Redeeming Our World Episode One: The Kill Gene

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Barakon-King, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Its been hundreds of years since they came.....the demons. They came in large packs and attacked ruthlessly. The spared no life be it man, woman, or child. We tried to fight back and it seemed as we had the upper hand but they evolved...they grew. Some even mutated us. But some of us could control the mutations. The abilities we gained from this however was a gift and a curse. The night is one of our worst hours. It is when our powers are most powerful and when we start to change into savages just like them. We call our new DNA "The Kill Gene." We call it this because it drives us for blood lust, and we cannot stop until enemies in our path are dead.....or we are. We have created a group not just for us with powers but for everyone. We are the shadows that attack. Enough of the demon's oppression. It is time for us to use this power for our own well being. It is time for us to Redeem Our World.

    DO NOT G-MOD!!!!!! Seriously I don't like this at all.

    I don't really care about cursing and it will censor anything anyway so feel free to be a potty-mouth. ^^

    This RP is very gory and violent. So don't be afraid to come up with some violent kills.

    Though "The Kill Gene" does put you in an almost indestructible mode it isn't endless. If you use it for too long it will begin to hurt you.

    Cursing and Romance are two different things. I don't care about cursing but keep the romance area PG-13.

    ~Positions in Action Force~
    Baser - You go straight to the brawling and destroy.

    Medic - You pay an important part of our reinforcements and come onto to the field helping us out.

    Mechanic - You help build and maintain the multiple vehicles and sometimes weapons.

    Tactics - You not only fight on the front lines but also sit with captains and devise plans and strategies.

    ~Character Skeleton~
    Age: (must be at least 15 to be in action group)
    Kill Gene: (you can really choose any power just make sure you explain what it does.)

    ~Current Characters~
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Blake Niles
    Age: 22
    Job: Baser
    Kill Gene: Shadow Manipulation. He can use his shadow to teleport to other places. He can also use this power to blend in with the environments and control the enemy for a short while.
    Weapon: Shadow Scythe and a modified katana
    Appearance:[​IMG] (in medium Kill Gene)
    [​IMG] (in full Kill Gene)
    Backstory: Blake basically started up The Action Force. Of all the troops he has the most control over his Kill Gene and his has the most powerful effects as of now.

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Rajon "Rage" Roxxin
    Age: 20
    Job: Tactics
    Kill Gene: Element Manipulation. This ability allows him to create and maneuver elements from thin air. His abilities have helped shape and train many different combat rangers.
    Weapon: Element powered shotgun-strength machine guns and a battle axe
    Appearance: [​IMG] (in medium Kill Gene)
    [​IMG] (in full Kill Gene)
    Backstory: Rajon met Blake in battle and actually fought with him. Their powers evenly matched and the fight ended when their Kill Gene powers ran out. Since then they have been the greatest of allies.

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 24
    Job: Tactic
    Kill Gene: The darkstorm, can mimic any form of elmental damage that is done to him but in a darker form, such as if Rik gets burned by fire he can create a black version of that flame (the black symbolises that it's a copy and is slightly less effective than regualr but still deadly)
    Weapons: A nodachi and a katana
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: he was an orphan when he was young due to demons and when his orphanige was attacked (and destroyed) he gained his mutation and has been living with a hermit who has mastered the sword up until the present day

    Name: rex
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: blood manipulation, he can use blood as a weapon, or controll a body like a puppet.
    Weapons: 2 katana's, a scythe
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: cursed from the day he was borned, his parents where profesors and did many projects on him, untill he found out his blood manipulation and killed his parents and family, and wandered around for years and became friends with some people, and learned the way to use katana's and scythe's

    Username: overload
    Name: jerry
    Age: 20
    Job: mechanic
    Kill Gene: illusions, mind tricks
    Weapons: guns (every sort of them)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a man who found rexejon in his journey and took him in and threated him as a son and friend, he became a very good vehicle maker

    Username: overload
    Name: syria
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: poison
    Weapons: katana's
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a female warrior from the town where rexejon learned to use his gene and weapons, she helped him with many stuff, and gained deep feelings for him only he doesn't know that, she works together with rexejon for a pretty long time
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 24
    Job: Tactic
    Kill Gene: The darkstorm, can mimic any form of elmental damage that is done to him but in a darker form, such as if Rik gets burned by fire he can create a black version of that flame (the black symbolises that it's a copy and is slightly less effective than regualr but still deadly)
    Weapons: A nodachi and a katana
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: he was an orphan when he was young due to demons and when his orphanige was attacked (and destroyed) he gained his mutation and has been living with a hermit who has mastered the sword up until the present day.
  3. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...

    You're in. I'll make the first post.

