
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Mathias Jay, May 21, 2007.

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  1. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Why do people care about being cool?

    I mean, yeah, everyone wants to be popular (I don't really mean EVERYONE), but why do people work so hard to look good then it blows up in their face?

    I used to be like that, but I changed.
  2. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I wanted to be like that but I found a way out of the hole
  3. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    It's a lot better being out of the hole, isn't it?
  4. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    yea it is WAY better
  5. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    LOL. Drama.
    Instead of trying to be in the "in" crowd be yourself.
    Being cool is really in your own view not others.
    Or you can be like me and talk to everyone in your grade, then you consider everyone your friend. ^_^
    I wouldn't waste time trying to get into the in crowd, because the only thing harder than getting in is staying in!
    Be yourself... thats whats cool. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    P.S.- Be cool, stay in school.
    Boyah! My words of wisdom.
  6. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Lol. I'm not the one in trouble. I was just wondering. I am myself. Plus, I'm out of school!!! :rolleyes: :p
  7. Link Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 21, 2007
    somewhere out there
    well thats not really it for me.

    me and a bunch of guys grew up together and we ended up being pretty cool.

    Dont try too hard to be cool thats how it blows up in your face.
  8. Crispers Beep Boop

    Mar 29, 2007
    lol i have never been in a crowd XD
    i was always an outcast
    and i only have 4 good friends and i want to keep it that way ^_^
  9. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    I find it a waste of time. There's so much drama and pressure of popularity. I mean look at the people we consider celebirties, the majority of them have some major issues. It's all the pressure, in my opinion.
    Even normal school "popular people" if you're part of that you normally get pressured the most to do stupid and dangerous things.
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Bah, I never bothered with trying to impress the popular crowd in School. All those years of cliques and drama gone after you graduate.

    I say, just be yourself. If the popular kids don't like you being yourself well then forget them. Because the worst thing you can do it lie to yourself to get accepted.

    I'll tell you, once you get into college all the cliques and the 'in-crowd' just vanishes. You're all in the same boat in college, trying to get a good paying job that's right for you.
  11. ラクシーヌ Banned

    May 18, 2007
    I do not care about being cool, in fact you can even say I am a loner (SP?).
  12. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    ... *vein throb* Well, I just lost my entire shpiel to this thread because I clicked the back button on accident. *twitch* How trouble some.

    "Cool" has many deffinitions, so here's just one.

    But I explained that being "cool" was basically having found a socialite that shares the same commons and interests with j00. Being so, anybody could have the act of being "cool" on their to-do list, morally.

    But for the others that don't strive in the being "cool" category I say this cliche: Be yourself and in due time.

    :/ But as for me. Nah, I never really struggled a lot with being cool. I have friends, we enjoy each others companies. We've been friends for ages. Life goes on. Pretty simple when it comes to me.
  13. iammyself Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 4, 2007
    depest dephts of hell
    people want to be cool becouse that's the way that this life goes. If you are not cool you don't have a chance in life. The cool people are always making fun of you just becouse you don't act like them. I'm not cool, and I pretty much like it. I have friends who think just like that. You really don't need to try to be cool, becouse some people will like you for who you are. This is how it goes in my class. There are the cool people( tHEY MAKE MY LIFE HELL, AS i LIKE TO CALL THEM ) , people with other nationality (cool people hate them. One of them once said something and one of the cool people told him to go and die), the quiet ones( me and my friends, you can guess that cool people make fun of us), and those in betwen (I have friends in betwen, the cool people are using most of them, but I don't want to tell them, becouse they will be crushed). Oh, and the cool gorls aren't quite bad "developed" but the uncool are. So now you see why people want to be cool. Oh, and some people in other classes, who are considered cool, are my friends, so you see the definiton of cool can be different for some
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    im guilty, i hated who i was. i felt i was so boring and average i tried, even if it was subconcious, to 'model' myself on one of my friends who i considered to be the coolest person ever, then i found out some things about him that i didnt like and i dont know anymore. and now im stuck between what i was and what i trying to become and i dont know, ugh. the thing is there isnt really an in-crowd at my school, and im on friendly terms with everyone in my year and some in other years above and below (i think/hope:o)
  15. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Who cares, in middle school I though about it, then said it sucked because in two years I won't know anybody here. And in High School same thing, didn't care I only hang out with like 5 peole from school since I graduated. Its a waste of time and brain power trying to think about being popular, be yourself its all that you can do.
  16. Rikus#1fangirl Banned

    Apr 29, 2007
    In darkness
    I've never been cool in my school... I hate all those stuck up snobs that think they are better than everyone else...They're not...
    1)I'm a loser in my grade everyone knows it
    2)I dated the biggest loser when I was in the 5th grade and I'm still taunted by it...(I'm in 8th now)
    3)People who like me won't date date me because they are afraid of what their friends will say, (Scerw them to hell)
    4)I hang out with kids who are awesome, and talk about kingodm HEarts with me all the time...They are true friends...

    Don't let anyone push you down on your luck...You're cool with the people you hang around...IT makes me so mad that people have to judge you in school...In the u.s.a..we are born free and we shouldn't have to take this...

    Screw all the snobby people who are in the "Cool crowd", but the real cool people, are your friends, who think you are cool...
  17. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I remember trying to be cool at my school but it never worked.(when i was in 7th grade)
    Im the freak in my classroom and everytime I speak or give my opinions
    about any situation
    everybody ignores it and nobody cares
    So I changed when I started High school

  18. nefersheshen Moogle Assistant

    Nov 13, 2006
    Okay, so I'm English, and I just want to ask a quick question, very quickly;

    What's difference between school and middle school and high school and all that?
    And how do your 'grades' work - I think your Grade 7 is the equivalent of our Year 9 (Aged 13-14) so correct me on that, will you?
    Sorry, this is just a quick request, as said before! I just don't understand the American education system and it's been annoying me.
  19. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    I'm not cool I don't care all my best friends are not unlike myself crack head acting goofs. And honestly would a cool person laugh at this without hesitation?

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world those who understand binary and those who don't.

    A guy walks into a computer store and says "I want something with a lot of graphics and will take me two weeks to figure out." Employee answers "Oh, have you tried windows vista?"
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I don't work hard at all and I manage to get very well known. .____.

    At my school I know tons of people because I'm very accepting of all kinds of people. Essentially, I have many friends. It's never once backfired on me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost a single one of them. The same principles of myself are the same on the internet, just not kinds of people, just different acting people. I can talk mature, act mature, etc., and I can also be a total immature/insensitive jerk. Depending on who I talk to. I don't force myself to be those ways either, I can just be that way if I want.

    I think rejection sucks, honestly. But it really depends on the situation.
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