I loved Rent<3 I havne't seen the musical, just the movie. I didn't think I'd like it when my friend told me about it because of all the disease and...well, all the homosexuality >> But I loved it so effin much. My favorite song on there has to be Glory. Our school choir did Seasons of Love for my freshman graduation. I want to see it live so bad.
I performed it last year and got an understudy position for Roger and Collins. We were the first highschool in Australasia to do it XD. What is really intersting is the way people look at the characters if the see the movie in contrast to those who have seen the musical. For instance someone was watching Rent in the lounge and when Mark was talking about not wanting to sell out someone said "It's not selling out it's making money!" - in the musical after the funeral Mark confronts Roger who asks him who would miss him Mark reply's "Are you insane? There's me-there's Mimi" and Roger goes nuts at him because he thinks that Mark is trying to say that he is running away from commitment - which is kind of true. When Roger goes nuts he says that Mark is scared of life and scared of work because he scared of any change. This justifies that Mark doesn't want to sell out because he doesn't want to change. However without this knowledge someone thought he was being irrational. The film is amazing, go and see the musical live - it is different but it is worth it!
Love it! Angel is absolutely the best character in the movie/play. I think that this is a hard, loving story about friendship. I had to buy the movie as soon as it came out. To be honest, I cried when I first saw it. Totally recommend it to you all of you who love a good enticing storyline, and love old fashioned music.