oct 16, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    When Spike looked out the window, there were several people with pitchforks and torches. The only sound he could hear was the monotonous, lifeless sound of them saying" Shoop De Whoop"

    He pulled his dart gun out of his belt and shot one of them in the head, but it just got back up and kept walking. Without turning, he threw his dart gun over his shoulder and it hit an awakening Da Freak in the head and made him fall back onto the ground. Spike looked around for a way out of the cabin. He headed for the stairs and jumped out of the nearest window to the roof. When he looked down, there were hundreds upon hundreds of zombified people,. All of them saying "shoop da whoop" in the same eerie monotone. It also seemed that the car was gone "Damn b******s. They left me to die."

    Looking for a way down and away from the mob, Spike went to the back of the cabin ad jumped off the roof. Taking a second to stick the big fall, he kept running toward a nearby gate. The lever for the gate was really old and rusted so, he forced it to move and ran through.

    While running through the woods, avoiding bear traps, he saw another gate door that was wide open, so he went in there, only to see that he entered their village. "Great. I'm in a literal loony town!"

    The village seemed deserted, so Spike decided to do a bit of recon before anyone came back. At the very center of the village, there was a fire with a person in it. The person's eyes were ripped out and he was skewered in the chest with a pitchfork. After looking closely, he noticed that it was Crono's body! Spike got down on all fours and started gagging. When he got up, he put his hand over his mouth to keep himself from yelling. "What in the name of God? What the heck's wrong with these people?"

    His radiophone rang again, and he put it next to his ear. "Spike, what's going on?", Madi asked. "Well, there are some homicidal village people out to get me, one of the escorts sent with me is skewered and burned right now, no sign of the other, though, and I have no idea where I am, but I seem to be in a village somewhere."

    "Don't forget your objective. You HAVE to rescue Deathspank's daughter."

    When he heard footsteps coming from the forest, Spike ran into the nearest house and barricaded the door. "Madi, I can't talk right now. I think they're coming. Spike out."

    He saw a shotgun hanging on the wall, so he picked it up. Luckily for him, it was loaded. He walked downstairs to see if there was a cellar he could get out from just in case someone came in. When he did, he heard the sound of banging somewhere. Readying his shotgun, he went in deeper and saw there was something in a dresser. He quickly opened the door and someone fell out. pointing his shotgun at the stranger, the starnger got up with his hands up.

    "Whoa! take it easy there, cowboy" Putting his gun down, he offered the stranger a hand, but he shoved it away and got up on his own, then wiping his sleeves.

    Spike out his hand back. "Who are you", he asked the stranger. The stranger pulled out a cigarette and checked his pockets. "Before that, I have to ask you a very important question......You got a light?"

    Spike checked his pocket and shook his head. The stranger sighed and threw the cigarette away. Just then, a tall man with a black trechcoat and a small duck logo on his shoulder came in.

    Spike pointed at him. "Who's that?" he said in surprise." The stranger looked ready as if being prepared to get attacked. "His name's Ducky. Notice the psycho spammers amuck about outside? He's their leader."

    Spike ran up to hi to kick him in the face. but Ducky caught his foot with his hand and flipped him over to the ground and threw him at the stranger, knocking them both out cold.

    A few hours later.....

    Spike was barely concious. A man in a hood was laughing in the background. "Feeble human. Let me give you...our power" Out of nowhere a man with a small syringe containing a bright green liquid in the vial came in and injected something into Spike's neck.

    The hooded man laughed again. "Soon you won't be able to resist this...radomn power."

    The hooded man laughed some more and Spike went completely unconscious again

    TO BE CONTINUED..........
  2. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    This shouldn't be in the Spam Zone...

    Tell a mod to move it...?

    Or... I should read the part with the dart guns. >>
  3. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Radomn power?
    carry on, please!
  4. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Lol. Thanks. I'll start working on the next one tommorow :D.
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    You use some bloody impressive imagery dude, like I said yesterday, it is nice to see a dark story.

    I'll be watching these for more xDDD
  6. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Really? Thank you ^_^. I'll be sure to get the new one up A.S.A.P......tommorow.
  7. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    You make random power sound like a scary thing.

    I like. :3

    Feel sorry for chrono's fate though... ouch.
  8. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    -just found this when she saw part 3-

    You are a freaking genius.
    (and LOL. My text is red x3 Thats so perfect)
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