Repliku used to put this at the end of every post instead of putting it in his signature? He also used to use chocobo noises as reasons for editing. Don't ask why I just suddenly decided to have a moment of nostalgia.
Ahahah. I do remember that. I once though it was his signature, because everyone use to ask him about it and he never answered.
Silly people that joined in 2008. The latest post I can find with him using it was in October 2007. Yes, he did eventually put it in his signature, but it eventually got replaced by his current top sig.
Yes, sadly when I first joined I put it in the wrong place so it wasn't in the Signature, since I didn't use them. >.> Then I had to go through and edit them out lol. How embarassing. :) I still use 'kweh' now and then for editing. >.> Ah the memories. I also took out that pic because people for some reason thought I was being insulting. :(
It's true, lol I had people PM me asking why I was so mean and stuck up. >.> xD I was like 'It's said IN THE GAME!'