Resident KH-Vids PART 14

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Jan 19, 2008.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Spike went into the sewer first to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous waiting inside. The sewers were a damp and disgusting place. The smell of sewage in the air was so potent that smelling it would make you feel like you were going to puke in a moment's notice.

    Spike waved his gun around, but nothing was in the room. Besides for the 'pungent aroma', there wasn't really anything dangerous. However, when Spike turned around to get Catch the Rain, a 4 green specs of light appeared on the ceiling.....

    Spike stepped outside the sewer pipe and waved at CtR to come in. "It's safe. Come on."

    She took his hand and he pulled her up. The minute she stepped inside, she yelled and held her nose. "This place is disgusting! Are you sure this is the only way in?"

    Spike turned around to give her a restless look then turned around to keep walking. Stepping on the ground here was no pic-nic, either. There was some kind of slime paved all over the floor that made it feel like you were walking through the flipped lid of a honey jar.

    But the strangest thing about this place was the setting: There were jail cell doors on the wall of every hallway, making this place look like some kind of small prison.

    Spike saw a barrel in one of the cells and walked in to see if anything useulk was in there. He shot the barrel open and found a box of shotgun shells. When he put them in his shotgun, someething rapidly jumped down on his back and started clawing at him. He yelled and tried to shake it off

    CtR ran to the cell and saw Spike randomnly flailing around and yelling. "Spike, what are you doing?"

    He ran backwards and hit his bck on the wall to get whatever was on his back off. When he felt it getting off, a giant Locust-like creature faded in. it had glowing green eyes, but unlike most Locusts, this thing was huge! About the size of a Sheepdog.

    CtR screamed when it lunged at her, but Spike shot it away with his shotgun. It started twitching as it hit the ground, then finally stopped.

    Spike was breathing heavily, trying to piece together what just happened. "What the **** was that! Did Rosey know about this when she told me to come here?....."
    He wanted to think about it more, but he could hear buzzing coming from around the place. He looked around to see what was causing it, but there was nothing there. however, when he looked closely, he could see what looked like green glowing eyes on the walls and ceiling. He put his shotgun away and pulled out his rifle.

    He shot one of the pairs of glowing eyes and another giant locust fell dead. he smirked when he realized this then continued to fire on the rest of them. He waved his arm over to CtR again as he continued down the hallway. "Come on, we're going to have to ht and run for this.''

    As he walked down the hallwy, more and more Locusts were showing up. He pulld out his shotgun again and fired at the groups. If he was going to get out alive, he had to hit as many as he could.

    He nudged his head toward the hallway and ran, CtR following behind him. Spike could see a wooden door across the room they just walked into, but it was submerged under 28 feet of water. Spike kicked the ground in frustration and kept shooting the hordes of locusts that were puring into the room.

    He looked around, then spotted a lever behind a window. He threw his handgun to CtR and pointed at the window. "Get in there and pull that lever. i'l stay back here and try to kepp them from getting in."

    CtR nodded and ran down the hallway that led to the lever. Things got quieter the further she walked down the hallway. She held the gun close and carefully stepped towards the door. When she went to put her hand in the lever, a locust jumped down the ceiling. Surprised, she yelled and started shooting at it. It lunged at her, but she kicked it when it got close. She looked at the mess it made out of her shoes and stuck er tongue out in disgust. She opened the door and walked up to the lever. It seemed pretty old and rusty and it would'nt budge. She kept pulling and pulling until it finally started turning.

    From outside, the water went down a drain at the bottom of the floor. Spike gave her a thumbs up from outside the window and proceeded to get to the ladder. She ran back to the room where Spike was and followed him down the stairs.

    When CtR walked in, Spike slammed the door in front of the hundreds of locusts outside, then locked it tight. When he turned around, there was a locusts inside that jumped at Spike, but it then fell dead on thr ground a few inches away from his head.

    Looking back to where the bug was shot from, Spike spotted Shadowjak. He smirked and nodded at him in gratitude. "Didn't think i'd see you again. Where do you keep popping out from?", he asked.

    Shadojak shrugged and looked towards the hallway. "Hey, I guess you're just lucky....Anyway, take a look around here."

    Spike raised his eyebrow and looked in the room. It was a bright room with a red gold-rimmed carpet going down the hallway, yet the marble on the floors were a pale grey. There was definetly no doubt about it:

    They were in Jube's castle.

  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Well it is about bloody time we had this new part

    Spike I love you for being my hero



    omg Jube's Castle

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