    Blake ran across the open battlefield and slashed a minotaur like demon in half with the blade end of his scythe. He twirled it and hit the top half of the dead demon into another demon with the staff part of his sycthe. "Where's that new kid? Rik!" He yelled out to the rest of the team with him. His eyes closed for a moment as his figure started to change and he entered Medium Kill Gene. He dashed throught the field and started to control two demons shadows making them hack each other to death.

    A large whir was heard and a giant tank like vehicle came onto the field. The vehicle had four machine gun turrets on top of it, two rocket launchers, and a giant shredder like mechanism on the front. Another whirring sound blared and the machine shot a large beam taking down many of Blake's troops. "I could really use that new guy!" Blake yelled out as he ran toward the machine.
  4. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    Username: overload
    Name: rex
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: blood manipulation, he can use blood as a weapon, or controll a body like a puppet.
    Weapons: 2 katana's, a scythe
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: cursed from the day he was borned, his parents where profesors and did many projects on him, untill he found out his blood manipulation and killed his parents and family, and wandered around for years and became friends with some people, and learned the way to use katana's and scythe's

    Username: overload
    Name: jerry
    Age: 20
    Job: mechanic
    Kill Gene: illusions, mind tricks
    Weapons: guns (every sort of them)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a man who found rexejon in his journey and took him in and threated him as a son and friend, he became a very good vehicle maker

    Username: overload
    Name: syria
    Age: 16
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: poison
    Weapons: katana's
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: a female warrior from the town where rexejon learned to use his gene and weapons, she helped him with many stuff, and gained deep feelings for him only he doesn't know that, she works together with rexejon for a pretty long time
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik walked into the plain, his katana ready as he swung down any demon that got close. He headed for the others walking casually, he wanted to kill as much as he could in the time between him and them.
  6. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    You're in nice sheets by the way.

    Blake grunted as he projected his shadow onto the vehicle and ripped off one of the turrets. He put his scythe inside the hole where the turret was and ripped his scythe through tearing one part of the vehicle. "I could use some backup here."

    After a few groans came from the machine a large amount of green liquid came from the slash mark on it and a metal tentacle shot out. It grabbed anything it could and ripped it in half in most brutal ways. The battle had just begun and it was already serious.
  7. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    3 persons where underway to the battlefield

    ''jerry, why didn't you finish that new vehicle that we could be faster on the battlefield'' said rex

    ''have patient rex, where almost there'' said syria

    ''yes rex, and why, i don't know man'' said jerry

    and the three where still walking, wandering around till they finaly found the battlefield
  8. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Rajon found the three walking to the battlefield and ran near them cleaving a few demons on his way. "Hey look alive! This is basically a war!!" He turned his head to the side only to see a rocket propelled at him. He planted his feet and swung his axe slicing the rocket straight through the middle.

    He finally noticed the giant machine in the middle of the field with the tentacle. He conjured up fire and shot at it scorching the tentacle sending it flying and making green blood spew from the machine.

    Blake took advantage of the vehicle's weak spot and projected his shadow inside and sliced through. He came out and charged into the field once again ready to fight.
  9. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''oh yeah that's true'' said rex and his mood changed he took his katana's and dashed to some demons

    ''hey wait for me'' said jerry and took two guns and toot on a place where the demos couldn't hit him and starts to shoot demons

    syria just sighed and sat down
  10. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    well, if it's not too late to join in:

    Name: Taini
    Age: 19
    Job: baser
    Kill Gene: living weapon; increased speed, stamina, strength, and able to attack without a weapon
    Weapons: a scythe
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: alone for most of her life, Taini cursed the demons and vowed to destroy them with everything she had. After discovering her mutation, she went straight for the battle.
  11. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    OOC: You're in right now we're on the battlefield.

    Blake charged into a group of demons swinging his scythe scattering them and letting body parts fly throughout the field. The blade of his scythe punctured through a demon's head which he smashed into the ground and threw at a Neanderthal demon. (means really big and strong but really dumb demon)

    Rajon went forward and leaped onto the Neanderthal's back and drove his axe into its back and slashed downward ripping its back open. He called forth fire and blasted inside of the beast basically destroying its organs. In a fit of pain and rage the Neanderthal swung its fists round killing some of its own men and topple over.

    OOC: ^^ you can be as bloody as you want
  12. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    Taini ran into battle, slashing demons along the way. When she final found the others she rushed in without a second thought.
  13. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rex was surrounded by demons and rex waited for a good moment, some demons started the attack, before impact rex drawed his katana's and sliced the demons their heads before the demons even knew it, rex licked the blood of his katana's

    jerry was standing calmly and the demons attacked him, jerry dissapeared and appeared again with the gun in the mouth of 2 demons and hot them trough their throat the blood flew every where
  14. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    More demons began to move toward Taini. When she tried to swing her scythe they grabbed it. She activated her Kill Gene and used her bare hands to slice through the demons. She retrieved her scythe and ran into the next battle.
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