.:Rejects of Heaven:The Beginning:.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rawr, Jul 13, 2008.

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  1. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    When angels break the law in heaven, they're cast out of heaven to fall to the earth below. Their body burns ups up until only an invisible essence is left. The essence finds a unborn live and fuses with it, giving the child super human abilities. The child are unfortunately treated as monster and given the name rejects of heaven..or Rejects for short.
    Now a large group of rejects have banded together to destroy the world that has rejected them, but fortunately a group of heroes won't stand for it.

    Modern Day

    You can make a original character reject or be a Anime, game etc. character (either way give as much detail as possible)
    Sign up
    User name:
    Character name:
    Character's/Reject's abilities:
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject)
    Character appearance: (picture preferred)
    Character's weapon(optional)
    Short character description:
    Alinement: (Good or evil)
    Member list:



    User name:fate
    Character name: Reiji
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Shinobi (naruto) water justsu
    Anime/game etc.: Original character
    Character's weapon(optional)
    Short character description: A hidden mist shinobi who will fight for good. he carries a long black katana on his back. Reiji will always take the lead when leaders are needed
    Alinement: Good

    User name: ArchAwesomeman
    Character name: Alaric Aeterna
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Telekenisis
    Character appearance (picture preferred): I'm lazy, sorry...He's about 6 feet tall, brown eyes, white hair that goes almost to his shoulders, lean. He wears a white shirt with silver markings on it, black pants and boots with a chain on his left side that is two inches away from his knee.
    Character's weapon(optional): A combat knife but usually prefers a sword
    Short character description: Alaric is usually a jerk to most people, but once he gets to know someone he isn't so mean anymore. He usually knows a lot of things, sometimes even what people are thinking but just dismisses it as common sense.
    At the age of 5 he found out he had some kind of power. It didn't take long for him to be rejected and hated by everyone. By the time he got older he started to hate everyone in the world. He's 19 now and trying to live on his own, away from the hate...
    Alinement: Good

    User Name: ~Larxene_43
    Charcter's Name: Koian Sikame
    Abilitys:Controls Darkness and can also turn into a black raven or wolf.
    Weapons: 2x Long Katana's, Kunais, and a gun named Hades.
    Des. : Has 2 raven/demon wings on back and horns hiding under her hat, she most of the time hides her wings but shows them off sometimes to get what she wants.
    Alinement: Netural, She is devilish but can do something good once in awhile.

    User name:Sky fox099
    Character name: Sky
    Character's/Reject's abilities:Awsome sword skillz
    Character appearance: (picture preferred) Sky blue hair, a long scare on his face, two swords hung at his back like an x, white pants with black crosses on it and a white shirt with an x on the front and an x on the back
    Character's weapon(optional):two ninja swords and a pistol tucked away in his shoe
    Short character description:he lived in a really bad area and Never really fit in, has only one friend. when he was young he liked to pretend he was a super hero and fight invisible bad guys with a stick. when he was about 15 he was attacked by a gang in an allie and found a knife lying on the ground and scared them off. he left the battle field with a huge scar on his face and a couple of bruises. after that day he kept to helping people, he got into a couple other fights with the same gang but always won.
    Alinement: (Good or evil) good BUT he cant control his anger

    User name: *Polka Dot*
    Character name: Rikku
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Thief skills
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject): FFX-2
    Character appearance: (picture preferred): http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/n...ffie/00096.jpg
    Character's weapon(optional): Two daggers
    Short character description: She's a pick pocket and hardly gets caught.
    Alinement: (Good or evil): Good

    User name: *Polka Dot*
    Character name: Yuki
    Character's/Reject's abilities: She can shape shift into anything
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject): N/A
    Character appearance: (picture preferred): http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/l...saku/peace.jpg
    Character's weapon(optional): Two little pistols
    Short character description: Her parents deserted her when she was younger. When she got older, she got treated like a monster because of her powers. So she hates the world.
    Alinement: (Good or evil): Bad

    User name: Vertigo Haven
    Character name: Constance
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Telekinesis
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject): N/A
    Character appearance: (picture preferred) http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb25/Ishizu_Memora/anime girls with black hair/Saki19.jpg
    Character's weapon(optional) N/A
    Short character description: Her older brother used to be responsible for her, but he paid no attention to her once she had discovered her powers. She killed him at the age of 10, and has been seeking revenge on the world.

    User name: Kikame
    Character name: Vash (I'll leave him as a guy because I don't feel like making a girl verion of him, and naming her)
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Vampristic in nature, he can gain strenght by drinking the blood of another.
    Character appearance:
    (the one on the right with the blue hoodie)
    Character's weapon: Anything that he can swing with, but usually a large kitchen knife.
    Short character description: He and his twin where abandoned at the age of 1, unlike his twin who was adopted, he was left alone. A old man who lived in a garbage dump took him in, and raised him untill his death. After the old man's death, Vash lived alone in the dump for the next 5 years, he's 16 now. He's to the point and if he want's something he's not hesitant in asking, or just plain taking it. He's usually calm, but can be angered by a few things.
    Alinement: Good.

