Well, I didn't really play the game, Dream Drop Distance, but one of the characters earned soo much respect from me. I am weary on saying which character, just in case any members haven't played the game. I'm not going to hear that :3 Anywho, yea, I was stunned, maybe a bit triumphant. "I knew it! Ah! I win!" Then my dad came in the room and was like, "What. . . The hell." o.O So, yea, it's just a weird thing and I used to HATE, get it H.A.T.E, this character. Now, this character is just bad ass, in some ways. . .>.<';
Pah, I spoiled the game for myself months ago, and I'm still not 100% sure who you're talking about. You can say; the rest of your post is vague enough for people who want to avoid spoilers not to know what you're talking about anyway.
DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED! I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET IT! I feel dumb ; ; Spoiler I'm serious, you will regret it. . . . Spoiler Ok, so maybe a LOT of people could have noticed this, well, Kairi is able to weild a keyblade. I kind of knew it was coming, but I didn't actually think she was going to be a playable character. I was just like, it's happening! I am late on this, but meh, I would rather know late then not know at all.(/spoiler]
In KH2 it is very brief, debatable on what happened, and never mentioned again. So I don't really blame people on that one. Spoiler I do have to say I felt a bit like I was jipped out of a secret ending. I feel like the actual post credits scene should have been scrapped, the current secret ending should have been the post credits scene, and then give us a good secret ending. I mean, the Kairi thing was important, sure. But most fans of the series saw it coming from a mile away. I mean when BBS came out there were discussions about Kairi's passing of power. I feel like we just got confirmation on something we were 90% sure on anyway.
Oh, that character? They've always been one of my favorites, and I saw this coming ever since they met a character in BBS...
Spoiler I have but when Riku gave her the keyblade or whatever to her so she could help fight, I thought it was just going to be a living in the moment thing. Then a bunch of threads came up on another site asking if we wanted her to be playable character. I honestly didn't want her to be a playable character, but I guess she is probably going to be anyways when ever the next game comes out. . . .