Watchmen graphic request. Make the graphic about the size of my signature or where I can get what I want below in a signature. I just want the graphic. Again, not asking for a signature, only a image where I can centre it to about the size of my signature if not the size of my signature. This will be appreciated if done. Thanks in advance. Spoiler tags are there for a reason. Read if you've completed Watchmen. Spoiler Near the end of Watchmen, when Rorschach (guy in my signature and avatar), meets Dr. Manhatten and is blown up, he makes a blot similar to his ink blots in the snow. I would apprecaite a picture of this "blood" ink blot so I could make a signature with it. The picture from the film, not comic, please.
I know. I do all my requests and questions here because if they're stupid they'll already be in the right place.
The movie isn't even out yet. To get that image we would have to pirate the film and I am sure that kind of talk is not allowed here. You should also be ashamed in yourself for thinking we would pirate a movie. I hope you go think about your actions.
Supposedly the ink blot formed in the snow by Rorschachs blood is called the Silhouette of the Two lovers, or something to that affect.
Thanks. --- Also @no-reality_allowed: Who's to say I wouldn't have accepted a drawn version? Could have been a drawn version based on the movie's version.
That would have been stealing a copyrighted image. I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI are watching your house with all the illegal activity you're asking us to do.