    ReGen (villians)

    http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn60/Zenkar_2008/Anime Guys/-anime-guy.jpg
    Vincent ( the leader)

    Livewire, live for short
    Appereance: Demon from hell has two dvil horns hidden under a yankees baseball cap, Always wears long black camo pants and black camo long sleeve shirt caus he has demon red skin

    User name: Kikame
    Character name: Vane
    Abilities: Same as his twin, Vash
    Appearance: http://randomspazzu.deviantart.com/a...amily-90837327
    (one on the left)
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    User name: ArchAwesomeman
    Character name: Alaric Aeterna
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Telekenisis
    Character appearance (picture preferred): I'm lazy, sorry...He's about 6 feet tall, brown eyes, white hair that goes almost to his shoulders, lean. He wears a white shirt with silver markings on it, black pants and boots with a chain on his left side that is two inches away from his knee.
    Character's weapon(optional): A combat knife but usually prefers a sword
    Short character description: Alaric is usually a jerk to most people, but once he gets to know someone he isn't so mean anymore. He usually knows a lot of things, sometimes even what people are thinking but just dismisses it as common sense.
    At the age of 5 he found out he had some kind of power. It didn't take long for him to be rejected and hated by everyone. By the time he got older he started to hate everyone in the world. He's 19 now and trying to live on his own, away from the hate...
  3. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    OKay you're in, now we just gotta wait for more people.Oh, by the way I added few thing to the sign up if you can add som info please
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Awesomeness...ummm...Good is my alignment then.
  5. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    Thanks ^-^ do you know anyone that would want to join?
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ugh...maybe. I'll ask around tomorrow though. *has friends over and has several RPs to stay active in right now*
  7. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    User name:Sky fox099
    Character name:Sky
    Character's/Reject's abilities:Awsome sword skillz
    Character appearance: (picture preferred) Sky blue hair, a long scare on his face, two swords hung at his back like an x, white pants with black crosses on it and a white shirt with an x on the front and an x on the back
    Character's weapon(optional):two ninja swords and a pistol tucked away in his shoe
    Short character description:he lived in a really bad area and Never really fit in, has only one friend. when he was young he liked to pretend he was a super hero and fight invisible bad guys with a stick. when he was about 15 he was attacked by a gang in an allie and found a knife lying on the ground and scared them off. he left the battle field with a huge scar on his face and a couple of bruises. after that day he kept to helping people, he got into a couple other fights with the same gang but always won.
    Alinement: (Good or evil) good BUT he cant control his anger
  8. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    User Name: ~Larxene_43
    Charcter's Name: Koian Sikame
    Abilitys:Controls Darkness and can also turn into a black raven or wolf.
    Weapons: 2x Long Katana's, Kunais, and a gun named Hades.
    Des. : Has 2 raven/demon wings on back and horns hiding under her hat, she most of the time hides her wings but shows them off sometimes to get what she wants.
    Alinement: Netural, She is devilish but can do something good once in awhile.
  9. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    OKay we need 2 more people and we can start.
  10. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...

    I know someone who i could get to join
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    We should start before this RP dies...>_> I wonder if anyone is coming back...
  12. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    User name: *Polka Dot*
    Character name: Rikku
    Character's/Reject's abilities: Thief skills
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject): FFX-2
    Character appearance: (picture preferred): http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn27/RikkuYuffie/00096.jpg
    Character's weapon(optional): Two daggers
    Short character description: She's a pick pocket and hardly gets caught.
    Alinement: (Good or evil): Good

    User name: *Polka Dot*
    Character name: Yuki
    Character's/Reject's abilities: She can shape shift into anything
    Anime/game etc.: (does not apply if a reject): N/A
    Character appearance: (picture preferred): http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll71/azurie_saku/peace.jpg
    Character's weapon(optional): Two little pistols
    Short character description: Her parents deserted her when she was younger. When she got older, she got treated like a monster because of her powers. So she hates the world.
    Alinement: (Good or evil): Bad
  13. Sky fox099 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 15, 2008
    i havent figured that out yet...
    Can we start now?
  14. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    Ehhh i love the idea of starting soon xD
  15. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    OOc-Let's start

    Reiji packs the rest of his things, placing them into his bag and heads out " Stupid Rejects...: he mumbles as he leaves his village jumpimg into the trees
  16. ~Larxene_43 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2008
    *Koian Looks up at the full moon in the sky* Ehhhh.... *as her eyes turn yellow as she forms into a wolf-human shape* *then turns into a wolf shape* *Koian looks around then howls loudly as the whole town hears her* Whooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    Reiji suddenly hears a wolf-like howl, racing towards it to find its source." Is it a Reject!?" His dog ears twitch as he gets closer.
  18. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Yuki leaned against a tree and looked at the sky. She heard something that sounded like a wolf howling, "Hmm......."

    "I knew this traveling thing was a bad idea" she said to herself as she looked around, she heard a howling and she jumped, "What was that?!"
  19. Rawr King's Apprentice

    Oct 28, 2006
    In a box..
    Reiji contiues to jump through the trees, he stops in the tree above Yuki unaware she's there. "I lost the sound"
  20. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Yuki didn't move as she heard someone land in the tree above her.

    Rikku cringed until the howling stopped and sighed, "I wonder where I'm at" she looked around and saw Yuki, "She might know something" and walked toward her.
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