Resident KH-Vids PART 12

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Spike, Dec 4, 2007.

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  1. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal

    After the wild knife-fight with Roxma, Spike went to catch his breath. After a few minutes, Spike got up, wiped the dirt off his pants and walked ahead. He was tring to get a signal off his radiophone, but no one was answering.. CtR followed him.

    "Spike, are you sure you should be walking already? You were pretty badly hurt."

    Spike sighed and put his hand over his forehead to try to think of his next move. "Well, our Chopper was shot down, my radiophone's not working, we're being watched by God knows who and we have no other way of going back. I think the best thing we could do at this point is to move ahead."

    He picked his gun out of his pocket and reloaded it. Armed and ready he walked ahead.

    The area they were in wasn't as hard to navigate in as the forest. It seemed like some kind of old-fashioned watermill built over a river with a huge waterfall churning all the water. The most impressive thing was that it seemed to go on for a few miles.

    Up ahead, looking pas the waterfall, Spike noticed a nearby castle. It looked like it would be where the Spammer's main base of operations was. "Well, whadda you know? They're right next door...."

    With the castle right there, he was tempted to go in there and bust all their heads in, but CtR's safety came first. It was a search and rescue mission, after all.

    As they kept walking, Spike thought he heard something walking in the if they were being watched. Thinking about who might be following them, Spike didn't notice the huge wooden doors and he slammedd right into one. "AWW, SON OF A @!#$%, *&$# *#@#ing BOB SAGET!!!", he yelled as he was wiping the blood off hs bloody nose. CtR was trying to hold in a laugh.

    "Spike, are you okay?", she said, letting out a small giggle. Spike gave her the stinkeye and loked at the doors. It looked like a giant wooden gate with two seperate doors. Obviously, he could only pick one.

    "Should we split up?",CtR asked. Spike raised his hand to shoosh her as he was digging for something in his pocket. he pulled out a silver coin and flipped it. "Heads we go left, Tails we go right."

    He caught the coin and looked in his palm. The coin landed on Heads. With a satisfied smirk on his face he walked towards the lever next to the door on the right. He stopped ,mid-pace and turned back to CtR. "I don't know what's going to be behind there, so I'm going to have to leave you here for now, okay?"

    CtR nodded as Spike was looking around his bag. he pulled out his shotgun and handed it to her. "If any Spammers come by, use it."

    Shaking off the trembling in her hands, she took the shotgun and watched Spike go through the door. "Be careful."

    Pulling he lever, the gate opened and Spike went through it. He could hear the door crashng down behind him as he stepped through. The inside of the gate looked like a hallway or something. Half a mile away, there was another door. With his gun out, he slowly walked down the hallway towards the door. All of a sudden, the ground was shaking violently, make Spike stuble to the ground. Out from the other side, a huge giant smashed through the wall, flailing around a giant chain.

    It was a giant pale-white giant around 17 feet tall with brown ripped up pants and the chain was coming from a shackle around it's neck. it was looking around angrily, then when it spotted Spike, it roared and ran right towards him. Getting back on his feet, Spike ran out of the giant's way. As it ran, the clumsy giant ripped and fell flat on it's face. The following tremble made Spike fall backwards too. When he was looking up, he noticed a huge boulder being held up by a beam. If he could knock off the beam at the right moment, he could bash that giant's head in with the boulder.

    Getting back up, his arms stretched out in a ready pose, he slowly paced himslef backwards to make a bit of distance between him and the giant. Keeping his eye on the boulder, the giant ran at him again. Spike shot the beam and the boulder came tumbling down, bashing the Giant hard on the head. While the Giant roared, a parasite came tearing out of his back. It was hanging there, wiling around violently. The Giant wasn't killed, but hios weak spot was wide open.

    Getting in a ready pose again, Spike pulled out a flash grenade and waved his hand at the giant. "Bring it."

    The Giant came charging at him, roaring and stomping around. When it came his way, Spike threw the flash grenade at it's face and rolled between it's feet. When the Giant was growling and rubbing it's eyes, Spike shot at the parasite on it's back. It turned around again and charged blindly at him, only to fall on it's face. Spike pulled out his knife and ran up to it, hacking the parasite on it's back. The Giant got up again, but Spike was holding on from the shoulder blade and kept cutting at the base of where the parasite was stcking out of him.

    The parasite was nearly completely cut off, wailing and screeching with every slice. It kept sqwirming until it fell off, but not before lunging through Spike's shoulder. Yelling in pain, Spike let go of the shoulder and fell to the ground. He picked his fallen knife off the ground and threw it at where the parasite was attached to the giant. The giant, with the last bit of it's strength, walked over to Spike and raised it's fist to crush him. Then, out of nowhere, rapid gunshots were coming out of nowhere, knocking the giant backwards as it fell dead.

    Falling from the shock, Spike crawled over to the dead giant and pulled his blood-covered knife out of it and looked to where the gunshots came from. The woman with shortish hair and the red dress stuck out her hand to help him up. "Need a hand?", she asked with a smile.

  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    39's great, like usual. :)
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    That's right! Just abandon me and go meet some other chick!


    :P nah I'm only joking ^^

    Good again as always
  4. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    awesome 8D
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Nice way to walk into the door, Spike.

    I can so imagine Leon doing such a thing too.
  6. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Getting closer to the end, I see. :3

    Best line ever.
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