No Thanks Rep Gems

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Stardust, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    If you mouseover my rep gems, it says "Stardust knows what they're talking about."
    I don't even know if this is possible, but I'd thought I'd throw it out there -- Is it possible to make it so "they're" will turn into "she's" or "he's" depending on what gender you've specified in your profile?
    Like since I put I was female in my profile info, it would say "Stardut knows what she's talking about." And if I haven't specified a gender, it would just stay 'they're'. Same for other rep titles that have 'they're' or 'their' in them.
    *Shrug* I dunno. I'm guessing can't be done anyway, but thought if it was it'd be interesting.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    No, I doubt it, since the area the rep comments are put in are just places to put words you want them to say. I doubt coding would work in those for that regard. "They're' is neutral so that is why it was used.