Redeeming Our World Episode One: The Kill Gene

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Barakon-King, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Its been hundreds of years since they came.....the demons. They came in large packs and attacked ruthlessly. The spared no life be it man, woman, or child. We tried to fight back and it seemed as we had the upper hand but they evolved...they grew. Some even mutated us. But some of us could control the mutations. The abilities we gained from this however was a gift and a curse. The night is one of our worst hours. It is when our powers are most powerful and when we start to change into savages just like them. We call our new DNA "The Kill Gene." We call it this because it drives us for blood lust, and we cannot stop until enemies in our path are dead.....or we are. We have created a group not just for us with powers but for everyone. We are the shadows that attack. Enough of the demon's oppression. It is time for us to use this power for our own well being. It is time for us to Redeem Our World.

    DO NOT G-MOD!!!!!! Seriously I don't like this at all.

    I don't really care about cursing and it will censor anything anyway so feel free to be a potty-mouth. ^^

    This RP is very gory and violent. So don't be afraid to come up with some violent kills.

    Though "The Kill Gene" does put you in an almost indestructible mode it isn't endless. If you use it for too long it will begin to hurt you.

    Cursing and Romance are two different things. I don't care about cursing but keep the romance area PG-13.

    ~Positions in Action Force~
    Baser - You go straight to the brawling and destroy.

    Medic - You pay an important part of our reinforcements and come onto to the field helping us out.

    Mechanic - You help build and maintain the multiple vehicles and sometimes weapons.

    Tactics - You not only fight on the front lines but also sit with captains and devise plans and strategies.

    ~Character Skeleton~
    Age: (must be at least 15 to be in action group)
    Kill Gene: (you can really choose any power just make sure you explain what it does.)

    ~Current Characters~
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Blake Niles
    Age: 22
    Job: Baser
    Kill Gene: Shadow Manipulation. He can use his shadow to teleport to other places. He can also use this power to blend in with the environments and control the enemy for a short while.
    Weapon: Shadow Scythe and a modified katana
    Appearance:[​IMG] (in medium Kill Gene)
    [​IMG] (in full Kill Gene)
    Backstory: Blake basically started up The Action Force. Of all the troops he has the most control over his Kill Gene and his has the most powerful effects as of now.

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Rajon "Rage" Roxxin
    Age: 20
    Job: Tactics
    Kill Gene: Element Manipulation. This ability allows him to create and maneuver elements from thin air. His abilities have helped shape and train many different combat rangers.
    Weapon: Element powered shotgun-strength machine guns and a battle axe
    Appearance: [​IMG] (in medium Kill Gene)
    [​IMG] (in full Kill Gene)
    Backstory: Rajon met Blake in battle and actually fought with him. Their powers evenly matched and the fight ended when their Kill Gene powers ran out. Since then they have been the greatest of allies.
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