Remember , Comfort (first fan fic :P )

Discussion in 'Archives' started by roxas112492, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. roxas112492 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 16, 2007
    Axel Namine Roxas FAN FIC

    ~ Chapter One ~

    "Ro. . .Roxas?"

    Light began to appear, very rapidly.

    What was it?

    Sunlight . . .

    Ah yes, the sunlight. A very common thing to see especially in such a bright town. Twilight Town, his home. Roxas had lived in Twilight Town well, for as long as he could remember. His freinds, Hayner, Pence, Ollette spent each day with him as if it where there last. Sadly, today would be different. There would be no, salty, sea salt ice cream to melt down there hand and prickle down onto the ground of the Clock Tower. No. Instead his fun and giggles as they raced around the Twilight town plaza would be replaced with boring. . .tiring. . .school.

    Summer was over. Roxas's mother had come and awoken him from his dream about a group of Moogles, fighting over a freshly baked cookie. He grudingly pulled out his school uniform and buttoned up the last button on his shirt, almost choking him. He then reached into his messy closet and fumbled around until he found his skatboard.

    "Bye mom, see you in a few."

    Roxas headed out the door where his freinds stood casually waiting.

    "Well look at this hansom devil." said Hayner playfully giving Roxas a noogy.

    "Your one to talk." Ollette responded smacking Hayner on the Head.

    The four talked all the way to Casvion High. It was a farly large school, loads of students filled the halls with there matching uniforms.

    "Roxas. R o x a s."

    Roxas gave the administrator his information and she handed him a key card. It read, Room XIII. He took it from her and smiled politly, she did not respond but continued her work. Hayner grabbed his card as well, Pence and Ollette had already headed off to there class rooms.

    "What Room you got?" said Hayner

    "Thirteen, you?"

    "Eight, ah well. See you later man."

    Hayner ran off to class. The swarm of people that once populated the halls had scurried off to ther respective rooms. Roxas decided to do the same.

    Arriving at room thirteen, he took his seat in the cornor, no one knew him here. It was uncomfortable. A girl entered and took her seat next to him.

    "Hi I'm. . ."

    The girl was inturrupted. The door swung open and a man entered.

    "Hello class, I will be your teacher for the semester. There wont be any horseplaying going on, got it memorized?"


    ~ Chapter Two ~

    "So. . .you kids think your smart? Well, good luck in this class. Trust me, it won't be easy. Advanced Geometry is deffinatly, going to be fun. Right kids?"


    The class turned to the back of the class. The small seat which sat a boy, the boy who had just scremed "Advanced Geometry" in front of the whole class.

    "Ah. . .Mr. Roxas, thanks for reminding us. Anything else you would like to add?"

    The teacher smiled faintly at Roxas. He took notice and blushed.

    "Oh. . .no sir, please carry on."

    The teacher carried on, the class looked back towards the data board. All but one, the girl next to him. Roxas, still blushing, looked up. She was starring at him.

    "I get the feeling you attended the wrong class." She said giggling.

    "Well. . . I . . .I don't remember signing up for this." "No wonder Hayner had room eight and not thirteen! He must be in regular Geometry. But how did I end up in here?"

    "Oh, well sorry. Anyways my name is. . ." Once again she was interrupted,

    "Miss. Naminé, what are you and Roxas so content on talking about in my class room?"

    Roxas froze, he slowly looked up. His attention was on the teacher, but something did not look right, he looked, different. He did not know how to explain it, maybe it was the lighting? No. Something about this teacher appealed to him. But, a man? No. Feelings for a man where just. . wrong. Especially for a teacher.

    "Sorry Mr. Axel, Roxas was just giving me my pencil back. " Naminé said, slowly reaching into her pocket, without anyones notice, and waving it in the air. "See? Sorry, carry on."

    Axel, so that was his name. Naminé smiled at Roxas and Roxas smiled back. She turned to her notepad and began doodling. Each stroke, creating a pieace of the picture. Roxas was stuck in a gaze. His mind seemed to be more focused on the picture than anything that was happening. Line, curve, circle, it was all taking shape. The bell was seconds from ringing but Roxas had not noticed. The doodle now looked like what appeared to be an outline of a face. Naminé began adding in more detail, but the bell rang. Everyone had already gathered there materials and walked out the door. Roxas , still sitting, watched Naminé put up her pad.

    "Mr. Roxas, that was the bell. Got it memorized?"

    He regained his focus and stood up, walking out the door. Axel stood by the data board and deleted some text . Before Roxas could leave, he caught himself starring at him again. Suddenly he began to looses focus. Everything was getting dizzy. Black.

    "So, this is the one?"

    "Yes, but does he remember. . ."


    ~ Chapter Three

    "Kid are, you okay?"

    Slowly, Roxas came to. He was lying in Axel's arms on the floor. He looked up and saw Axel's face looking back at him. He smiled, he felt comfortable in his arms.

    "Uh. . .yeah. I dont know what happened." "I really dont, what's going on?"

    "Hmm. . . well you better get on to class. See you tommarow kid, and get a good nights rest."

    The rest of the school day went very slow. Roxas had no classes with Hayner and had physical education with Naminé. His favorite class by far was his elective, which, he had not signed up for either. The Universe and Its Wonders taught by Professor Vexen. He was rather strange but made the class interesting. At lunch, Roxas sat with Hayner and they, or rather, Pence, Hayner and Ollette, talked about the little "incident" in Mr. Lexaeus' class. Supposably a kid names Tidus brought some Triple Triad cards, which threw Lexeaus into a rage causing him to pick up the student and threaten to throw him off the two story window.
    No but during lunch, all Roxas could think about was his little accident in Mr. Axel's room. And what where these feelings? He had never felt this way with any guy. Naminé too. She seemed to glance over at Roxas at lunch countless times, then began drawing in her little sketchpad.
    On the way home it was more of that "Mr. Lexaeus" drama. Roxas pitched in every now in then with some breif little facts, but nothing really exciting. He did not want to tell them about the incident. After a breif pit stop at The Back Alley, they headed home.

    "So honey how was your day?"

    Roxas mom's voice rang throughout the house. He had just entered and laid his book bag onto the kitchen floor. A sweet smell of peach cobbler filled the air.

    "It was alright." He wondered if she knew about the fall

    "Oh well that's good. Hayner and them in your classes? You took the same ones didn't you?"

    What? She didn't know? Well if she didn't change his schedule, than who did?

    "Uh. . . no. I switched my classes. The others where just, to easy for me." He tried to lie.

    "But it's only the first day? Surely you didn't have work?"


    "Yeah, well. . .the teachers discussed our semester assignments and well, it was just to easy. I got into more advanced classes. It's better that way. . ." Roxas took a sit and grabbed the freshly cut sandwhich his mother had made.

    "Well Good For you!"

    Roxas' mom ran up to him and gave him a large hug. It would have continued unless the fire alarm hadn't started to go off. She had burnt the cobbler, so much for that.
    Time flew bye. After watching his favorite show "The Chocabo hunter" he headed for bed. A steamy shower settled his mind, and he pulled on his silky pajamas and boxers. Then, drifted asleep.


    "You'd better watch it, make sure notihng happenes between them.

    "It shouldn't be that hard just give me some time."

    "Time, we don't HAVE time."